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W elcome! First Grade Parent Night. Decoding Strategies. Your Child will use the following decoding skills…
Welcome! First Grade Parent Night
Decoding Strategies
Your Child will use the following decoding skills… • Apply letter sounds, including consonants and vowels, blends (br, st), consonant digraphs (th, sh, ck), irregular vowel combinations (ea, ie, and ee) and r-controlled vowels (ar, or, er, ir, ur). • Blend these sounds to read words. • Use common spelling patterns (chunks) to read words. • Learn to recognize high frequency words such as said, was, where, etc. • Apply various decoding strategies and use word order and context to support word identification and meaning.
Students at all reading levels will get more out of a book if they are thinking about what they are reading before, during and after they read. It’s important to ask your child questions as they are reading each night. Alternate between having your child verbally answer you and writing responses in a journal.
Questions to ask before reading: • What is the title of the book? • What does the cover tell you about the book? • What do you think the book is about? • What are you curious to find out about this book? • What do you already know about this book? • What do you want to learn from this book? • Why are you reading this book?
Questions to ask during reading: • What do you think will happen next? • What is the problem in the book? • Why do you think the character did that? • If you were the character would you do the same thing or would you change your actions? • How do you think the character is feeling? Explain why. • When you were reading this part, what were you picturing in your head?
Questions to ask after reading: • Describe the setting of the story. How did it change through the story? • Could this story happen in a different setting? • Describe how the character changed throughout the story. • Which of the characters did you like best? Explain why? • What were some of the problems the characters encountered? • How would you solve the problem if it happened to you?
Extra Reading at Home Tips (see handout)
Math • Math Facts • Math Contracts • Showing Work • Word Problems
In the area of writing, your child will. . . Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure. Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.
The Rubrics... Discuss Errors at Home
There's an App for that... • Barnyard Math Challenge • Phonics with Letter Lillies • Sight Words Flash Cards