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Getting Ready for Fall Conferences - Parent-Friendly RSA -. SB 346 – Third-Grade Graduation HB 2511 – Amendments to SB 346 HB 2516 – Amendments to SB 346 HB 2306 – Amendments to SB 346. http://tinyurl.com/okcps-rsa. Oklahoma Third-Grade Graduation Requirements. OKCPS Retention.
Getting Ready forFall Conferences- Parent-Friendly RSA - SB 346 – Third-Grade Graduation HB 2511 – Amendments to SB 346 HB 2516 – Amendments to SB 346 HB 2306 – Amendments to SB 346 http://tinyurl.com/okcps-rsa
Oklahoma Third-Grade Graduation Requirements
OKCPS Retention RSA requires that a specific group of third-grade students be retained. It does not prevent the teacher or administrator from retaining any K-12student. All OKCPS teachers will follow the district Safety Net Procedures for each student they believe may benefit from retention.
OK Requirementsfor Third Grade Graduation The Reading Sufficiency Act now provides fourmethods through which third-grade students may satisfy the proficiency requirements for promotion to fourth grade.
OK Requirementsfor Third Grade Graduation 1. Proficiency Demonstrated through a Reading Screener 2. Score of Limited Knowledge (or higher) on the Reading OCCT 3. Good-Cause Exemption 4. Conference- Based Promotion* * This promotion is only allowed for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years.
Proficiency Demonstratedthrough a Reading Screener The screening instrument used in OKCPS is easyCBM. A third-grade student whose composite risk level is low/white for the Fall, Winter, or Spring Benchmark has satisfied the requirements of the Reading Sufficiency Act for promotion to fourth grade.
Proficiency Demonstratedthrough the OCCT The Oklahoma Criterion-Referenced Tests a.k.a the Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests are designed to measure students’ progress on the Oklahoma Academic Standards. Students in Grade 3 (and above) take the Reading OCCT each spring.
How Reading is Graded onthe Oklahoma State Test • SB 346 does not require retention of students • who score Limited Knowledge.
Proficiency Demonstratedthrough the OCCT A student who scores Proficient or Advanced on the third-grade Reading OCCT has satisfied the requirements of the Reading Sufficiency Act for promotion to fourth grade.
Proficiency Demonstratedthrough the OCCT A student who scoresLimited Knowledge on the third-grade Reading OCCT may qualify for promotion to the fourth grade. In this situation parents are provided the option of retaining their child.
Proficiency Demonstratedthrough the OCCT A student who scoresUnsatisfactory on the third-grade Reading OCCT are at-risk for RSA Retention.
Promotion Through Good-Cause Exemption Some third graders who score Unsatisfactory on the Reading OCCT can be provided a Good-Cause Exemptionand be promoted to fourth grade.
Good-Cause Exemption #1 Good-Cause Promotion is available to English Language Learners who have less than two years of instruction in an ELL program.
Good-Cause Exemption #2 Good-Cause Promotion is available to students with disabilities who are assessed through the Oklahoma Alternative Assessment Program (OAAP).
Good-Cause Exemption #3 Good-Cause Promotion is available to students who demonstrate proficiency on an alternative standardized reading assessment. All OKCPS students at-risk for RSA retention are provided multiple opportunities to take the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills.
Promotion from third-grade does not depend on “one test, one day.”
Good-Cause Exemption #4 Good-Cause Exemption is available to students who demonstrate mastery of third-gradestate standards for reading through a student portfolio.
Promotion from Third-Grade does not depend on passing a test.
Good-Cause Exemption #5 Good-Cause Promotion is available to students with disabilities who take the OCCT, who have an Individualized Education Plan, who have received intensive remediation in reading for more than two yearsbut still demonstrate a deficiency in reading; and who were previously retained or in a transitional grade during pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first, second, or third grade.
Good-Cause Exemption #6 Good-Cause Promotion is available to students who have received intensive remediation in readingfor two or more yearsbut still demonstrate a deficiency in reading; and who were previously retained or in a transitional class during pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first, second, or third grade for a total of two years.
Good-Cause Exemption #7 Good-Cause Promotion is available to students who have been granted an exemption for medical emergencies by the State Department of Education.
End-of-Year Conference-Based Promotion by an Academic Team A student not otherwise qualified for promotion may be evaluated for "probationary promotion" by the Academic Team. The student’s Academic Team is composed of: (1) the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s) (2) the student’s primary reading teacher (3) a teacher in reading who teaches in the subsequent grade level (4) the school principal (5) a certified reading specialist
End of Year Conference-Based Promotion by an Academic Team The student will be promoted to the fourth grade if the Academic Team members unanimouslyrecommend "probationary promotion."
Parent-Teacher Conferences will bethe Week of September 2. At these conferences K-4 teachers will provide: • AReview of the Academic Progress Folder • AReview of Student Assessment Data • An Explanation of the Academic Progress Plan • Information about Third-Grade Graduation • Home-Connect Strategies
Setting Up theAcademic Progress Folder 1) Student Name on Tab PRINT CLEARLY Last Name, First Name Middle Name 2) Grade-Level Document List Stapled inside the tab side of the folder 3) Early Literacy Proficiency Checklist Stapled inside the front side of the folder
Keep Existing List Use New List Going Forward
What DocumentsWill We Discuss at Conferences? • Academic Progress Plan - Home Connect Strategies • easyCBM Student Benchmark Report • BOY Independent Writing Sample
3rd Grade ONLY Parent Notificationof Qualification for RSA Promotion A third-grade student whose composite risk level was low (white) for the Fall easyCBM Benchmark has satisfied the promotion requirements of the Reading Sufficiency Act.
Completing the Academic Progress Plan
Completing the Academic Progress Plan 1 1
Completing the Academic Progress Plan Red High Risk
Completing the Academic Progress Plan Diagnostic Assessments Used as Necessary
Completing the Academic Progress Plan IEP Based on WIDA School-Wide or School List
The purpose of the Reading Sufficiency Act is to ensure that each child attains the necessary reading skills by completion of 3rd grade to succeed throughout school and life. 70 O.S. § 1210.508B(B)
3rd Grade ONLY Requirements forRSA Retained Students Supplemental after-hourstutoring three hours per week provided by a qualified individual using a program from the OKCPS List of Approved Programs Parent-guided “Read at Home” assistance plan OR After-hours mentor or tutor with specialized reading training
Completing the Academic Progress Plan Most Significant Area of Need
Completing the Academic Progress Plan Based on Most Significant Area of Need