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“Grammar to Explain”

Explore maxims emphasizing the importance of teaching children self-reliance and diligence. Discover quotes, proverbs, and philosophical insights on guiding young minds towards independence and hard work.

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“Grammar to Explain”

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  1. “Grammar to Explain” • Children should be taught to do something themselves. • [의무, 당연] • Why should you say that harshly to her? • [의외의 행동에 대한 놀람; 의문문] • He ordered that the base [should] be defended. • It is natural [surprising] that he should get angry with • her answer. [가정법미래(현재)] • You should have done the work two hours earlier. • [과거의 일에 대한 후회] • I'm reading the paper lest I should be behind the times. • [-하지 않도록]

  2. Maxims Introduced by Teacher • The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive • a share of the crops. • from 2 Timothy (디모데 후서) 2 : 6 • Human life shall be deemed to exist from conception. • from <Time> • It is curious that physical courage should be so • common in the world and moral courage so rare. • Mark Twain (1835-1910) US novelist • Nature inexorably ordains that the human race shall • perish of famine if it stops working. • G. B. Shaw (1856-1950) British author

  3. Maxims Translated by Student • Children should only be taught those things which are suitable • for their age. ..... A child should be clever, but only as a child. • He should not imitate the manners of his elders. • from “Kant on Education” translated by Annette Churton • The old order changes, yielding place to new; / And God fulfills • himself in many ways, / Lest one good custom should corrupt • the world. from “The Passing of Arthur” by Alfred Tennyson • If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the • wind for revealing them to the trees. • Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) Lebanese-American • essayist, poet, & artist • It is always right that a man should be able to render a reason • for the faith that is within him. • Sydney Smith (1769-1845) English preacher

  4. “My Maxim” Activity • 다음처럼 근면의 가치를 천명(闡明)해보세요. • 1. The most diligent student should be the first to • enter the university he or she desires to. • 2. • <학생영작사례> • The most hardworking climber should be the • first to climb the high mountain.

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