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YOU SAID – WE DID / DIDN’T . ROB SYKES, CHIEF EXECUTIVE. You Said - We Did / Didn’t. Twice a year the County Council asks it’s Citizen’s Panel a number key questions about our policies and the services that we deliver. This information helps us plan and improve our services.

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  2. You Said - We Did/ Didn’t Twice a year the County Council asks it’s Citizen’s Panel a number key questions about our policies and the services that we deliver. This information helps us plan and improve our services. Citizens Panel members responded by raising the following issues, but what have we done?…

  3. Our Citizens Panel said that they wanted better waste management and re-cycling • WE HAVE … Made major developments in convenient re-cycling services • Worked in partnership with District Councils and given grants of over £2 million for recycling scheme development • High public profile “Everyone Loves a Rotter” campaign –22,000 cut price compost bins sold since April

  4. Our Citizens Panel said that they preferred to do business with us by telephone or face to face WE HAVE … As part of the ‘Worcestershire Hub’ programme, worked in partnership with our district council colleagues to …   • Open customer service centres in Malvern, Worcester City, Redditch, Evesham and Droitwich. Similar centres in Bromsgrove and Wyre Forest will open by mid 2005. • Learnt lessons about the design of centres and call queuing / voice recording

  5. Our Citizens Panel said that they wanted class sizes reduced and for standards to rise within our schools WE HAVE … Improved pupil achievement at each Key Stage over the last five years • All children in infant classes are now taught in classes of 30 or less • Increased funding year on year for years 3,4,5 and 6 to enable class sizes at 30 or below for children moving on from infant to junior classes • However, results in KS2 were lower than the high national targets set but still above national average with results at KS3 and KS4 above the national average

  6. Our Citizens Panel said that potholes in the County’s road gave most concern • WE HAVE …Targeted more resources at deteriorating roads • A “jetpatcher” – quick and efficient repairs which has been operating in Bromsgrove District, Wyre Forest, Wychavon and Malvern Hills. • In spite of the success of the “jetpatcher”, there is still much to be done across the county…

  7. Our Citizens Panel said that they would be willing to buy more locally produced food WE HAVE… started working with producers to set up a brand for Worcestershire food, including a quality mark • We are continuing to promote local food and running promotional events; e.g. a local food marquee at Skills on Show, a school’s local food cookery competition and recipe book and supporting Heart of England Fine Foods events.

  8. Our Citizens Panel said that they felt young people were not involved with their Communities • WE HAVE…successfully encouraged and involved young people in our work, as evidenced by key OFSTED findings by: • Youth workers working effectively with other agencies, including the police and schools to establish strong local partnerships, which benefit young people. •  Setting up active Citizenship projects andLocal Democracy Week events such as “I’m a Councillor Get Me Out of Here!” and “Taste of Democracy Challenge”.

  9. P R O G R E S Sto Excellence County Council Corporate Plan The Audit Commission tell us we are on the right road to improve from a “Good” to an “Excellent” rating

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