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Cooperative Programs in Authority Control

Cooperative Programs in Authority Control. Adam L. Schiff University of Washington Libraries aschiff@u.washington.edu. Cooperative Cataloging.

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Cooperative Programs in Authority Control

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  1. Cooperative Programs in Authority Control Adam L. Schiff University of Washington Libraries aschiff@u.washington.edu

  2. Cooperative Cataloging The original cataloging of bibliographic items through the joint action of a group of independent libraries which make the bibliographic records accessible to group members and sometimes to non-participating libraries as well -- The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science

  3. Authority Control The methods by which the authoritative forms of names, subjects, uniform titles, etc., used as headings in a file of bibliographic records are consistently applied and maintained -- The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science

  4. Authority Record A record which shows a heading in the form established for use in a set of bibliographic records, cites the sources consulted in establishing the heading, indicates the references to be made to and from the heading, and notes information found in the sources as justification of the chosen form of heading and the specified references -- The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science

  5. Name Authority Record ARN: 4276531 Rec stat: n Entered: 19970221 Ü Type: z Upd status: a Enc lvl: n Source: c Roman: ü Ref status: a Mod rec: Name use: a Govt agn: ü Auth status: a Subj: a Subj use: a Series: n Auth/ref: a Geo subd: n Ser use: b Ser num: n Name: n Subdiv tp: n Rules: c Ý Ü 1 010 no 97011156 Ý Ü 2 040 WaElC ßb eng ßc WaElC Ý Ü 3 005 19970222053055.0 Ý Ü 4 110 2 Central Washington University. ßb Dept. of Geography and Land Studies Ý Ü 5 410 2 Central Washington University. ßb Dept. of Geography & Land Studies Ý Ü 6 670 Traditional resource patterns in the Upper Yakima River Basin, 1995: ßb leaf 1 (Department of Geography and Land Studies; Central Washington University) Ý Ü 7 670 Central Washington University directory, 1996-97 (Geography & Land Studies, Department of) Ý

  6. Subject Authority Record ARN: 5170539 Rec stat: n Entered: 20000110 Ü Type: z Upd status: a Enc lvl: n Source: c Roman: ü Ref status: a Mod rec: Name use: b Govt agn: ü Auth status: a Subj: a Subj use: a Series: n Auth/ref: a Geo subd: ü Ser use: b Ser num: n Name: n Subdiv tp: n Rules: n Ý Ü 1 010 sh 00002561 Ý Ü 2 040 WaElC ßb eng ßc DLC Ý Ü 3 005 20000229133151.0 Ý Ü 4 151 Donald L. Garrity Japanese Garden (Ellensburg, Wash.) Ý Ü 5 451 Central Washington University Japanese Garden (Ellensburg, Wash.) Ý Ü 6 451 Garrity Japanese Garden (Ellensburg, Wash.) Ý Ü 7 451 Japanese Garden (Ellensburg, Wash.) Ý Ü 8 550 Gardens, Japanese ßz Washington (State) ßw g Ý Ü 9 667 This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. Ý Ü 10 670 Work cat.: Central Washington University's Japanese Garden, 1991. Ý Ü 11 670 Central Washington University web site, Dec. 3, 1999 ßb (Japanese Garden at Central Washington University) Ý Ü 12 670 Cement sign outside the garden entrance, Dec. 2, 1999 ßb (Donald L. Garrity Japanese Garden) Ý Ü 13 670 WaElC files ßb (dedicated in 1991 during CWU centennial year, was renamed the Donald L. Garrity Japanese Garden on October 6, 1995) Ý

  7. Cooperative Authority Control The creation and maintenance of authority records through the joint action of a group of independent libraries which make the authority records accessible to group members and to non-participating libraries as well.

  8. http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/

  9. The PCC is an international cooperative program coordinated jointly by the Library of Congress & PCC participants around the world. The Program aims to expand access to library collections by providing useful, timely, and cost-effective cataloging which meets mutually-accepted standards of libraries around the world.

  10. PCC Goals 1. Cooperatively enhance the timely availability of bibliographic and authority records by cataloging more items, producing cataloging that is widely available for sharing and use by others, and performing cataloging in a more cost-effective manner. 2. Develop and maintain mutually acceptable standards for records. 3. Promote the values of timely access and cost-effectiveness in cataloging, and expand the pool of catalogers who catalog using the mutually-accepted standards. 4. Increase the sharing and use of foreign bibliographic and authority records. 5. Provide for ongoing discussion, planning, and operations among participants in order to further the program's mission.

  11. Monographic Bibliographic Record Component Serial Bibliographic Record Component Name Authority Cooperative Program Subject Authority Cooperative Program

  12. contribute authority records for names, uniform titles, and series to the national authority file via OCLC or RLIN • make changes to existing name, uniform title, and series authority records • individual institutions may join this program, or a group of libraries with a common interest may form a “funnel project” to contribute records via a coordinator • participants agree to follow a common set of standards and guidelines when creating or changing authority records in order to maintain the integrity of a large shared authority file

  13. NACO Required Documentation • Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd ed., rev.(AACR2) • MARC 21 Authority Format (plus the Z1 “yellow pages” issued by LC) • Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRIs) • Subject Cataloging Manual:Subject Headings (SCM) Instruction Sheet H 405 (“The division of the world”) FAQ - Joining NACO http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/nacoprogfaq.html

  14. NACO Training A week of specialized NACO training is undertaken by participants, either at their home institutions or at LC. During the training, guidelines are discussed and expanded upon with an ever-growing awareness of the need to streamline cataloging efforts while building a consistent and predictable file. This file will help the global library community work more efficiently and effectively, allowing it to maximize its resources. Training Outline http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/naco/outline.html

  15. Current NACO Participants in Washington State Central Washington University - WaElC Seattle University Law Library - WaSU-L University of Washington - WaU Western Washington University - WaBeW

  16. Whom to Contact About Joining NACO Ruta Penkiunas, Team Leader Cooperative Cataloging Team Library of Congress Washington, DC 20540-4382 voice: (202) 707-2826 fax: (202) 707-2824 email: rpen@loc.gov http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/naco.html

  17. submit proposals for authority records for Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and to change existing LCSH • submit proposals for new Library of Congress Classification (LCC) and to change existing LCC • individual institutions may submit proposals directly, or a group of libraries may form a “funnel project” to submit proposals via a coordinator • participants follow the policies in the Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings (SCM) • unlike NACO, there is no formal training requirement for participation

  18. SACO Required Documentation • For Subject Headings • Library of Congress Subject Headings • Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings • Free-Floating Subdivisions: An Alphabetical Index • MARC 21 Format for Authority Data • For Classification Numbers • Library of Congress Classification schedules • LC Classification, Additions and Changes • Subject Cataloging Manual: Classification

  19. FAQ - Joining SACO http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/sacofaq.html

  20. Why Participate in SACO? • existing LCSH and LCC are not always adequate • LC’s collections and yours are not the same; you may collect materials in areas or disciplines not collected by LC or at a much greater depth than LC • allows catalogers to assign subject headings and classification numbers at an appropriate level of specificity instead of having to assign headings or numbers that are too broad • cooperative cataloging benefits all of us and allows smaller libraries and libraries with highly specialized collections to share their efforts and their expertise • by getting new headings and numbers into LCSH and LCC, you don’t have to maintain specially created local lists

  21. Why Participate in SACO? • you can add useful cross-references to existing headings and change obsolete terms to more current terminology • if you use LCC, establishing new numbers and Cutters helps making copy cataloging and shelflisting simpler and more reliable across libraries • it serves users’ needs • it is intellectually stimulating to do the research to establish a new subject and satisfying to see your work included in the national authority file and LCSH and/or LCC • it’s the only component of the PCC that is open to any library that wishes to participate. You don’t have to attend any formal training, and you don’t even need to belong to a utility like OCLC or RLIN nor even catalog in an online environment in order to submit proposals.

  22. What Else is Needed for SACO Proposals? • MARC Organization Code (not the same as your OCLC code) http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/organizations/ • basic set of reference resources to do authority research - authoritative sources such as general and subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, indexes, atlases, gazetteers, directories, etc. • SACO home page maintains a list of Web-based reference resources that can also be used • there is no definitive list of preferred sources - use your judgment as to what sources are appropriate and useful

  23. Proposal Forms on SACO Home Page http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/saco.html

  24. SUBJECT AUTHORITY PROPOSAL FORM Complete and mail to the Internet address: saco@loc.gov or print, complete, and fax to: 202.707.2824 (For instructions on filling in form see: Guidelines for formulating LC Subject Heading proposals) 008/06: (Direct or indirect geographic subdivision) ______ (May Subd Geog) ______ (Not Subd Geog) ______ (No Decision) 008/39: (Cataloging source): c 040: ________$b eng $c DLC 053 : _________________________ 1_______: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4_______: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4_______: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4_______: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5_______ (BT): _______________________________________________________________________________ 5_______ (BT): _______________________________________________________________________________ 5_______ (RT): _______________________________________________________________________________ 670 Work cat.: ________________________________________________________________________________ 670 (Sources found): __________________________________________________________________________ 670 (additional "Sources found" to justify hdg or x-refs): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 675 (Sources not found): _______________________________________________________________________ 680 Here are entered works on __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 781 (Geographic subdivision): $z _______________________________ $z ______________________________ 667 (Note field):_______________________________________________________________________________ 952 : ..... bib. records to be changed 952: LC pattern or SCM Memo: ___________________________________________________ 953 : yz00 Submitted by __________________________________________________________________ e-mail/phone: __________________________________________________________________

  25. Annotated Proposal Forms http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/saco/sacoexample.html http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/saco/sacogeoex.html

  26. Academic-industrial collaboration African American women public relations personnel Charity sports events Chehalis River Estuary (Wash.) Children of teenage mothers Drive-by shootings Ecosystem health Fidalgo Bay (Wash.) Firearms and crime Flaggers (Road construction workers) Fort Spokane (Lincoln County, Wash. : Fort) Ice mummies Incantations, Mongolian Internet entertainment industry Jadeite jewelry Jesuit scientists Landscape architectural projects Non-monogamous relationships Olympia oyster Pacific banana slug Pacific geoduck fisheries Pacific salmon fisheries--Climatic factors Resort development Teachers' contracts Transsexual students Vietnam--Civilization--Confucian influences Walla Walla Valley (Or. and Wash.) Washington (State), Eastern Washington (State), Western Wetland restoration Some New LCSH Established by Washington Libraries

  27. LC SUBJECT HEADING CHANGE PROPOSAL FORM Fill in and e-mail to: saco@loc.gov; refer to LC Subject Heading Change Guidelines for help when filling in this form. Requestor's MARC 21 identification code: _______________________ Record Control Number 010: sh_______________________________ Geographic subdivision (008/06): ________ i = May Subd Geog Library of Congress Classification Number 053: add: ________________________________________________________ 053: change to: ___________________________________________________ 053: delete: ______________________________________________________ CHANGE OF HEADING: 1XX: change to: ________________________________________________________________________________ Changes to Cross-References: 4XX: add: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4XX: change to: ________________________________________________________________________________ 4XX: delete: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Broader Term (BT) & Related Term (RT) References: 5XX: add: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5XX: change to: ________________________________________________________________________________ 5XX: delete: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Source Citations: 670: add: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 670: _________________________________________________________________________________________ 675: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Scope Notes 680: add: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 781: add: $z _______________________________________ $z _________________________________________ Submitted by: __________________________________________________________________________________ e-mail/phone: __________________________________________________________________________________

  28. Classification Form and Instructions http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/classification.html

  29. Current SACO Participants in Washington State Central Washington University - WaElC University of Washington - WaU Washington State University - WaPS Western Washington University - WaBeW

  30. Proposal Process • proposals are sent to Cooperative Cataloging Team at LC (saco@loc.gov) • Coop Team member reviews and forwards to Cataloging Policy and Support Office (CPSO) or contacts submitter to inform them if there are problems with proposal • CPSO assigns proposals to a future weekly list; at this stage, proposals are considered “pre-approved” and can be used

  31. Proposal Process • tentative weekly lists of new and changed subjects are posted to the SACO home page. Example: Tentative Weekly List 2001-07 • editorial meeting is held every Wednesday; proposals are reviewed and some revised, some withdrawn, some not approved • if SACO proposal was revised, withdrawn, or not approved, the Coop Team will notify the library that submitted the proposal

  32. Proposal Process • within two weeks of the editorial meeting, the final approved list for that week is posted on the CPSO home page. Example: Weekly List 2001-07 • approved headings are sent through the Cataloging Distribution Service to be distributed to OCLC and other subscribers • generally, the process from submission to appearance in OCLC takes about 6 weeks • if a proposal that’s been submitted does not appear on a tentative weekly list within four weeks, contact the Coop Cat Team

  33. Statistics • LC Cooperative Cataloging Team maintains PCC statistics • http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/stats/stats.html • Fiscal Year 2000 statistics by library/funnel http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/stats/statsfull.html

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