Movie NIGHT Thursday 24th November 5.30 p.m. £2.50 per child or £5.00 per family to include popcorn and a drink. Movie to be shown will be decided next week by children voting for: Alice in Wonderland (new animated version), Tangled or Spy Kids 3. Pre-school children welcome with an accompanying adult. If you book after school club children can go straight on to the film show. PTFA Christmas Fair Saturday 3rd December 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Father Christmas will be there! Also famous ‘no adults allowed’present room, tombola, cakes,gifts, books, plants! Please could we have donations for the above. Also needed are items for the Christmas Hamper, please sign up on the list on the infant door to donate, and other prizes for the raffle. Mrs Giles Parents in Class 2 have been informed that Mrs Giles has decided that she would like to teach for 3 days a week from January. I will be teaching Class 2 on a Monday and Friday, so please bear this in mind should you wish to contact me regarding anything. School Meal Payments – Please remember that we won’t be accepting cash for school lunches from January. Do see Mrs Rose for details of how to pay online. Free School Meals. Do let us know if you think that your child might be entitled to free school meals. You may be eligible if your household income does not exceed £16,190. It does benefit the school for those who claim and your child does not have to take the free meal daily if they do not wish to do so. Please ask in the office for claim forms. FREE! Staunton Times Cross Country Congratulations to Finlay Newbould who ran very well in the District Team Cross Country event and helped the Newent area to secure an overall first team position. Runners at the Newent Race. Staunton & Corse C of E Academy 17-11-11 1
Staunton Times Health4Schools Event We have been participating in this event, sponsored by Kraft Foods again this year. Anya Teague, Adam Gillett and Cameron Oakey are pictured at the celebration event explaining their work on the Spirituality Garden. DIARY DATES! MaST Teacher Congratulations to Mr Jones who has completed a year of the Maths Specialist Teaching Programme. Mr Jones will be working with all the teachers this year focussing on reviewing approaches to the investigative side of mathematics teaching. Uniform Requests Please fill in a uniform request form and send this in with payment when you require new sweatshirts and other uniform items. Mrs Rose will then send home the requested items with your child in the following few days. If you need to try on uniform please call at the office on Tuesday afternoon or ask that the child be fitted for size by Mrs Rose. Unused uniform can always be returned for a larger or smaller size. Joseph Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for Joseph. It is good that he is making progress. We will be having a collection for Frenchay hospital (we’ll ask Mr & Mrs Merrin to decide which department) at the Christmas plays in order to show our thanks for the work that is done there. Jennie Dwight - Headteacher 17-11-11 2