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38 Years Of Experience For The Animal Health. Products for pigeons. vaccinES. PARAMIXOVACOL. Inactivated oily vaccine against pigeon paramixovirosis. COLUMBOPOLIVAC - S. Inactivated vaccine against pigeon infections with Paramixovirus and Salmonella typhimurium. ROMPORPOX.
PARAMIXOVACOL Inactivated oily vaccine against pigeon paramixovirosis.
COLUMBOPOLIVAC - S Inactivated vaccine against pigeon infections with Paramixovirus and Salmonella typhimurium.
ROMPORPOX Live lyophilized vaccine against pigeon pox-diphteria.
flagelstop Water-soluble powder for control of pigeon flagellate protozoa (Trichomonas spp., Histomonas spp., and Hexamita columbae).
endectocid Ectoparasiticide against ticks, haematophagous lices, fleas, skin and feather mites: depluming scabies, leg scabies, laminosioptic scabies, respiratory tract mites. This product is also active against nematodes (Ascaridia spp., Capillaria spp. etc.).
Columboviofort - f Antiparasiticid against trichomoniasis. Growth promoter.
rometronidazol For tretment and prevention of infections caused by flagellated protozoa (Trichomonasspp., Histomonas spp.) or caused by anaerobic germs. It is extremely active against clostridia infections.
ECZEMTRAT Recommended for treatment of arthritis, allergical eczema (including of feeding origin), hepatic chronical deficiency or stress.
AMOXINEOVIT C Antimicrobial tablets containing oxytetracycline, amoxicylin, neomycin, vitamins and minerals. Is recommended for treatment of some bacterial infections caused by E. coli, Salmonella (S. pullorum), Pasteurella, staphylococci, streptococci), enteral anaerobic toxiinfections.
Avianprotect ten Antimicrobial tablets containing tylosine, erythromycin and neomycin. Is recommended against avian mycoplasmosis, salmonelosis, colibacilosis and secondary microbial infections.
colistirom Water-soluble powder recommended for treatment of enteritis caused by microorganisms sensitive to colistin.
doxyciclina Water-soluble powder recommended in primary and secondary disorders of the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems, produced by microorganisms sensitive to doxicyclin; for treatment of bronchopenumonia, enteritis and nephritis.
enrocol Broad antiinfective spectrum tablets, recommended in respiratory or gastroenteric disorders, caused by germs sensitive to enrofloxacin and/or colistin: colibacillosis, salmonelosis, avian cholera, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcia, streptococcia, turkey bordetelosis, infectious coryza and others.
Enrofloxarom 10% Solution for oral administration. Broad antiinfective spectrum. Enrofloxarom c Tablets.
Enteroguard m Powder or tablets. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antidiarrhoea.
ERITROM Water-soluble powder with broad antibacterial spectrum. It is recommended for prevention and treatment of disorders caused by Mycoplasma, Pasteurella spp., Vibro spp., Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. in ornamental and cage birds, pigeons and hens.
ERITROvit Broad-spectrum antimicrobial tablets, recommended in prevention and control of infections caused by mycoplasma germs.
Galiprotect - c Broad-spectrum antimicrobial tablets. Indication: for treatment of colibacilosis, salmonelosis, eimeriosis and secondary infections, in poultry over 7 days old.
Oxifuran Antimicrobial and coccidiostatic tablets. Recommended for treatment of coccidiosis and trichomonosis in cage birds, except the pheasants.
Oxivit s Water-soluble powder. Broad-spectrum antibacterial.
romigal Tablets. Broad-spectrum antibacterial for birds, starting from one day old; for prevention and control of primary and secondary bacterial infections of digestive, respiratory, urinary systems.
alergotrat Antihistaminic, antiallergic and sedative (to be administered in the vaccination day).
Calcium BorogluconatE Injectable solution. General tonic.Recommended in paresis, paralysis and in case of egg retention.
carnicol Carnitine supplement. Has beneficial effects during growth, reproduction, moulting, after treatment with antibiotics, antiparasitic or stress.
columboclin Nutrient supplement with depurative properties, recommended in convalescence, diarrhea subsequent dehydration, after vaccination or during moulting.
glucovit To improve performance during competitions, during moulting and as an adjuvant in metabolic, infectious or parasitic diseases.
enterotrat Adjuvant in the treatment of primary and secondary enteropathies, in acute or chronic intestinal intoxications. It is a good detoxifier of the organism.
tondigest Adjuvant digestive tonic syrup.Stimulating appetite.
tusifug Expectorant syrup recommended in respiratory diseases. Emollient and mucolytic effect causing lysis and removal of mucus. Sedative effect to relieve cough.
SUPERFORM General tonic for enhancing athletic performance during racing season, stimulating the immune system, and the reproductive function.
hepatoprotect Antitoxic and desensitizer for prevention and treatment of liver or general toxic states caused by poor quality feed, in convalescece after gastroenteritis, in parasitic diseases etc.
CAVITROM Nutritive supplement to combat hypocalcemia and to stimulate growth.
romzeofort Recommended in vitamin deficiencies, impaired digestion, growth deficiencies, polyneuritis, anemia, anorexia and stress.
glucovit Nutritive supplement with depurative properties, recommended in convalescence, diarrhea subsequent dehydration, after vaccination or during moulting.
Biovit plus Growth biostimulator, adjuvant in the treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases, in convalescence and states of avitaminosis.
Complex polivitaminic buvabil Biostimulator anti-stress supplemen, increases resistance to infection of epithelial cell membranes, stimulates reproductive function, skeletal system development, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
Vitamin aD3E Recommended for stimulating growth in youth, improving reproduction, medication associated with antibiotics, stress, prevention of infectious or parasitic diseases.
Vita b complex Recommended in growth disturbances in all cases of avitaminosis accompanied by neuritis, paralysis and other symptoms of distress nervous system, toxic myopathy, myalgia, gastrointestinal atonia, sulfamids poisoning, edema of cardiac origin, rheumatic states, arthropathy, dermatosis, acetonaemia and infectious diseases.
Vitamin E Recommended in miodistrofia prevention in calves, lambs and piglets, in chickens miodistrofia and encephalomalacia, and to laying stimulation and embryonic death prevention in birds.
Vitamin K3 Drinking solution, recommended as vitamin supplement in bleeding disorders consecutive infectious diseases, parasites or poisoning, in chicken hemorrhagic syndrome and avian youth under prolonged treatment with sulfa drugs or antibiotics, and as an adjuvant in coccidiosis.
Hydrogen peroxide Disinfectant.Antiseptic, local haemostatic, cicatrizant.
methylene blue Antiseptic and antidote. Administered in drinking water is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, activate oxido-reducing processes in the body and is particularly useful in hypoxia and methaemoglobinaemia.
castrarom Powder with conjugated action: siccative, antibacterial and cicatrizant.