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Unit3. Science versus nature. Welcome to the unit. Lead-in. Science is developing so fast that sometimes it is beyond our imagination. Biotechnology is quite popular nowadays, especially cloning. Can you give me an example of cloning? What is cloning?.

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  1. Unit3

  2. Science versus nature

  3. Welcome to the unit

  4. Lead-in Science is developing so fast that sometimes it is beyond our imagination. Biotechnology is quite popular nowadays, especially cloning. Can you give me an example of cloning? What is cloning?

  5. “Cloning” is a new technology which produces an exact copy of an animal or a plant from its own cells. Dolly was the first cloned mammal created by a Scottish scientist and his group in 1996.She was exactly the same as mother, in appearance and in genes.

  6. Look at the following pictures and study them. Can you tell what is the main feature of cloning?

  7. Dolly is together with her mother.

  8. What do you know about Dolly, the cloned sheep? the world’s first cloned mammal * created by Scottish scientist in 1996 * Died in 2003 because of lung disease * Sparked worldwide interest and concern after its birth * Many countries, including Germany,France,Canada,Switzerland,Austria,Norway and South Africa, have banned human cloning since Dolly’s birth * There are still many countries doing research on cloning technology *

  9. The mule in the picture is the world’s first cloned mule. It was born on 4 May 2003. His name is Idaho Gem.He is created from a cell of his brother, which was a racing mule that has won many competitions.

  10. The world's first cloned cat, kitten, named Cc. It was created using a cell taken from an adult cat, Rainbow. It was born in December 2002.

  11. These female pigs are also cloned. They are born on Christmas Day 2001. They are Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary.

  12. The pair of calves were born on 5 July 1998 in Ishikawa, Japan. They were two years younger than Dolly, being second adult animal clones in the world.

  13. The name of the cloned monkey is ANDi. It is from “ inserted DNA” spelt backwards. It is the first genetically modified monkey. The technology is different from that used for Dolly.

  14. Discussion Just from these pictures, can you identify the differences between the cloned animals and normal ones?

  15. The cloned animals or plants are exactly the same as the original ones.

  16. In your opinion, can the mule in Picture 2 run as fast as his brother? ?

  17. Do you think it would be a good idea to clone humans some day? Why or why not?

  18. Debate Since cloning has its advantages and disadvantages , some people are forcloning a human, and others are against it? Which side will you take? Try to support your own opinion.


  20. Pro-cloning Anti-cloning 1produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives 1 create ethic problems and discrimination 2 cure diseases like cancer 2 produce a monster 3 help those who are unable to have children 3 cloning shows no respect for human life 4 help those who want to clone their dead children 4 human life would no longer be unique 5 We should be having fewer babies in order to reduce Earth’s population, not cloning more

  21. The new kind of technology has caused widespread discussion. It can help cure many diseases, save lots of people’s lives and even prevent some endangered animals from dying out.. However, on the other hand, if it is used to clone human beings, that is against the laws of nature.

  22. If possible, do you want another person to be exactly the same as you? ???

  23. Language Points 1. so…that…如此…以致于…引导结果状语从句 他起得如此早以致于赶上了早班车. He got up so early that he caught the early bus. 注意和其他几个短语的区别: so that: (1)以便,引导目的状语从句; (2)以致于,引导结果状语从句 他起得非常早以便他可以赶上早班车。 He got up very early so that he could catch the early bus.

  24. so as to…以便,表示目的;相当于in order to…, 但不能置于句首;可以和so that…句型相互转化, 但从句的主语必须和主句的主语一致;其否定形 式为:so as not to… For example: He got up very early so that he could catch the early bus.= He got up very early so as/in order to catch the early bus. Several books have been bought so as to follow his teacher. 误 Several books have been bought so that he can follow his teacher. . (正)

  25. He has bought several books so that he can follow his teacher. =He has bought several books so as to follow his teacher. so…as to…如此…以致于,表示结果; 在so…that…句型中,从句的主语和主 句的主语一致的情况下,可以和so…as to… 相互转化。 He got up so early that he caught the early bus. =He got up so early as to catch the early bus.

  26. 高考链接 1.(2005北京)I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early ____ I can have time for a cup of tea. A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that 2. (2003安徽) Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report ___ her boss could finish it first thing next morning. A. so that B. because C. before D. or else 3.(2002全国)John shut everybody out of the kitchen _____ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party. A. which B. when C. so that D. as if

  27. 2. beyond: prep. / adv. (1) further away in the distance (than something) 在(到)...较远的一边 山的那一边有什么? What lies beyond the mountains? 人们能到月球或更远处去旅行。 Men can travel to the moon and beyond. (2) be later than 晚于;超过 不要过了午夜还留在那儿。 Don't stay there beyond midnight.

  28. (3) outside or after (a stated limit):为…所不能及; 多于;超出 我看不懂这篇文章。 Understanding this article is beyond my capacity. 这件工作非我力所能及。 This work is beyond my grasp. 那个果子我够不着。 The fruit is beyond my reach.

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  30. Thank you!

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