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www.bay.k12.fl.us. Baseline Data. Baseline Data. Last year’s rubric was strengths and weaknesses This year’s rubric is just weaknesses Narrowing to target group aids in identifying individuals and groups (Highly Effective) 10% of secondary teacher’s students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.bay.k12.fl.us

  2. Baseline Data

  3. Baseline Data • Last year’s rubric was strengths and weaknesses • This year’s rubric is just weaknesses • Narrowing to target group aids in identifying individuals and groups (Highly Effective) • 10% of secondary teacher’s students • 25% of self-contained teacher’s students • Supplemental materials available on-line for aid in identifying the target group

  4. Baseline Data Questions • What is the rating difference between one piece of data used three ways and three pieces of data? • What are pieces of data for use at this school? • What is a good rule of thumb for the target group’s size? • What are missed opportunities and how could they be resolved? • Other questions?

  5. Needs-based Question

  6. Needs-based Question • Specific research-based strategies or practices that visibly relate to identified student needs

  7. Needs-based Question Discussion • What other examples are there between a Highly Effective use of specific strategies and an Effective use of broad strategies? • For example- • CRISS (Effective) • ??? (Highly Effective) • Kagan (Effective) • ??? (Highly Effective)

  8. Expected Student Achievement Goal

  9. Expected Student Achievement Goal • Goals are specific and measurable • Relationship to needs-based question clear and direct • What is the expectation of student achievement as a result of your professional development? • Gains noted for individuals in target group as well as target group • Expected goal will align to assessment such as DEA, but include progress monitoring of more frequent assessments such as Harcourt and classroom assessment

  10. Related Professional Development Objectives

  11. Professional Development Objective Professional Development Activities 1a PD Activity (documentation) 1b PD Activity (documentation) 1c PD Activity (documentation) 2a PD Activity (documentation) 2b PD Activity (documentation) 2c PD Activity (documentation) 3a PD Activity (documentation) 3b PD Activity (documentation) 3c PD Activity (documentation) • Objective • Objective • Objective

  12. Questions? • Any questions about the Expected Student Achievement Goal? • What diverse formats are available for Professional Development? • How might these Professional Development activities be documented?

  13. Classroom Implementation

  14. Classroom Implementation

  15. Classroom Implementation • Reflection cites specific implementation examples that were or were not effective • How instruction and/or student performance was or was not impacted by the implementation • Reflection done twice a year • Once prior to mid-year/formative evaluation • Once prior to final IPDP review

  16. Classroom Implementation • Samples are collected from the entire Target Group and samples tie to targeted strategies • 3-4 sample sets are sufficient for data analysis • Consider collecting from the beginning, middle and end • Strategy will be implemented more than 3-4 times and maybe with the entire class including the targeted group • Sample sets are for analysis of the strategy’s impact with the targeted group

  17. Speak with administrator • Contact the ABCE office • Contact Dawn Capes • capesda@bay.k12.fl.us

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