John Bontee walked down the corridor of Malling Jail. He had pretended to have a gun to rob a bank. He would got away with it if he hadn't asked for a delivery of one hundred thousand pounds to 139 Church road, they phoned the police with all the details. John was twenty three, he had shortly cut brown hair. His eyes were a light shade of brown and he had very pale skin. He was a heavy weight boxer and was good at most sports, ones that he wasn't good at were things like golf. He had good endurance and physical strength.
He walked into his cell and saw bars in-between two agesent cells, with a doorway between them. An eighteen year old walked in and enquired his name. John told him every thing about him and how he got caught. Kelvin Johnson thought this John would be very easy to trick him into getting kelvin moved, he was in massive debt.
The next day John woke up with a knife to his throat. He started coughing up blood. John instinctively tried to retaliate. He knocked out Kelvin and walked to the door for a guard, and realised there were none. He tried the door, and very slowly it opened. He stuck his head through and ran for the nearest exit
He got out and met a man. John thought he was a nice enough man so told him his name, hoping to be allies. The man fell down in his own blood. He started spluttering out words, "Head... Lesser Malling... Safe... Go." He went, respecting the dead mans last wish. He saw a bloody map in the mans blood stained hand and, reluctantly, took it. He opened it out. It said Malling And Its Surroundings. He searched for a blood drenched word that said Lesser Malling, he found it and headed in that direction.
He eventually saw lesser maling, he sprinted the last hundred meter, when he got there he saw the place was abandoned. He felt as if when he stepped into the village he felt as if he had left earth entirely. He smelt a horrible smell and passed out. Once his eyes had focused entirely he saw he was in a cell. Not a clean cell, but a dirty one. It had dust on top of everything, dirt up the walls and he didn't want to think of what was on the sink. It had no toilet, bath or food and the bars were rusted.
He heard a horrible breathing sound be hind him, he turned and saw the most horrible looking woman possible. She had wart with hairs on the end of her nose. She was dressed in a horrid cloak. she was standing next to a caldron full of a steaming liquid. He now noticed the pointy hat. He thought to himself to himself, "If I need a witch I know where to find one."
"Hello child," She said, "He did well." Lots of things were racing through his mind like: He was twenty three, not a child, and who is "he." She announced she was Lady Deverill, descendant of The Great Deverill. He thought they were very deluded and pleased with her self assuming there were more than one -he guessed she was an escapee of a mental asylum. she muttered some words and he passed out.
He woke up lying down, he realised he was strapped to a test table. He tried to escape and fight the burning sensation he had got from passing out. A strap snapped and he undid the others. He stood up and saw Lady Deverill. Before she could do anything he pushed her into her caldron. He ran away as fast as he can.