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Gas Chambers in Animal Shelters

Gas Chambers in Animal Shelters. By: Taylor Bailey. Back Story.

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Gas Chambers in Animal Shelters

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  1. Gas Chambers in Animal Shelters By: Taylor Bailey

  2. Back Story Gas chambers were used in world war 2 when Nazi's decided anyone flawed or different from them were better off dead… Today we use the same procedure on innocent animals due to lack of money or over-populization. It’s inhumane and cruel.

  3. Gas Chamber Process • Animals of all kinds are piled into a cage, wheeled into a metal chamber and locked inside. After the chamber is sealed, Carbon Monoxide is vented into the chamber where it slowly begins to suffocate the animals until they die.

  4. This is a sad sight to bare • http://youtu.be/kp9L10A-FNg?t=21s

  5. The Sad Truth • More than 12 million dogs and cats enter shelters annually of that 12 million only 2% of cats will be reclaimed and 16% of dogs. • Only 1/3 of animals put up for adoption actually get adopted • Shelters only hold animals for 5 days to be reclaimed by their owners and than the animals are put through a process of approval to be put up for adoption. • After the process the shelters will hold the animals for a minimum of 35 days. • If an animal is not adopted, it is Euthanized.

  6. E.B.I vs. Gas Chambers • Humane euthanization is defined as an easy or painless death. • Unfortunately some shelters still use gas chambers which shut down vital organs first than the brain, causing the death to be up to 30 minutes of excruciating pain for the animal. • Euthanization by injection or E.B.I is a process which involves the last and maybe even first touch of human compassion to the animal as they are calmly injected. E.B.I shuts down the brain before any vital organs causing a quick, up to 5 minute death and their last moment to be with love.

  7. Unfortunately…. If it was up to me I would be rid of euthanization all together but the hard truth is that there is an over populization of animals, but there is as well of people. If an animal was undeniably sick and helpless or a harm to those around it, than maybe euthanization is the only way, but if we do it, we should do it humanely. Animals have feeling and hearts, truth be told they are forgiving, non judgmental and loyal; better than any human I know of.

  8. Ways to help prevent use of gas chambers. • TV ads using lots of ethos and pathos making people aware. • Donations: there are things like Strut your mut, and Keep a dog warm foundation; that are groups that get together and motivate people to bring their animal for fun as well as donate to help others that don’t have homes • Flyers and local radio stations can help make people aware. I believe as long as we can raise enough money we can keep animals from being killed. Awareness and an increase in funds for shelters will improve on shelter living, space, food, facilities, and so much more. If we can get people to help fight for this cause than we can be rid of gas chambers and maybe even euthanization for no other reason but space and money all together.

  9. Save a Life // Get Involved


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