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Government portals and Directgov. March 2007 bill.edwards@gov3.net. About Gov3. Gov3 was launched in September 2004 by the core team in the UK’s Office of the e-Envoy
Government portals and Directgov March 2007 bill.edwards@gov3.net
About Gov3 • Gov3 was launched in September 2004 by the core team in the UK’s Office of the e-Envoy • Gov3 is unique: we use our ‘inside government’ experience of IT enabled change to advise and support governments and international institutions. We are in a market of one - no other major global consultancy can match our offer • Gov3 is now one of the world’s fastest growing international public sector consultancy businesses. In our first 2 years we have: • Worked on IT enabled transformation with 30 governments, across five continents • Worked with the European Commission, OECD, the UN and the World Bank • Recruited a global network of consultants with ‘inside government’ experience of IT enabled change in the public sector
Traditional e-government delivery • Thousands of government websites, all organised round structure of government not needs of customer • Confusing customers – with agencies competing to provide similar services • Replicating the offline offer, rather than exploiting the benefits of technology • Incoherent or inadequate branding and marketing • Absence of systems to learn about the customers government do have, so they can offer them targeted services Putting a portal on top of this does not help!
Q1 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2002 2003 2000 2001 Take-up in the UK 60 Buying online 50 40 % of Population Banking online 30 20 Government online 10 0 Source: National Statistics Omnibus Survey
Where we are going • Citizens want more • Younger citizens think differently and demand more • Global business is setting the pace • The traditional way of delivering government won’t work in the future. We are moving to a citizen-centric public sector
The foundations of effective delivery Single service over multiple channels One place Built for me Killer application A realbrand User demands
€ ?
Phone Web Walk in € Single service Delivering information and services in the way that people use them One stop e-shop Customer segmented clusters
USA, Canada and UK Integration Portal Destination UK online USA –Firstgov Help (Austria) Canada Clusters Directgov GovHK Croatia
Take-up trajectory for Directgov Internet users per 100 population Portal users per 100 population Directgov UKonline Internet users Portal users
UK Canada US E-participation maturity1 Netherlands Mexico Singapore Korea New Zealand Australia Denmark Estonia Belgium Germany Chile Finland Sweden France Austria Malta Hungary Phillipines Norway Ukraine Poland Japan Turkey Switz Brazil. Israel Russia Slovenia Thai Italy Portugal Ireland Lux Czech Romania Latvia Slovakia Bahrain India Lith. Croatia Greece S. Africa Iceland Cyprus Jordan China Spain E-service maturity2 United Nations benchmarking shows a wide spread of e-Government performance Source: United Nations e-Government Readiness Report 2004. 1: e-participation index covering information, consultation and decision-making, 2: web-government index covering interactivity, transactions and networked presence.
Citizen-centricity > easy to say, complex to deliver Principles of citizen-centricity Customer focus Web-centric delivery Continuous improvement Benefit realisation A compelling online offer OUTCOMES Citizen-centric channel management Citizen-centric customer management Citizen-centric business management Lower cost Walk-in(including kiosk and intermediated Internet) Internet Transformed customer experience Key service delivery processes Channel management strategy Performance monitoring Customer needs intelligence Service proposition & design Delivery vision Marketing communication DiTV Delivery architecture Portfolio management Public policy outcomes Phone(and mobile devices) Mail Governance Enablers Skills and expertise Service-oriented IT architecture
Thank you bill.edwards@gov3.net