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Easter Revision

Enhance your marks by mastering the BECAUSE, HOWEVER, THEREFORE model for effective writing. Discover how to strengthen your sentences for maximum impact and learn powerful techniques to elevate your message. Dive into the art of persuasive writing with engaging content and compelling arguments. Uncover the secrets to crafting impactful sentences that captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Elevate your writing skills and boost your academic performance today!

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Easter Revision

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  1. Easter Revision What will make the greatest impact on your marks?

  2. What is this task all about?

  3. Planning is imperative!You could use the BECAUSE HOWEVER THEREFORE model

  4. How has this student used the ‘Because, However(but), Therefore (so)’ method? I am writing to you today to inform you about the pressing issue that is cars. I wake up every morning to the inharmonic whirring of a car’s engine whilst it speeds down my road in the early hours of the day. I’ll tell you now, Minister, I’ve had enough! They constantly pump harsh chemicals into the air around us which make out streets smell, our atmosphere toxic and most importantly puts young children’s lives in danger as they’re almost always breathing more harmful gasses into their weak and underdeveloped lungs. Do you want your child continuously breathing in your car’s waste? I know I don’t. Now, I understand that cars make certain aspects of human life easier – but at what cost? Oil rigs repeatedly drain the earth of its finite resources just so that people can waste it on cars. If for just one week every car-user used a bus or train on their commute to work instead of killing our planet by using a car, then the amount of petrol used would drop significantly and make the world a better place. It’s also proven that it’s much safer to use a bus, train, or even a bike than a car. Public transport drivers are hired professionals and put your safety first: they’re not your average Joe who’s risking theirs (and other drivers’) lives by driving to work hungover and not being on full alert. In conclusion, cars waste money, materials, resources and – if you’re unlucky enough – lives. Please take this into consideration and liberate walkers and cyclists alike of the fear of the danger of cars. I hope to hear from you soon. What could we do to improve this?

  5. Sentences for impact 1. Using appositives (a noun or a noun phrase which re-names the noun it refers to) e.g. The teacher, an industrious man who was committed to his students, spent the weekend marking essays. A constant threat to the environment, the poisonous emissions from car exhausts are a symbol of the destructive tendency of the modern age. Thriving centres of commerce and leisure, our towns and cities are also becoming clogged with an ever-increasing amount of traffic. 2. The ‘trailer’ opening with three semi-colons and a colon e.g. We live in a world where cities have become uninhabitable; where exhaust fumes clog our lungs; where crossing the road becomes a dice with death; where congestion turns the shortest journey into a tedious chore: isn’t it about time we did something to alleviate this torture? 3. Contrast Whilst we sleep in our comfortable beds safely within our secure homes, there is another world out there which literally begs us to listen. 4. The question When will we as a society learn that we need to do more to help the disadvantaged, the destitute and the diseased?

  6. Sentences for impact 5. The dramatic sentence Tonight, a homeless person near you will die. 6. The ‘For too long’ and a colon sentence For too long, we have ignored the pressing issue of the homeless in our society: it is time that we as a community did something about it 7. Now more than ever… Now more than ever, we need to ensure that those who lack the basic human rights of shelter and warmth are provided with hope and a better future. 8. The ‘I understand … (semi-colon) however…’ sentence I understand that there are people out there who claim that some homeless people are not genuine; however, can we afford to play with people’s lives based on what we think are a minority?

  7. Could we improve the sentences used? I am writing to you today to inform you about the pressing issue that is cars. I wake up every morning to the inharmonic whirring of a car’s engine whilst it speeds down my road in the early hours of the day. I’ll tell you now, Minister, I’ve had enough! They constantly pump harsh chemicals into the air around us which make out streets smell, our atmosphere toxic and most importantly puts young children’s lives in danger as they’re almost always breathing more harmful gasses into their weak and underdeveloped lungs. Do you want your child continuously breathing in your car’s waste? I know I don’t. Now, I understand that cars make certain aspects of human life easier – but at what cost? Oil rigs repeatedly drain the earth of its finite resources just so that people can waste it on cars. If for just one week every car-user used a bus or train on their commute to work instead of killing our planet by using a car, then the amount of petrol used would drop significantly and make the world a better place. It’s also proven that it’s much safer to use a bus, train, or even a bike than a car. Public transport drivers are hired professionals and put your safety first: they’re not your average Joe who’s risking theirs (and other drivers’) lives by driving to work hungover and not being on full alert. In conclusion, cars waste money, materials, resources and – if you’re unlucky enough – lives. Please take this into consideration and liberate walkers and cyclists alike of the fear of the danger of cars. I hope to hear from you soon.

  8. What about motif? • Positive impression • Light • Hope • Religious (e.g. saviour/ angelic) • Celestial (stars/ moon/ sun) • Weather • Negative impression • Disease • Crime (robbing/ murdering) • Darkness • Religious (hell/ devil) • Weather

  9. Use some of the sentence forms to create your motif sentences Have a go at adding motif Let me be clear: they are a disease and their overuse is spreading like a plague. I am writing to you today to inform you about the pressing issue that is cars. I wake up every morning to the inharmonic whirring of a car’s engine whilst it speeds down my road in the early hours of the day. I’ll tell you now, Minister, I’ve had enough! They constantly pump harsh chemicals into the air around us which make out streets smell, our atmosphere toxic and most importantly puts young children’s lives in danger as they’re almost always breathing more harmful gasses into their weak and underdeveloped lungs. Do you want your child continuously breathing in your car’s waste? I know I don’t. Now, I understand that cars make certain aspects of human life easier – but at what cost? Oil rigs repeatedly drain the earth of its finite resources just so that people can waste it on cars. If for just one week every car-user used a bus or train on their commute to work instead of killing our planet by using a car, then the amount of petrol used would drop significantly and make the world a better place. It’s also proven that it’s much safer to use a bus, train, or even a bike than a car. Public transport drivers are hired professionals and put your safety first: they’re not your average Joe who’s risking theirs (and other drivers’) lives by driving to work hungover and not being on full alert. In conclusion, cars waste money, materials, resources and – if you’re unlucky enough – lives. Please take this into consideration and liberate walkers and cyclists alike of the fear of the danger of cars. I hope to hear from you soon. Eradicate this plague before it’s too late. Use motif to either: Present cars in a negative light Or Present public transport or pedestrianisation in a positive light The cure is clearly within our reach. Plague? No more.

  10. Write some basic motif sentences Xxx robs us of our joy and our liberty. However, xxx isn’t the only thief amongst us: … Isn’t it time we locked up this thief of xxx and threw away the key? Saviour/ heaven/ angelic disease Hope/ light Hell/ devil Sunshine/ stars

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