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2. AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview. Agenda and Packet MaterialsAOPC/Judicial Automation Projects OverviewCPCMS Project UpdateCPCMS Caseload StatisticsAsked and Answered; DL ProcessingCPCMS Dependency Project Overview. 3. AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview. CPCMS Statistics:
1. 1 Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts Prothonotaries’ and Clerks of Courts’ Conference
AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview
July 8, 2008
2. 2 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview
Agenda and Packet Materials
AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview
CPCMS Project Update
CPCMS Caseload Statistics
Asked and Answered; DL Processing
CPCMS Dependency Project Overview
3. 3 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview CPCMS Statistics:
There are currently 8,950 active user logins
There are 6.7M cases in CPCMS
CPCMS produces approximately 16,500 forms and reports per day
In 2007, 18.3K MDJ cases were transferred monthly to CPCMS
In 2007, 11.8M CPCMS secure and public docket sheets were printed from the web portal averaging 986K/month. The monthly average for 2008 is 1.19M.
4. 4 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview CPCMS Training Overview
New User Training – 26 classes
Advanced Training – 58 classes
Workshops – 12 workshops in 8 locations
Return Visits – 17 counties
Dependency Site Visits – 45 counties
Dependency Training – 9 counties
DALink Training – 4 counties
Collection Agency Procedure Training – 2 counties
5. 5 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview Juvenile Dependency Module – much of the CPCMS staff time is devoted to the new Dependency Module being rolled out during 2008. County site visits and training are occurring during this calendar year. Staff has worked with the Office of Children and Families in the Courts, JCJC, DPW and the Juvenile Court Rules Committee.
Staff continues to work with counties to clean up migrated cases so that statistical reports can be run to accurately reflect caseload information.
More and more counties are taking advantage of the collection agency and enforcement functionality within CPCMS. If interested in pursuing the collection agency option, please call the help desk.
6. 6 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview PACMS Rewrite Project
Staff is rewriting and upgrading the PACMS application
User Acceptance Tests will be conducted in the Fall, 2008
Training will occur from February – June, 2009
Go live for all appellate court locations will be July, 2009
Enhanced functionality will provide more cross-court access of case information between CPCMS and PACMS
7. 7 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview MDJS Rewrite Project
Staff is rewriting the MDJS application after almost 18 years of use
The new application will mirror the look and feel of the CPCMS application using our enterprise-wide approach to development
The new application will provide new and enhanced statewide access to case and participant data
Enhanced functionality will provide more cross-court access of case information between the new MDJS and CPCMS
County Pilots are expected to begin in November, 2009
8. 8 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview AOPC is working with the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) and JNET to complete the rollout of a statewide warrant project that electronically transfers warrant information from our case management systems directly to CLEAN (Commonwealth Law Enforcement Assistance Network) and the FBI’s NCIC (National Crime Information Center).
As a result of working with the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing (PCS), the Board of Probation and Parole and various county representatives, AOPC has created a CPCMS Pre-Sentence Summary Report, available from the secure web portal, providing court, offender, current case (the case selected) and active, inactive, archived and disposed case information.
9. 9 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview AOPC has been tasked with creating a statewide jury list pursuant to Act 37 of 2007. The statewide information will be apportioned by county and made available to the counties in the fall of 2008. Information from the Departments of Public Welfare (DPW), Transportation (PennDOT), Revenue and State is being used to create the master list.
AOPC is participating in a Data Quality project with the County Commissioners Association (CCAP), County Chief Adult Probation and Parole Officers’ Association, the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute, and state and county criminal justice agencies to develop a method for Pennsylvania to improve the quality of information collected within the local criminal justice automated records systems.
10. 10 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview AOPC, JNET and the Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission (JCJC) are working on a project to create an interface between CPCMS and JCJC’s Juvenile Tracking System (JTS), eliminating the need for duplicate case entry between systems.
AOPC is working with the Department of Corrections (DOC) to accept electronic Act 84 payment information from DOC into our case management systems.
DALink and CDI/PMS Counties
15 counties are using DALink; 5 more expressed interest
10 counties are using CDI Interface; 9 more expressed interest
11. 11 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview
AOPC is working with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) on projects to file police criminal complaints electronically and to provide counties with electronic case information to populate county legacy systems.
AOPC is working with the Attorney General’s (AG) Office to provide Megan’s Law disposition information to assist with the AG’s audit responsibilities. In addition, we are working with JNET to support the availability of fingerprint, photo and palm print equipment for fingerprint and Megan’s Law reporting requirements.
12. 12 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview AOPC is working with JNET to provide statewide warrant information from its case management systems combining it with searchable warrant information from PSP CLEAN and DPW Domestic Relations warrants.
CPCMS continued to send county audit files to the AG thereby reducing the time an auditor needs to spend in the county.
13. 13 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview AOPC is working with JNET and Westmoreland County as a pilot to create a Westmoreland County Warrant Watch List from the active warrants included in the AOPC web portal index. Actions such as a PSP Arrest message, PennDOT change of address, DOH Death Notification, and PBPP violators will generate a notification to the county.
JNET and the AOPC are completing a pilot project to create a reference NIEM (National Information Exchange Model) 2.0 Court Case Event Message (CCE) using the newly drafted JNET NIEM message development process.
14. 14 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview AOPC is working with PennDOT and a York County pilot to code for acceptance of electronically created Driver License (DL) suspension forms rather than using paper. If successful this will be rolled out statewide.
Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing has converted from using MDJS to CPCMS data to initiate case information in its SGS web application. AOPC has provided the Sentencing Commission with case disposition and financial data for its research projects.
15. 15 AOPC/Judicial Automation Projects Overview AOPC has been meeting with JNET, PCCD and the District Attorneys Association to discuss providing access to court case information for its statewide PA SAVIN (Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification) project.
AOPC is working with PCCD, JNET and PSP on a Fingerprint Initiative to increase the number of fingerprints captured by law enforcement as cases are entered into the criminal justice system.