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School Counseling Programs are about:

School Counseling Programs are about:. RESULTS! How are students better off as a result of the school counseling program?. Career Guidance. Should be equitable Should reflect school improvement goals and objectives Should be continuous and systemic Should involve all stakeholders.

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School Counseling Programs are about:

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  1. School Counseling Programs are about: • RESULTS! How are students better off as a result of the school counseling program?

  2. Career Guidance • Should be equitable • Should reflect school improvement goals and objectives • Should be continuous and systemic • Should involve all stakeholders

  3. Key Questions • Does your program have targeted courses of action to improve student achievement? • Are the career activities” value added” for students? • Is career guidance an integral part of a guidance curriculum?

  4. PROGRAM GOAL • What the program must achieve to be successful • How the customer or community will be changed or benefit

  5. RESULTS BASED GUIDANCE • Focus on Results Aligned to the Mission of the School • Use Data Already Available • Analyze and Interpret Data • Use Appropriate Data for Achievable Results • Design Guidance Action Plan (Research)

  6. BASIC DATA ANALYSIS • Simple Statistics- (Averages) • Disaggregate Data • Longitudinal Study

  7. HOW TO FIND DATA • School Report Card • School Improvement Plan • Surveys • Assessments • Attendance • Discipline Referrals • Race, Ethnicity, and Gender

  8. Projected Shifts in School Age Population (5-17) Source: US Census Bureau, Population Projections, in Education Week, September 27, 2000.

  9. Highest Educational Attainment for Every 100 Kindergartners (Age 25-29) Source: US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. March Current Population Survey, 1971-2001, In The Condition of Education 2002

  10. RESULTS MEASURES • Are we doing the right thing? • Provide definition for a program goal. • Make the conceptual “picture” of a goal more concrete.

  11. RESULTS MEASURES =ALL DIMENSIONS OF THE GOAL • Break the goal down into parts • Goal: Discipline referrals will decrease and student conduct will improve.

  12. PERFORMANCE MEASURES • Manage a program. • Plan for program needs. • Identify inefficiencies. • Help put results into context.

  13. PROGRAMS, GOALS, RESULTS, AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES • Clear about where we need to go. • Gives us tools to guide our achievement • Shows us how well we are progressing towards our destination.

  14. Results Based Career Guidance Model

  15. PROGRAM GOALS AND RESULTS • Both address a desired change in customer or community. • Both are customer focused. • Both are results based.

  16. RESULTS MEASURES GIVE DEFINITION TO THE GOAL BY SPECIFICITY • Goal: The number of students who participate in systemic career activities will increase.

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