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First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103

First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103. Worship Information Sunday Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Sunday School September – May Pastor Marie Duquette Church 740-983-2641. The Mission of First English Lutheran Church is:

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First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103

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  1. First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103 Worship Information Sunday Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Sunday School September – May Pastor Marie Duquette Church 740-983-2641 The Mission of First English Lutheran Church is: to grow in faith, to spread God’s love, to share god’s gifts, together, through service and worship.

  2. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger A Message from Pastor Marie… Who’s On First? Please plan to attend a meeting following the service on May 6th. It might accurately be called a “Come to Jesus” meeting: we need to have a conversation about some tough issues facing our church. Namely, we need to grow. We have limited resources. We have lots of great ideas. We can’t do them all. I met today with a couple folks from our congregation to discuss several things including: 1) how best to grow our church; 2) how to turn First Thursdays into more of an outreach and less of a party for those who are already members; 3) what to do now that we are not doing Amazing Grace. After considering several solutions and ideas, we decided perhaps we were putting the cart before the horse and what we needed to do FIRST was to take stock of our resources. That’s where you come in. At this meeting that I am playfully calling Who’s On First, we need to talk about who is doing what ALREADY. Many a congregation has been derailed by trying to do too much with too little. It will not serve our mission well if our ambitions exceed our resources, causing our faithful members to become burned out and discouraged. Please plan to attend. I love being your pastor. I’m happy to listen with you to consider where the Holy Spirit is leading us. But my leadership is only as effective as the people who join forces with me to create and execute a plan. You are gifted people: I need your ears, and your eyes, and your voice so that the plan we create will be ne we can sustain. We are not yet where we need to be, but together we are most certainly on the way. And I can’t wait to see where we are going! With you, Pastor Marie This life therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified.”―Martin Luther Page 1

  3. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger • The ongoing healing of: • Jane Wilson • Bill Danison • Gretchen Featheringham • Julie Ramin • Becky Morris • Martha Erchenbrecher • Paul Myers • Madeline Richardson • Jennifer Patton • Pastor Gerhard Kraus, Trinity Lutheran, Circleville • Pastor Dave Shugert • Bridget Madeline Richardson -- April 17th "God is good! Madeline's chest is healing nicely. She had her first shower and loved every minute of it! (all 30 of them!) I can see a new found confidence in her. She has a little more hop to her step. And, she is considering riding the bus to school tomorrow! She has been attending school regularly, but I have been taking her. I love when she feels well enough to regain the independence of a typical 7 year old! The most delightful change is the relationship with her sister. The two of them for months have led such separate lives. Madeline hasn't felt like running and playing and Elaina doesn't want to sit and read a novel or watch a movie. Now, they are asking to play school together at night and holding hands when we are out in public. They are like two new best friends. Craig and I just sit back and watch so proudly. It feels wonderful to see them lovingly playing together. It's been too long!" Update from Pastor Dave Shugert's Caring Bridge site (an online journal of his progress).  April 24th Transplant Journey, Part 2--A Crowded Road! "Dave was admitted to the hospital this morning, after 6 weeks at home. Chemotherapy begins tonight, in preparation for the bone marrow transplant still set for May 1st. More details are in the Journal, but we both are mindful that this journey has been on a road filled with family and friends we dearly love. In this case, it has been a fine thing to travel on a crowded road, knowing that all those who travel with us offer encouragement, time together at rest stops, cheerful nudging in the right direction when we'd like another route, and, always, prayerful reminders that we are not alone." • Thomas Smith (The Wilson’s Grandson) Serving in the U.S. Marine Corp • Mission Partner Living Waters Lutheran • Church, Cherokee, NC • Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson and the work of the ELCA • Bishop Cal Holloway, his staff and the ministry of our Southern Ohio Synod • The poor and needy within our community and in the world • All our brothers and sisters throughout the world suffering through War and Natural Disasters • Those serving in the military and their families. Page 2

  4. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger A Message about Worship… May 6 Tom & Nancy Bausum May 13 Ernie & Linda Reeb May 20 NielsJohnsen May 27 Mike Raver Thank you for volunteering to serve as a worship assistant. If you are unable to serve on your assigned date please get a replacement if possible. May 6 Scripture: Acts 17:1-9 and 1 Thess 1:1-10 Story by: Pam Johnsen Sermon Title: Thessalonica wants me May 13 Galatians 1:1-19; 5:1-6, 13-14 Story by: Mike Kent Sermon Title: On To Galatia! May 20 Scripture: Acts 18:1-17 and 1 Cor 1:10-18 Story by: Linda Reeb Sermon Title: What rhymes with Corinth? May 27 – Pentecost Scripture: 1 Cor 12:1-11 Story by: the Youth Sermon Title: 4 years of Spanish May 6 Sydney Allen & Dalton Blanton May 13 Merinda Blanton & Sam Allen May 20 Patrick Williams & Tim Parks May 27 Holly Cherry & Destiny Reed If you can’t make it please switch or call Ernie Reeb at 983-3826 May Communion Set-up Mona Lee Trego Wednesday 6:30 p.m. May 6 Reeb Family May 13Stiver Family May 20 Bob & Nancy Rich May 27 Jeff & Beth Allen Page 3

  5. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger Congratulations to Laura Hines & Dustin Wymer Married at FELC, April 21st May 2 Ken Harness May 5 Sheryl Cleaver May 6 Jane Wilson May 7 Cindy Reed May 14 Shirley Norris May 19 Samuel Allen May 20 Robert Rich “Given Moments” If you’re interested in purchasing a copy of “Given Moments”, the book that Pastor Marie co-wrote with her friend Tracy Lawson, you can find ordering information atwww.duquettelawson.comOR pick up a copy at The CuriosityShop on Main Street in Ashville. THANK YOU! To all the men who helped prepare and serve the Easter Breakfast. What a beautiful way to start Easter morning. May 2 Janice Ramey May 8 Raven Nicole Blanton May 16 Tim Parks May 17 Nancy Bausum May 30 Christopher Danison May 21 Tom & Carol Ramsay We apologize if we missed a special date in family. Please contact Jana Kent at 983-6285 with additions or corrections NEW ADDRESS Julie Ramin 4000 Lakeview Crossing A-15 Groveport, OH 43125 May 21 Page 4

  6. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger Committee & Group Messages… Lydia Circle Next meeting, Tuesday May 8th 10:00 a.m. at Mona Lee Trego’s Jocebed(Yo-keh-bed) Circle The Yo-yo’s are feverishly working on the FELCcookbook. They are currently selling advertisement space in the book to help deplete the cost of the printing. The will also be serving the meal at the upcoming “Bible Bowl” on Sunday May 6th. Their next meeting will be after the “Bible Bowl: on May 6th. Esther Circle Thanks to all the ladies of the EstherCircle who helped prepare and serveApril’s 1st Thursday Dinner. Page 5

  7. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger Committee & Group Messages… From Linda Cummins, Food Pantry Director Finance Committee… The Food Pantry was truly blessed in April. The offering from the community Good Friday services was $1124.07. The Burger Bash at Wendy's was very successful. I don't have the final total as yet but the total for donations, raffle, and the percentage of sales from the restaurant will be over $1300. Thank you to all who participated and donated to this fundraiser. And then, I met with Steve Gary at the Savings Bank. He gave me a check for $500.00 from the bank and told me they plan to continue their food drive and money match this fall. The Ashville Fire Department has been collecting food. Teays Valley East Middle School collected over 900 toiletries, toilet paper, toothpaste, paper towels, tooth brushes, and other needed items. The Viking Festival is the end of April. They have been very supportive. Some years their donations were so large that food was stored at one of the other churches. Please forgive me if I have forgotten  to mention someone. Linda.. March Totals Regular Offerings $5920.00 Designated Funds (see below) $1098.84 Total Income $7018.84 Designated Funds for March Building Fund $207.00 Social Room Use $ 40.00 Easter/Lent $505.00 Food Pantry $100.00 Good Samaritan $ 65.00 SS Missions $ 24.00 Interest $ 12.84 ELCA World Hunger $125.00 TVYSA $ 20.00 $1098.84 Total Expenditures/Transfers $6566.88 Current Assets (checking/savings) AAL Money Market $28,326.98 Building Fund $10,541.38 Dore Memorial $ 1,948.82 Education Fund $ 4,423.24 General Fund $19,739.33 Memorial Account $ 5,426.93 Peters Grant $17,916.12 Savings Bank CD $24,223.24 TOTAL $112,546.04 The Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Not able to make it to church? Still want to enjoy the service? Sunday morning church services are now available on CD. If you missed a particular Sunday and want to hear the service please contact either Ernie Reeb or Pastor Marie Duquette for a copy. Sunday School Mission Offering for May Trinity Lutheran Seminary Page 6

  8. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger Messages on upcoming Events… NEXT May 20th 1987-2012 Our next “First Thursday” will be heldMay 3 6:00 P.M Meal Served 7:00 P.M. Hymn Sing with FELC Choir Come enjoy a meal of: Beefaroni Salad & Bread Sticks Assorted Desserts and Beverages Activities for the children 14th Annual Garden Gala Tour Sponsored by: Circle of Caring Saturday, June 9, 10-3 Sunday, June10, 1-6 Save the date! Buck-a-Chick We met our goal! $125.00 worth of Buck-a-Chicks were sold during the Lent/Easterseason. Please be sure tosee all the colorful chicks that adorn our fellowship area. The money collected has been sent to the ELCA World Hunger Program. Thanks to all who made a donation. Page 7

  9. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger A Message from the Youth…. FELC is hosting the 1st Sunday, May 6th, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Competition begins at 4:30 p.m. Dinner at 5:30 p.m. Come and Cheer on the ConfirmationStudents as they flex their theological muscles, amazing all who attend with their knowledge of the Gospel Accordingto Mark! BIBLE BOWL FELC Youth Reached their Goal of$7,200.00 Thanks to everyone for their support! Have a business you’dlike to advertise? Need Help SPRING CLEANING? The youth of First English are available for hire to help you with your spring cleaning. If interested please contact Cindy Reed at 740- 983-2288 or Beth Allen at 740-983- 4329 to coordinate your needs The youth will be selling add spacein our upcoming FELC cookbook to helpdefer the cost of publishing . If interestedplease see any of our youth for details. Pricing below. The Youth would like to extend a BIG Thank You!To Mike Raverfor his amazing gift. Full Page $100.00 ½ Page $50.00 1/3 Page $40.00 Business Card Size $30.00 1/6 Page $25.00 1/8 Page $20.00 Booster (1 line) $5.00 Page 8

  10. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger A Message from Council… Tuesday, March 20, 2012 The regular meeting of the FELCCC was called to order by President Tom Ramsay. Present were Beth Allen, Raven Blanton, Sheryl Cleaver, Linda Cummins, Tom Ramsay, Ernie Reeb, Cindy Reed and Pastor Marie Duquette. Pastor Marie led prayer. Secretary’s Report Linda made a motion to approve the February meeting minutes as submitted. Cindy seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s Report Ernie made a motion to accept the February Treasurer’s report. Beth seconded; motion carried. Pastor’s Report – Written report is attached to minutes. Highlights include: • She met with Mark Nodo regarding the Healthy Congregations training. At their meeting he talked about a video series on Congregational Leadership. Pastor recommends we view the videos as part of council meetings. • Pastor drafted a Wedding Policy. Council reviewed the policy and will review it again when it is finalized. • FELC was offered to hold the Amazing Grace Day Camp during the week of July 1. There was discussion on the timing of the 4th of July holiday and the conflicts in the community during that week, plus the small attendance we had last year during the first week of July. It was agreed that it would not be the best use of our resources to hold day camp that week. If another week is not available, then we will explore some other type of summer program for children. • The Bible Bowl will be held on May 6 at 4:30. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian Education: No report. Evangelism: No report. Finance: No report. Worship & Music: No report. Stewardship: Have discussion on future First Thursdays. Property: Lighting for sign in front of church was repaired. Ernie has contacted an electrician regarding running electric for the AV equipment for the sanctuary. He will also ask them for a quote for updating the breaker boxes in the church. Mutual Ministry: Need to schedule a meeting. Memorial: No report. REPORTS FROM AUXILIARIES & TASK FORCES: Food Pantry: New sign for Food Pantry has been donated. Wendy’s in South Bloomfield is holding a “Burger Bash” on April 18 and 15% of sales will be donated to the Food Pantry. Women of Church: The Southern Ohio Synod WELCA Spring Gathering will be held at FELC on April 15. The Jocebed Circle is collecting recipes for the cookbook. Youth: They are preparing for New Orleans by meeting monthly with Pastor Marie. Endowment: No report. Page 9

  11. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger • OLD BUSINESS • The new copier has been installed and is working well. • Financial Peace University is still on hold. • A bid was received from Central Ohio Sound for the AV • equipment for the sanctuary. The total cost for the large screen television, relocation of sound equipment and needed upgrades is $5,000. Best Buy provided a higher bid. Beth made a motion to proceed with the purchase and installation of the AV equipment from Central Ohio Sound. Linda seconded; motion carried. • NEW BUSINESS • Pastor asked for input regarding the vision statement that was proposed at the Annual Congregation meeting. Following discussion regarding any feedback that was received on the proposed statement, it was agreed that we should use the proposed vision statement. • The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, at 7 p.m. in the Social Room at the church. The meeting was adjourned. • Respectfully submitted, • Sheryl Cleaver Continued Thank you to all who contributed to a beautiful Lent/Easter time at FELC. From preparing and serving the Lenten Soup Suppers, participating in mid weekLent services, donating flowers and decorating the church and so much more. You truly all are a BLESSING! Look what hatched Easter Morning! Page 10

  12. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger Anniversary Sunday Celebration 1937 - 1962

  13. First English Lutheran Church May 2012 The Messenger 1962 - 1987 Anniversary Celebration Sunday

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