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How Memrise.com and Conjuguemos.com helped me become a much better teacher!. This is a talented Polish born student who started learning French from scratch in Year 7. She is now in Year 8. Students were told to revise keywords from Memrise.com
How Memrise.com and Conjuguemos.com helped me become a much better teacher!
This is a talented Polish born student who started learning French from scratch in Year 7. She is now in Year 8. Students were told to revise keywords from Memrise.com They have not written anything before on this topic. She is able to use a great deal of vocabulary which she learnt in Year 7.
This work was by a low ability student (CAT score below 80) who also wrote from memory. I offered the student their exercise book but it was refused. I am pleased with the use of “ma” “mon” and “c’est”. Also the spelling of “copains” and “quand”. Difficult words like “magasins” and “préféré” are nearly spelt correctly.
This student is considered to have literacy delays and has a below average CAT score. Again written mainly from memory. I like the phrases “je ne rate jamais” Also, the student is starting to use the past tense with some success. Given that the person has literacy delays. I feel that the spelling is very good. The following slide is her vocab test which is quite impressive.
As well as writing mainly from memory creatively, students do translations too. This student is in Year 8 and like the others started French from scratch one year ago.
This work is by a Year 7 student who started learning French six weeks ago. Like the other written tasks, the students had not practised it before hand. They had to revise key words from Memrise. I am really pleased with the spelling and the correct use of accents.
Another Year 7 student who started learning French six weeks ago. I am pleased with the spelling and agreements.
I use Conjuguemos.com to set homework. All work is set for three different levels in the class. (ALL/MOST/SOME) Weaker students can put an “x” it will be marked as correct. However, I know if they have used an “x” or not. Some clever lazy students try it on! However, It would be unfair for lower ability students to continually get around 20/25% without this option. Students can also get help from vocabulary lists if necessary.
This work has been set for a class which started French in Year 7 this September. The next slide shows my mark book. The site automatically marks the work. I can also see which questions students got right or wrong by clicking on their name. I have decided on the next slide to cut the students’ names from the slide.