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Chile: A Lesson in Relative Power

Chile: A Lesson in Relative Power. Small spot of wet surrounded by a lot of dry. Allll byyy myyysel-e-elf!. Nice protected inland valley. Who needs an army?. Denmark: Badass. Lots of major powers in the immediate vicinity, so why does Denmark even exist?. 1 ) Northern European

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Chile: A Lesson in Relative Power

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chile: A Lesson in Relative Power

  2. Small spot of wet surrounded by a lot of dry

  3. Allll byyy myyysel-e-elf!

  4. Nice protected inland valley Who needs an army?

  5. Denmark: Badass

  6. Lots of major powers in the immediate vicinity, so why does Denmark even exist?

  7. 1) Northern European population density 2) Mouth of the Baltic

  8. 3) Better land than all of the neighbors

  9. 4) Denmark is not a peninsula – its ONE island with some extra territory

  10. A Testament to Sea Power

  11. Georgia: Badass Wannabe Eurasian hordelands Not a good body of water A road to nowhere and internally split Marmaran superpower Ancient Persia

  12. But all that water creates lots of mountain valleys Most habitable land within 1000 miles

  13. A Closer Look: Modern Georgia Former Soviet military bases in Georgia Considerable insulation from outside powers

  14. How to do a net assessment • Examine regional/local geography • Climate/vegetation • Topography • Population • Identify the core • What does the core have to do to survive/thrive (the imperatives) • How do you operationalize the imperatives (grand strategy and strategy) 19

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