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CRAL (Lyon). SAURON Spectrograph. Euro3D RTN Kick-off Meeting IAC, Tenerife July 2-4, 2002. PMAS : 3 years experience with nod & shuffle. 3D spectroscopy. Martin M. Roth, AIP Nicolás Cardiel, Calar Alto Javier Cenarro, UCM. rebinned to PMAS IFU. 10 hours @ 8m.
CRAL (Lyon) SAURON Spectrograph Euro3D RTN Kick-off Meeting IAC, Tenerife July 2-4, 2002
PMAS : 3 years experience with nod & shuffle 3D spectroscopy Martin M. Roth, AIP Nicolás Cardiel, Calar Alto Javier Cenarro, UCM
rebinned to PMAS IFU 10 hours @ 8m 1 % FF accuracy 3 % FF accuracy „3D - Imaging the Universe in 3 Dimensions“, Walnut Creek 1999 „SDW 2002“, Waimea 2002
Outline : • Introduction • Example (1) : Ca II triplet in Elliptical Galaxies • Example (2) : Planetary Nebula Haloes • Conclusions + Outlook
Cuillandre et al. 1994, A&A 281, 603 „ Va – et – Vient “ Object Sky
Object Sky Cuillandre et al. 1994, A&A 281, 603 „ Va – et – Vient “
Cuillandre et al. 1994, A&A 281, 603 „ Va – et – Vient “ Glazebrook & Bland-Hawthorne 2001, PASP 113, 197 Roth et al. 2002, Proc. SDW 2002 (Waimea)
Refereed Publications based on PMAS in 2003: Christensen L., Becker T., Jahnke K., Kelz A., Roth M. M., Sánchez S. F., Wisotzki L. Integral field spectroscopy of SN2002er with PMASA&A, 401 (2003) 479 Wisotzki L., Becker T., Christensen L., Helms A., Jahnke K., Kelz A., Roth M. M., Sánchez S. F.Integral-field spectroscopy of the quadruple QSO HE 0435-1223: Evidence for microlensingA&A 408 (2003) 455 Schmoll, J., Roth, M.M., Laux, U.„Statistical Test of Optical Fibers for Use in PMAS, the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer“ PASP 115 (2003), 854
2004 : Roth, M.M., Becker, T., Kelz, A., Schmoll, J. 3D Spectrophotometry of Planetary Nebulae in the Bulge of M31ApJ 603 (2004), 531 Christensen, L., Sánchez, S. F., Jahnke, K., Becker, T., Wisotzki, L., Kelz, A., Popovic, L. C., Roth, M. M. “Integral field spectroscopy of extended Ly_alpha emission from the DLA galaxy in Q2233+131” A&A 417 (2004), 487 Wisotzki, L., Schechter, P.L., Chen, H.-W., Richstone, D., Jahnke, K., Sánchez, S.F., Reimers, D. “HE 0047-1756: A new gravitational Lensed double QSO” A&A 419 (2004), 13 Becker, T., Fabrika, S. , Roth, M.M. “Crowded Field 3D Spectroscopy” AN 325 (2004) 2, 155 Roth, M.M., Becker, T., Böhm, P., Kelz, A. “Science Verification Results from PMAS” AN 325 (2004) 2, 147
2004 (continued): Christensen, L., Sánchez, S.F., Jahnke, K., Becker, T., Kelz, A., Wisotzki, L., Roth, M.M. “Integral Field observations of damped Lyman-a galaxies” AN 325 (2004) 2, 124 Jahnke, K., Wisotzki, L, Sánchez, S.F., Christensen, L., Becker, T., Kelz, A., Roth, M.M. “Integral field spectroscopy of QSO host galaxies” AN 325 (2004) 2, 128 Sholukhova, O., Fabrika, S., Roth, M., Becker, T. (2004), “B 416 a B[e]-SUPERGIANT in Interacting Binary?” Baltic Astronomy, 13, 156 Verheijen, M.A.W., Bershady, M.A., Andersen, D.R., Swaters, R.A., Westfall, K., Kelz, A., Roth, M.M. The Disk Mass project; science case for a new PMAS IFU module AN 325 (2004) 2, 151 Wisotzki, L., Becker, T., Christensen, L., Jahnke, K., Helms, A., Kelz, A., Roth, M.M., Sánchez, S.F. “Integral field spectrophotometry of gravitationally lensed QSOs with PMAS” AN 325 (2004) 2, 135
2005 : Lehmann, I. Becker, T., Fabrika, S., Roth,M.M., Miyaji, T., Afanasief, V., Sholukhova, O., Sánchez, S.F., Greiner, J., Hasinger, G., Constantini, E., Surkov, A., Burenkov, A. “Integral field spectroscopy of the ultraluminous X-ray source Holberg II X-1” A&A, 431 (2005) 847 Christensen, L., Schulte-Ladbeck, R.E., Sanchez, S.F., Becker, T., Jahnke, K., Kelz, A., Roth, M.M., Wisotzki, L. „Abundances and kinematics of a candidate sub-damped Lyman-alpha galaxy toward PHL 1226“ A&A (2005) 429 , 477 Sanchez, S.F., Becker, T., Garcia-Lorenzo, B., Benn, C.R., Christensen, L., Kelz, A., Jahnke, J., Roth, M.M. „The merging/AGN connection II. Ionization of the circumnuclear regions“A&A 429 (2005) L21 Roth, M.M., Kelz, A., Fechner, T., Hahn, T., Bauer, S.-M.; Becker, T., Böhm, P., Christensen, L., Dionies, F., Paschke, J., Popow, E., Wolter, D., Schmoll, J., Laux, U., Altmann, W.„PMAS: The Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer. I. Design, Manufacture, and Performance“PASP 117 (2005), 620
Dressler 1984, ApJ 286, 97 NGC 221 NGC 507 Ca II 8498 Ca II 8542 Ca II 8662 NGC 5982 NGC 6703 (1) 3D spectroscopy of elliptical galaxies in the Ca II triplet region Nicolás Cardiel (CAHA, Calar Alto Observatory, Spain) Javier Cenarro (UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
10 4 10 4 10 3 10 3 10 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 0 10 0 10 -1 10 -1 • Why to use 3D Spectroscopy ? 2MASS 1.2 μ
DSS Image sky position 16’’x16’’ FOV Acquisition Image Acquisition image • Why to use 3D Spectroscopy ?
Why to use PMAS (in Nod & Shuffle mode)? • Because the interlaced observations of target and sky is the only way to obtain a reliable sky subtraction in the near-IR (impossible with long-slit spectroscopy). target (x16) sky (x16)
galaxy+sky sky 256 spectra galaxy Ca1 Ca2 Ca3
HST (NICMOS) photometry of NGC 221 (Ravindranath et al. 2001) > 6 mag • single spectra • coadded spectra ( 10–30 spectra ) • sum over the whole IFU ( 256 spectra ) • Example: NGC 221 • First reliable CaT - gradient in an elliptical galaxy: flat ! • but : NGC221 exhibits a gradient in Mg2 ! • E galaxies arenot composed of simplestellar populations complex star formation history
Ongoing project: still finishing the reduction and starting the analysis phase… Three observing runs: Run #17: 14–20 Aug 2003 Run #20: 09–14 Jan 2004 Run #39: 29 Apr–03 May 2005
(2) Haloes of Planetary Nebulae as fossil records of AGB mass loss history Martin Roth (AIP) Detlef Schönberner (AIP) Matthias Steffen (AIP) Ana Monreal Ibero (AIP) Andreas Kelz (AIP)
(2) Haloes of Planetary Nebulae as fossil records of AGB mass loss history Te ne 10-15erg/cm-2/s-1/Å-1 Å
(2) Haloes of Planetary Nebulae as fossil records of AGB mass loss history Guerrero et al. 1997
single spaxel (V600, 1800 s) H map V1200, 300 s single spaxel (V600, 1800 s) NGC 6720 PMAS guider image
16 x 16, background subtracted 3 x 3, background subtracted 1 x 1, background subtracted NGC 6720 PMAS guider image [O II] map V1200, 1200 s
„Nod & Shuffle“ sky subtraction : [ O II ]
Conventional sky subtraction : H γ [ O III 4363 ] Hg sky line :
„Nod & Shuffle“ sky subtraction : H γ [ O III 4363 ] Hg sky line :
Shell inner halo outer halo Radial intensity profile in H Radial density profile from Abel inversion
Shell inner halo [OII 3729]/[OII 3727] ~ 1 outer halo inner halo: ne ~ r-1.5 ? Radial emissivity profile in H
Ongoing project: … more data expected in September 2005 Three observing runs: Run #23: Feb 2003 Run #27: Aug 2004 Run #28: Aug 2004 (backup)
Conclusions • interlaced NODS 3D spectroscopy works • random noise sky subtraction, no systematic residuals • no MIRACLES : NODS does not beat the shot noise ! • significant overhead penality • at CAHA 3.5m, specifically: not applicable to point sources • opens opportunities for going faint in bright/grey time • think of ELTs : using less than ideal obs condx. !
new 1 arcmin FOV PPAK IFU for PMAS: 75‘‘ 65‘‘