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C.T.U.R C ruise T raffic & U rban R egeneration of port city heritage as a key for the sustainable, economic, social and urban development. Kick off meeting - Naples - 5-4 July 2008. URBACT Local Support Groups. Local support groups (LSG)?. LSG is a new feature of URBACT II
C.T.U.RCruise Traffic & Urban Regeneration of port city heritageas a key for the sustainable, economic, social and urban development Kick off meeting - Naples - 5-4 July 2008 URBACT Local Support Groups
Local support groups (LSG)? • LSG is a new feature of URBACT II • Each project partner commits to set up an LSG gathering local stakeholders concerned by the themes (& subthemes) identifyed: cruise traffic; urban tourism; city-port heritage; etc. • The main aim of the LSG is: • to spread the learning from transnational exchanges to the local level. • to ensure that the european experience lead to change at the local level.
ULSG shall be set up during the dvt phase building on a « stakeholders analysis » (see infra). • Project partners shall ensure participation of LSG to project activities in the aim : • to produce input for exchange & learning activities (case studies) • to produce the Local Action Plan
Some general principles for creating the LSG • No « magic formula » : the LSG depends upon the theme, the nature of the activities, the nature of local needs and the experience of each place • While the Lead Partner and the Lead Expert could advise on the composition of the LSG, the responsability for identifying & building effective LSG rests firmly with each partner.
Composition of the LSG • The LSG can be composed of any stakeholders or person with a strong interest or « stake » in the subject of CTUR. • Nevertheless there are general points to look out for: • The LSG must involve actors who are in a position to contribute to the design and implementation of the LAP (co-financers, users/beneficiaries, heads of city/port departments…). • There is no minimum number of stakeholders. It’s depend of each situation but we can say : « better to have a small group strongly motivated rather than an large number of passive listeners ».
Stakeholder analysis • 3 types of stakeholders : • Key stakeholders : those who are highly interested in the subject & are involved in the implementation of the actions : municipality ; port authority; region; aeroport; Chambers of Trade and industry; universities; etc. • Primary stakeholders : those individuals & groups who are concerned by the actions (tourism and cultural sphera; local population; economic and citizen associations; etc.) • Secondary stakeholders : all other individual or groups with a stake or interest in the issue.
LSG during the development phase of CTUR • For the dvt phase of CTUR, it would be normally sufficient to identify and make an initial contact with the key (and primary) stakeholders. The main idea is that they contribute to identify the main specific needs/experiences of the city port. • A first meeting during the city visit would be useful.