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Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Division of Systems Development (DSD). SAMHSA Mission DSD Mission DSD Responsibilities. Behavioral Health is Essential to Health Prevention Works People Recover Treatment is Effective
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Division of Systems Development (DSD) SAMHSA Mission DSD Mission DSD Responsibilities • Behavioral Health is Essential to Health • Prevention Works • People Recover • Treatment is Effective • Provides leadership and guidance in the planning, development, and implementation of programs and prevention concepts across the Center, and is responsible for carrying out the Center's health promotion and public education activities. • Promotion & implementation of key prevention concepts such as the SPF • Management of CSAP technical assistance contracts • Coordination of CSAP’s GPRA and NOMs • Analysis of data to improve program performance • Analysis, integration, development, & promotion of evidence-based practices to improve service delivery (NREPP) • Development & training of the Geographic Information System (GIS) • Development & coordination of efforts to support workforce development • Leadership to the Center in the development of health promotion & health education materials • Serves as the liaison between SAMHSA and other Federal entities • Continue…
Division of Systems Development Organization Branch Team The Division of Systems Development (DSD) consists of one branch and one team. Within the Performance and Technical Assistance Branch (PTAB) are two workgroups: Data/Evaluation and Training/Technical Assistance (TA). The Materials Development Team (MTD), which reports directly to the Division Director, is responsible for the development of health promotion & health education materials. Patricia B. Getty, Ph.D. DSD Director (Acting) Nel Nadal, M.P.H. Materials Development Team Leader Beverlie Fallik, Ph.D. Performance and Technical Assistance Branch Chief (Acting) Data & Evaluation Workgroup Training & Technical Assistance Workgroup
Staff Division Director (Acting) Secretary Perform. & TA B. Chief (Acting) Project Managers Materials Dev. Team Leader Project Managers Main Office Number FAX Number Patricia Getty, Ph.D. Pamela Hughes Beverlie Fallik, Ph.D. LTJG Daniel Bailey Michele Basen Gwyndolyn Ensley Javaid Kaiser, Ph.D. Nancy Kennedy Carol McHale, Ph.D. John Park Charles Reynolds Pam Roddy, Ph.D. Jennifer Solomon, M.A. LTCDR Josephina Haynes-Battle Maria Barrera, Ed.D Nel Nadal, MPH Tracy Farmer Valna Montgomery David Wilson 240-276-2400 240-276-2410 Patricia Getty, Ph.D. Director (Acting) Nel Nadal, M.P.H. Team Leader Beverlie Fallik, Ph.D. Branch Chief (Acting) Training & TA Workgroup Data & Evaluation Workgroup
Data & Evaluation Block Grant Application System for SYNAR Contract The Block Grant Application System (BGAS) for the SYNAR contract incorporates the Annual Synar Report (ASR) into the BGAS. States and jurisdictions will now have the ability to input data into one centralized system for submitting ASRs. CSAP Services Accountability and Monitoring System CSAP Services Accountability and Monitoring System (CSAMS) provides prevention information to CSAP constituents; and supports accountability and performance information reporting functions required for the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), National Outcome Measures (NOMs), and Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART). Geographical Information System (GIS) An integrated collection of computer software and data used to view and manage information about geographic places, analyze spatial relationships, and model spatial processes. A GIS provides a framework for gathering and organizing spatial data related information so that it can be displayed and analyzed. Continue…
Data & Evaluation (continued) Evidence-Based Programs Evidence-Based Programs are a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in preventing substance abuse and creating sustained positive change in our nation's communities. The CSAP Evidence-Based Programs featured on this site have been tested in communities and schools across America, and proven to prevent or decrease substance abuse in its most vulnerable population—our children. National Outcome Measures The National Outcome Measures (NOMs) set measurable outcomes for mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and substance abuse prevention. National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) supports evidence-based decision-making by providing users with a wide array of information across many dimensions. Continue…
Data & Evaluation (continued) Prevention Platform SAMHSA's Prevention Platform is an online resource for substance abuse prevention. This site can help you through its informational resources and interactive tools. The tools are designed to assist you in the following areas: Assessment - determining your prevention needs; Capacity - improving your capabilities; Planning - developing a strategic plan; Implementation - putting your plan into action; and Evaluation - documenting the outcomes of your work. State Epidemiological Outcome Workgroups Contract The purpose of the State Epidemiological Outcome Workgroups (SEOW) is to collect, analyze, report, and utilize the NOMs data in a manner aligned with the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), which is SAMHSA guiding framework for prevention. Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Cross-Site Evaluation The SPF State Incentive Grant (SIG) Cross-Site Evaluation provides a comprehensive evaluation of Cohorts I and II of the SPF SIG program. SAMHSA’s SPF lays out five ordered steps to guide States and communities through a logical planning process. Continue…
CSAP Services Accountability & Monitoring System Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue… Beverlie Fallik, Ph.D. CSAP Services Accountability and Monitoring System (CSAMS) provides prevention information to CSAP constituents; and supports accountability and performance information reporting functions required for the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), National Outcome Measures (NOMs), and Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART). Strategic Prevention Framework: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. https://www.csapdccc-csams.samhsa.gov
Geographical Information System (GIS) Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Continue… Charles Reynolds An integrated collection of computer software and data used to view and manage information about geographic places, analyze spatial relationships, and model spatial processes. A GIS provides a framework for gathering and organizing spatial data related information so that it can be displayed and analyzed. Strategic Prevention Framework: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners.
Evidence-Based Programs Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue… Carol McHale, Ph.D. Evidence-Based Programs are a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in preventing substance abuse and creating sustained positive change in our nation's communities. The CSAP Evidence-Based Programs featured on this site have been tested in communities and schools across America, and proven to prevent or decrease substance abuse in its most vulnerable population—our children. Included on this Web site, and soon to have a Web site on its own (www.nrepp.samhsa.gov), is information on SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). Plans are to launch this new Web site in early 2007. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Science to Services/Evidence-Based Practices, Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. www.modelprograms.samhsa.gov
National Outcome Measures Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue… Beverlie Fallik, Ph.D. The SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) provides a planning process for SAMHSA, the States, and communities to follow in order to reach measurable outcomes in prevention that meet needs at Federal, State, and local levels. These outcomes are the data each uses to measure and manage performance. The National Outcome Measures (NOMs) is at the center of this strategy. The NOMs set measurable outcomes for mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and substance abuse prevention. Strategic Prevention Framework: Science to Services/Evidence-Based Practices, Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. http://www.nationaloutcomemeasures.samhsa.gov/outcome/index.asp
National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue… Carol McHale, Ph.D. SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) supports evidence-based decision-making by providing users with a wide array of information across many dimensions. Included on the Evidence-Based Programs Web site, and soon to have a Web site on its own (www.nrepp.samhsa.gov), is information on SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). Plans are to launch this new Web site in early 2007. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Science to Services/Evidence-Based Practices, Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. www.modelprograms.samhsa.gov ; www.nrepp.samhsa.gov
Prevention Platform Beverlie Fallik, Ph.D. SAMHSA's Prevention Platform is an online resource for substance abuse prevention. This site can help you through its informational resources and interactive tools. The tools are designed to assist you in the following areas: Assessment - determining your prevention needs; Capacity - improving your capabilities; Planning - developing a strategic plan; Implementation - putting your plan into action; and Evaluation - documenting the outcomes of your work. Strategic Prevention Framework: Science to Services/Evidence-Based Practices, Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. www.preventionplatform.samhsa.gov Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue…
State Epidemiological Outcome Workgroups Michele Basen, MPH States vary dramatically in their ability to collect and analyze National Outcome Measures (NOMs) and other substance abuse-related epidemiological and program monitoring data in a systematic and consistent manner. The ability to collect and analyze these data is vitally important to SAMHSA given the Agency’s commitment to enable all States to report these NOMs data to SAMHSA and to utilize NOMs and other relevant data for planning and programming purposes. The purpose of the State Epidemiological Outcome Workgroups (SEOW) is to collect, analyze, report, and utilize the NOMs data in a manner aligned with the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), which is SAMHSA guiding framework for prevention. The SPF requires data-driven decision-making within each step of the SPF process, including needs assessment, capacity assessment and mobilization, strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation. Strategic Prevention Framework: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Continue…
Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Cross-Site Evaluation Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix John Park, Ph.D. The Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Cross-Site Evaluation provides a comprehensive evaluation of Cohorts I and II of the SPF SIG program. SAMHSA’s SPF lays out five ordered steps to guide States and communities through a logical planning process. This process is expected to promote better decision-making around assessment of community needs and resources, planning around prevention activity, selection and delivery of prevention service and strategies, and meaningful evaluation. Strategic Prevention Framework: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners.
Materials Development Health Promotions Internal Information Continue… Building Blocks for a Healthy Future To educate parents and caregivers about the basics of prevention for children ages 3 to 6. Spiderman and the Fabulous Four in Hard Choices To fill the gap in substance abuse prevention for 7 to 9 year-olds, their parents, and other caregivers. Multi-Cultural: Hispanic/Latino Initiative Hablemos en Confianza, targets parents, young children, and community leaders to help prevent and/or delay onset of substance use. CSAP Intranet To inform CSAP staff on internal CSAP/SAMHSA information essential in performance of job functions and to transfer knowledge to support quality performance.
Materials Development (continued) Public Information Continue… CSAP Internet The CSAP Internet is a tool to convey essential information on substance abuse prevention to our constituents, grantees, partners, and the public. Family Guide Web site To support the efforts of parents and other caring adults to promote mental health and prevent the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs among 7- to 18-year-olds. SAMHSA Weekly (CSAP addition) To provide information on CSAP presentations, meetings, conferences, interviews, and publications on a weekly basis for the public. Tips for Teens Series To provide facts and dispels myths about substance use. Information is provided on long-term and short-term effects, physical and psychological risks, impact on sexual performance, and legal implications. Too Smart To Start Too Smart To Start is designed to educate 9- to 13-year-olds about the harms of alcohol use and to support parents and caregivers as they participate in their children's activities.
Materials Development (continued) Communications Planning and Clearance Process To help guide how SAMHSA communicates with its constituencies: consumers; families; providers and other health/social services professionals; organizations at the national, State and local levels; the media; and the general public. CSAP Editorial Support To provide direct support for writing and editing materials and products. (Contract) Materials Development and Marketing Support (MDMS) To assist SAMHSA/CSAP in carrying out its mandate to reach every community and neighborhood with appropriate substance abuse health messages and resources. (Contract) Publications Prevention Partners Continue… CSAP/NPN Prevention Works! Initiative To provide training and materials to the NPN members, to help them raise awareness about the importance of substance abuse prevention among key constituents in their State, and to help educate local community-based organizations on substance abuse prevention strategies that work.
Materials Development (continued) CSAP Webcasts In a joint collaboration with WITF Studios in Harrisburg, PA, CSAP conducts distance learning webcasts on substance abuse and public health issues. HIV/AIDs Faith Community Subcontracts Through its Faith-Based Initiative, CSAP provides capacity-building assistance to community-based faith partners that serve racial and ethnic minorities, community partners with a history of serving people affected by or infected with HIV/AIDs, and other prevention providers. Community Prevention Day: February 12, 2007 To celebrate and promote substance abuse prevention in our Nation’s communities. CSAP Display at DEA Museum To promote, educate, and disseminate CSAP/SAMHSA and its substance abuse prevention messages. Red Ribbon Week, October 21-27,2007 To send a consistent "No Drug" message to young people. Special Events Go to… Health Promotions Internal Information Public Information Publications Prevention Partners Special Events
Building Blocks for a Healthy Future Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Products Web site Continue Health Promotions Gwyndolyn Ensley SAMHSA/CSAP created the "Building Blocks for a Healthy Future" program to educate parents and caregivers about the basics of prevention for children ages 3 to 6. "Building Blocks" reinforces the skills that enable parents and caregivers to better nurture and protect their children as well as helping their children develop healthy, pro-social behaviors and attitudes. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. Kit: Family Guide, Activity Book, CD, ABC Coloring Book, Know Kit cards, Easy Reader—Play Day in the Park, and Character Cards. www.bblocks.samhsa.gov
Spiderman and the Fabulous Four in Hard Choices Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Products Continue Health Promotions Valna Montgomery SAMHSA/CSAP and the Elks USA collaboration fills the gap for 7 to 9 year-old, their parents, and other caregivers. Special attention has been considered involving child development research, prevention research, and focus testing to ensure that products are appropriate and appeal to a broad range of cultural norms. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. Spiderman and the Fabulous Four in Hard Choices Comic Book
Multi-Cultural: Hispanic/Latino Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Go to Internal Information Nel Nadal, MPH The Hispanic/Latino Initiative Hablemos enConfianza targets parents, young children, and community leaders to help prevent and/or delay onset of substance use. Strategic Prevention Framework, Co-Occurring Disorders: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners, Cultural Competency/Eliminating Disparities. Children & Families: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners, Cultural Competency/Eliminating Disparities, Community and Faith-based approaches, Trauma and Violence. http://hablemos.samhsa.gov
CSAP Intranet Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Go To Public Information Tracy Farmer The CSAP Intranet is a tool to convey essential information for CSAP staff. This Web site provides employees access to conference room calendars, National Advisory Council Meeting Reports, staff directories, contact listings for staff, experts, and project officers. Information is available on current events, new projects/grants/contracts, GPRA Measurements, and staff presentations. The site provides a user friendly format for staff to access personnel forms, publication forms, and conserves funds by providing links to existing information and minimizing duplication of efforts. Strategic Prevention Framework, Workforce Development http://intranet.samhsa.gov/csap
CSAP Internet Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue Public Information Tracy Farmer The CSAP Internet is a tool to convey essential information on substance abuse prevention to our constituents, grantees, partners, and the public. The Web site is designed based on the components of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Assessment, Capacity, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Cultural Competency and Sustainability. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families,Workforce Development:Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. www.prevention.samhsa.gov
Family Guide Web site Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue Public Information Valna Montgomery A Family Guide To Keeping Youth Mentally Healthy & Drug Free is a public education Web site to communicate to parents and other caring adults about how they can help promote their child’s mental health and reduce his or her risk for becoming involved with alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. The site's six main sections relate directly to what researchers and substance abuse prevention professionals term family-related "protective factors." The site includes topics such as how to better communicate with young people, activities for promoting "family time," and what to say when discussing difficult issues. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families, Co-Occurring Disorders: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners, Trauma & Violence. http://www.family.samhsa.gov/
SAMHSA Weekly (CSAP) Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Products Continue Public Information David Wilson The SAMHSA Weekly provides information on SAMHSA presentations, meetings, conferences, media interviews/requests, FOI requests, and publications on a weekly basis for the public. It also includes announcements for upcoming presentations by the CSAP director. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families, Workforce Development: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. Word Document provided by SAMHSA’s OC to all of SAMHSA and posted on the SAMHSA Intranet.
Tips for Teens Series Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Products Web site Continue Public Information Valna Montgomery The Tips for Teens series address four broad objectives: •Raising young people’s awareness of the dangers and consequences of substance use; •Dispelling myths regarding alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs; •Helping young people recognize the signs of potential substance use among their friends and family members; and •Linking users to information and referral resources available through SAMHSA’s NCADI. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis: Community and Faith-based approaches. One-page brochures on Alcohol, Club Drugs, Cocaine, Hallucinogens, Heroin, HIV/AIDS, Inhalants, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Steroids and Tobacco. https://ncadistore.samhsa.gov/catalog/results.aspx?h=publications&topic=100
Too Smart To Start Project Managers Description SAMHSA Matrix Products Web site Tracy Farmer (Program) Gwyndolyn Ensley (Budget) Too Smart To Start (TSTS) is designed to educate 9- to 13-year-olds about the harms of alcohol use and to support parents and caregivers as they participate in their children's activities. The objectives are to: increase the number of conversations that parents/caregivers and their 9- to 13-year-old children have about the harms of underage alcohol use; increase the percentage of 9- to 13-year-olds and their parents/caregivers who see underage alcohol use as harmful; and increase public disapproval of underage alcohol use. There are 12 TSTS sub contracts in the following States/communities: DE, FL, IN, MI, MS, OH, OR, PA, TN, TX. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners, Community & Faith-Based Approaches. TSTS Action Kit, Posters, Radio & TV PSAs, Print Ads, SmartStats: A Data Book, TSTS Menu, TSTS Brochure, TSTS Board Game and TSTS Implementation Guide. www.toosmarttostart.samhsa.govGo to Publications
Communications Planning & Clearance Process Project Manager Description Web sites Continue Publications Nel Nadal, MPH Development of Communications Contract Clearance (HHS-524 form) - used to review and clear a proposal for a communications contract. 12-Month Communications Schedule - used to track Center/Office-approved product ideas through the clearance process. Publication/Audiovisual Planning and Clearance Request (HHS-615 /524a forms) - used by SAMHSA and OASPA to review and clear a proposal for a print or audiovisual product or family of products. Only OASPA has the authority to approve products for publication. Request for Clearance of Manuscript or Other Communication (SMA-120 form) - used by program staff to request that SAMHSA OC review and clear a manuscript, storyboard, script, or audiovisual product. Printing and Visual Services Authorization (HHS-26 form) - used to request printing through PSC. http://intranet.samhsa.gov/SGS/OCPubAff/PCMSG/cp.aspx(Guidelines) http://pcms.samhsa.gov/login.aspx(Prod. Clr. Mgmt. System)
CSAP Editorial Support Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Products Continue Publications David Wilson This contract provides direct support for writing and editing materials and products to respond to the enormous demand for accurate, up-to-date information on the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and drug problems. In addition to traditional editing services, the contract has the technical expertise to write about a variety of topics, while having an understanding of highly complex technical, legal, and social issues in the alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse prevention field. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. Older Adults: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Reducing Stigma & Discrimination & Other Barriers to Services. CSAP Information Kit, Children’s Program Kit, Children’s Program Kit (Native American Version) Get Connected! Kit (audience: Older Adults), CSAP Editorial Guide, Cultural Competence Series, Prevention Primer, etc.
Materials Development & Marketing Support Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Products Go to Prevention Partners Nel Nadal, MPH The Materials Development and Marketing Support (MDMS) is a health communications contract designed to assist CSAP/SAMHSA in carrying out its mandate to reach every community and neighborhood with appropriate substance abuse health messages and resources. Specifically MDMS develops prevention message platforms, educations programs, Web sites, and resource materials to address key target populations. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners, Rural & Other Specific Settings. Older Adults: Recovery/Reducing Stigma and Barriers to Services, Community and Faith-based Approaches. Building Blocks for a Healthy Future Kit, Tips for Teens Series, CSAP/NPN Prevention Works! products, Family Guide Web site, CSAP Director’s Speeches/Presentations, etc.
CSAP/NPN Prevention Works! Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue Prevention Partners Tracy Farmer SAMHSA’s CSAP and the National Prevention Network (NPN) Public Information and Media (PIM) Committee work together on a national Prevention Works! communications training initiative to help reduce substance abuse in America. The objectives of Prevention Works! are to identify messages and materials that promote the importance and effectiveness of substance abuse prevention; provide NPNs with communications training tools to promote substance abuse prevention; to influence attitudes and increase knowledge of the benefits of substance abuse prevention; and, to incorporate feedback provided by NPN into ongoing SAMHSA/CSAP efforts. Strategic Prevention Framework,Workforce Development: Collaboration with Public and Private Partners. http://pw4npn. net (Password-Protected)
CSAP Webcasts Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Continue Prevention Partners David Wilson In a joint collaboration with WITF Studios in Harrisburg, PA, CSAP conducts distance learning webcasts on substance abuse and public health issues. Previous webcasts have been held on topics such as Methamphetamine and ‘changing community norms.’ The next broadcast will focus on underage drinking with a particular highlight on the Surgeon General’s ‘Call to Action’ scheduled to launch in early 2007. Strategic Prevention Framework: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners.
HIV/AIDs Faith Community Subcontracts Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Go to Special Events David Wilson Through its Faith-Based Initiative, CSAP provides capacity-building assistance to community-based faith partners that serve racial and ethnic minorities, community partners with a history of serving people affected by or infected with HIV/AIDs, and other prevention providers. Funds are used to implement substance abuse and HIV/AIDS education and awareness activities, promote evidence-based practices and programs, and conduct community outreach activities. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families, HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners, Cultural Competency/Eliminating Disparities, Community & Faith-Based Approaches. http://www.samhsa.gov/FBCI/fbci.aspx
Community Prevention Day: February 12, 2007 Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web sites Continue Special Events David Wilson Sponsored by SAMHSA’s CSAP, Community Prevention Day is a one-day event that will be held prior to the CADCA Leadership Conference. The pre-conference workshops will such topics as media advocacy, sustainability, geomapping, grant writing, Evaluation & Tools (Prevention Technology Platform) and the Strategic Prevention Framework. Invited participants include CSAP grantees, NPNs, CAPTs, SPF SIGs, Prevention Partners, CSAP Advisory Council, and other noted national leaders in the substance abuse prevention field. The focus of this year’s Prevention Day is Underage Drinking. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families, HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners, Community & Faith-based approaches. http://cadca.orghttp://cadca.org/events/forum/forum17/preventionday.asp
CSAP Display at DEA Museum Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web sites Continue Special Events David Wilson The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), ONDCP, SAMHSA, the National Guard and corporations including Computer Sciences Corporation and Hewlett Packard and private donors are sponsoring the exhibit. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. http://www.deamuseum.org/website/index.html, http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/pressrel/pr091304.html “DEA Administrator Karen Tandy, Deputy Attorney General James Comey, ONDCP Director John Walters, former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani and others formally open the DEA museum Target America: Drug Traffickers, Terrorists and You.”
Red Ribbon Week: October 21-27, 2007 Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web sites Nel Nadal, MPH The National Family Partnership (NFP) was created in 1980 by parents across America in response to the rising level of youth drug use. NFP’s mission is “to lead and support our nation’s families and communities to nurture the full potential of healthy, drug-free youth.” NFP works to accomplish its mission through parent training and networking and sponsoring the National Red Ribbon Campaign. SAMHSA is one of the sponsors of this Campaign. The Red Ribbon Campaign was started when drug traffickers in Mexico City murdered Kiki Camarena, a DEA agent, in 1985. This began the continuing tradition of wearing and displaying red ribbons as a symbol of intolerance towards the use of drugs. The mission of the Red Ribbon Campaign is to present a unified and visible commitment toward the creation of a DRUG-FREE AMERICA. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. www.nfp.orghttp://ncadi.samhsa.gov/promos/redribbon/default.aspx
Training & Technical Assistance Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies The primary mission of the National Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) system is to bring research to practice by assisting States/Jurisdictions and community-based organizations in the application of the latest research-based knowledge to their substance abuse prevention programs, practices, and policies. CAPT Logistics Contract This contract provides for the logistics support needed to host national and regional Science to Service and Service to Science training events and provide logistic support to non-CAPT training staff in conjunction with the CAPT regional TA contracts. CSAP’s Health Communication Initiative for Prevention of Underage Alcohol Use CSAP's Health Communication Initiative for the Prevention of underage alcohol use (HCIP) aims to provide the nation with multi-faceted evidence-based approaches in which communities in the nation can use to build resiliency and enhance protective factors and reduce the risk factors associated with underage alcohol use. Continue…
Training & Technical Assistance(continued) Communities That Care The Communities That Care (CTC) process is an operating system that provides research-based tools to help communities mobilize to promote the positive development of children and youth and to prevent adolescent problem behaviors that impede positive development including substance abuse, delinquency, teen pregnancy, school dropout, and violence. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Center for Excellence The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Center for Excellence provides resources and information on FASD to expand the knowledge base and promote best practices. Older Americans Substance Abuse & Mental Health Technical Assistance Center The mission of the Older Americans Substance Abuse & Mental Health Technical Assistance Center is to enhance the quality of life and promote the physical and mental well-being of older Americans through the provision of technical assistance by reducing the risk for and incidence of substance abuse and mental health issues late in life. Continue…
Training & Technical Assistance (continued) Prevention Fellowship Program The Prevention Fellowship Program advances the field of prevention nationally and provides the impetus to States with resources to participate with CSAP and SAMHSA in establishing the utility of data and the Strategic Prevention Framework as primary vehicles for prevention programming at the State, community and program levels. Science to Service Support Contract CSAP’s Science to Service Support contract enhances the capacity of States, sub-State recipients, and local programs to plan, implements, and evaluate prevention interventions to demonstrate their effectiveness. Strategic Prevention Framework Advancement and Support The Strategic Prevention Framework Advancement and Support (SPFAS) project supports CSAP in providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to advancing the Strategic Prevention Framework both within CSAP and the States. Workforce Development CSAP working with the National Prevention Network’s Workforce Development Committee and the Annapolis Coalition, has developed a draft National Action Plan on Behavioral Health Workforce Development. Continue…
Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies Northeast CAPT Carol McHale, Ph.D. Central CAPT Nancy Kennedy Western CAPT Nancy Kennedy Southwest CAPT Nancy Kennedy, Southeast CAPT Carol McHale, Ph.D. The Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPTs)enhance the organizational and technical capacity of State prevention systems to assist communities in implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework. The CAPT program goals are to: expand capacity, increase effectiveness, and strengthen the performance and accountability of substance abuse prevention services at the State, community and discretionary grant levels; provide training and technical assistance to support effective evidence-based substance abuse prevention programs, practices, and strategies that can be applied successfully within the diverse contexts of life within U.S. Strategic Prevention Framework, Workforce Development: Science to Services/Evidence-Based Practices, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. http://captus.samhsa.gov Project Managers Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue…
CAPT Logistics Contract Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue… Michele Basen, MPH This contract provides for the logistics support needed to host national and regional Science to Service and Service to Science training events and provide logistic support to non- Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) training staff in conjunction with the CAPT regional technical assistance contracts. Strategic Prevention Framework, Workforce Development: Science to Services/Evidence-Based Practices, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. http://captus.samhsa.gov
CSAP’s Health Communication Initiative for Prevention of Underage Alcohol Use Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web sites Continue… Gwyndolyn Ensley CSAP's Health Communication Initiative for the Prevention of underage alcohol use (HCIP) aims to provide the nation with multi-faceted evidence-based approaches in which communities in the nation can use to build resiliency and enhance protective factors and reduce the risk factors associated with underage alcohol use. HCIP is an umbrella effort designed to involve both public and private partners who will plan and coordinate public and private underage drinking initiatives to ensure that a year-round focus on underage drinking. This streamlined effort consolidates several projects within SAMHSA including; the Governor’s Spouses Initiative, Reach out Now, Too Smart To Start, and special projects designed to increase national attention on the underage drinking issue. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. www.stopalcoholabuse.gov www.toosmarttostart.samhsa.gov www.teachin.samhsa.gov
Communities That Care Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue… Patricia Getty, Ph.D. The Communities That Care (CTC) Survey instruments are posted on the home page of the Prevention Platform as Word and PDF files for easy downloading and local reproduction. The training component and survey data analysis that was previously offered through Channing Bete will not be available through SAMHSA/CSAP. Overall, the intention is to incorporate the viable components of the CTC planning process into the Strategic Prevention Framework, one of many tools that can be utilized by communities to develop comprehensive, data-driven plans. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Science to Services/Evidence-Based Practices, Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. http://ncadi.samhsa.gov/features/ctc/resources.aspx
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Center for Excellence Project Managers Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue… Patricia Getty, Ph.D. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Center for Excellence identifies gaps and trends in the field, synthesizing these findings, developing appropriate materials about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder for health and social service professionals, communities, States, and Tribal Organizations. These activities include the designing targeted curricula, and providing technical assistance would be delivered to these audiences along with the FASD grantees. The FASD grantees will be developed and directed out of the Division of Community Programs. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. http://fascenter.samhsa.gov
Older Americans Substance Abuse & Mental Health Technical Assistance Center Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Continue… Jennifer Solomon, MA Through partnerships with State and Federal agencies and community health care providers the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Older Americans Technical Assistance Center serves as a national repository to disseminate information, training, and direct assistance in the prevention and early intervention of substance abuse and mental health problems by assisting States in developing plans around substance abuse, mental health, and aging; provide training and technical assistance to States, communities, health and social service providers, sub-state level organizations, tribes/tribal organizations, and faith-based organizations; and works to identify evidenced-based programs for older adults. Strategic Prevention Framework, Older Adults: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. http://www.samhsa.gov/OlderAdultsTAC/index.aspx
Prevention Fellowship Program Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Continue… LTJG Daniel Bailey The Prevention Fellowship Program advances the field of prevention nationally and provides the impetus to States with resources to participate with CSAP and SAMHSA in establishing the utility of data and the Strategic Prevention Framework as primary vehicles for prevention programming at the State, community and program levels. The Prevention Fellows hone their skills with State Substance Abuse Directors and Prevention Network personnel across all levels of State activities with emphasis on the Strategic Prevention Framework, SAMHSA's Prevention NOMs, and the use of data for decision making regarding prevention programming. This effort also enhances the skill level of prevention professionals and helps to develop future workers in the field. Many of these fellows will become the Prevention Specialists of the future. Strategic Prevention Framework, Workforce Development: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners.
Native American Technical Assistance Resources Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix LCDR Josefine Haynes-Battle (240) 276-2563 The purpose of the Native American Technical Assistance Resources is to provide comprehensive substance abuse prevention and related services to Native governments, organizations, and peoples. There will be two phases of this initiative. Phase 1 will establish the foundation for this center to become the Native American Center for Excellence, and in phase 2, establish the Prevention Technical Assistance Resource Center. Indian Country Methamphetamine Initiative, a component of the Native American Technical Assistance Resources, is a two-prong approach designed to conduct a national education and information outreach campaign targeting American Indian/Alaskan Native communities; and, to establish community-based promising practices for prevention, intervention, and treatment strategies to address substance abuse (i.e. Methamphetamine) and its related community harm as well as mental health disorders. Strategic Prevention Framework, Children and Families: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners, Cultural Competency/Eliminating Disparities.
Science to Service Support Contract Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Continue… Carol McHale, Ph.D. CSAP’s Science & Service Support Contract enhances the capacity of States, sub-state recipients, and local programs to plan, implements, and evaluate prevention interventions to demonstrate their effectiveness. The contract provides logistical support needed to host national and regional Science to Service and Service to Science training events and to provide travel and logistical support for both participants and non-Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) training staff in conjunction with CSAP’s CAPT regional technical assistance contracts. Strategic Prevention Framework, Workforce Development: Science to Services/Evidence-Based Practices, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. Science to Service Service to Science
Strategic Prevention Framework Advancement and Support Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Web site Gwyndolyn Ensley Strategic Prevention Framework Advancement and Support Contract (SPFAS) supports CSAP and its Division of State Programs (DSP) in using the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and performance management processes to assist States to achieve the NOMs through the mechanism of the SAPT Block Grant. This contract also continues to support State prevention system improvement, technical assistance to States, national meetings, and Block Grant database management, and to provide the Synar Sampling Support to CSAP. Strategic Prevention Framework, Workforce Development: Data for Performance Measurement & Management, Collaboration with Public & Private Partners. CSAP Training and Technical Assistance Request Tracker System http://tta.e-prevention.org/TTATracker/interface(Password-Protected) Continue…
Workforce Development Project Manager Description SAMHSA Matrix Nel Nadal, MPH CSAP working with the National Prevention Network’s Workforce Development Committee and the Annapolis Coalition, has developed a draft National Action Plan on Behavioral Health Workforce Development. The strategic goals are as follows: Broadening the concept of the Workforce: Goal 1: Significantly expand the role of individuals in recovery, and families when appropriate, in participating in and ultimately directing or accepting responsibility for their own care, providing care and supports to others, and in educating the workforce. Goal 2: Expand the role and capacity of communities to effectively identify their needs and promote behavioral health and wellness. Strengthening the Workforce: Goal 3: Implement systematic recruitment and retention strategies at the federal, state, and local level. Goal 4: Increase the relevance, effectiveness, and accessibility of training and education. Goal 5: Actively foster leadership development among all segments of the workforce. Structures to support the Workforce: Goal 6: Enhance the infrastructure available to support and coordinate workforce development efforts. Goal 7: Implement a national research and evaluation agenda on behavioral health workforce development. Strategic Prevention Framework, Workforce Development: Collaboration with Public & Private Partners.