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On the Nature of the Thermal Pulses on the Asymptotic Giant Branch Alessandro Chieffi Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica) & Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics – Monash University - Australia
On the Nature of the Thermal Pulses on the Asymptotic Giant Branch Alessandro Chieffi Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica) & Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics – Monash University - Australia Email: alessandro.chieffi@iasf-roma.inaf.it Marco Limongi Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma) & Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics – Monash University - Australia Email: marco@oa-roma.inaf.it Xth Torino Workshop on AGB Nucleosynthesis: from Rutherford to Beatrice Tinsley and beyond Christchurch, New Zealand January 25-29, 2010
The basic idea was that of checking the “stability” of a (burning) shell
Log(T) Log(P) Log(r) He
Understanding what triggers a Thermal Pulse is important... ...but it is not the whole story... It is also important to understand why so much energy is produced by a TP. It's this energy the ultimate responsible for: the freezing of the H-burning shell the occurrence of the 3rd dredge-up. In principle a TP could generate a “minor” fraction of energy! Let's take a step back
He burning (any burning) starts in an inert environment: there is no shell at all ! Why the birth of a burning shell is unstable in the AGB while it is stable in (most of) the other cases ? the steepness of the 3a cross section is the same in both cases He Log(T) Log(r)
He burning (any burning) starts in an inert environment: there is no shell at all ! Why the birth of a burning shell is unstable in the AGB while it is stable in (most of) the other cases ? the steepness of the 3a cross section is the same in both cases He Log(T) Log(r)
He burning (any burning) starts in an inert environment: there is no shell at all ! Why the birth of a burning shell is unstable in the AGB while it is stable in (most of) the other cases ? the steepness of the 3a cross section is the same in both cases He Log(T) Log(r)
He burning (any burning) starts in an inert environment: there is no shell at all ! Why the birth of a burning shell is unstable in the AGB while it is stable in (most of) the other cases ? the steepness of the 3a cross section is the same in both cases He Log(T) Log(r)
He burning (any burning) starts in an inert environment: there is no shell at all ! Why the birth of a burning shell is unstable in the AGB while it is stable in (most of) the other cases ? the steepness of the 3a cross section is the same in both cases
He 5 MO t Log(T) Log(r) 10 MO 3 MO Which are the typical physical conditions for a stable burning?
Question: how much energy must be provided by the burning shell to “shape” the incoming matter in the proper “stable burning” configuration? Answer:none (because each layer increases its binding energy while it contracts, flows, towards the burning region) (in other words the work is done by the gravitational field)
5 MO t 10 MO 3 MO The situation changes drastically on the AGB: Also in this case the T-r profile of the region where the He burning will ignite is very different from the one “typical” of a quiescent burning
The situation changes drastically on the AGB: Also in this case the T-r profile of the region where the He burning will ignite is very different from the one “typical” of a quiescent burning
5 MO t 10 MO 3 MO The situation changes drastically on the AGB: Also in this case the T-r profile of the region where the He burning will ignite is very different from the one “typical” of a quiescent burning d(binding energy) = 10 4 8 erg An enormous amount of energy must be provided by the He burning to turn an accretion shaped T-r profile into a burning controlled T-r profile
Summarizing: The huge amount of energy produced by a Thermal Pulse is determined by the binding energy difference required to turn from a T-r profile modeled in the intershell by the quiescent H burning and the one required by the quiescent He burning. Is this huge energy demand a necessary and sufficient condition to explain the existence of the Thermal Pulses? Question: NOT AT ALL!
Red line – standard case Blue line – test case: the cross section of the 3a substituted by the 14N(p,g) cross section shifted to provide the same value at 200 MK.
Conclusions: The huge energy demand to turn the physical structure in a typical He burning configuration is a necessary condition otherwise there would not be enough energy to expand and freeze the H burning Also a rapid energy injection, granted by the thermal instability, is a necessary condition otherwise the transition occurs “more gently” and the H burning region does not switch off We do not spend our spare time only in these “philosophical” considerations but we also started a plan to follow a super-AGB star up to the beginning of the electron captures on Ne and Mg...