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Asymptotic Giant Branch. Learning outcomes. Evolution and internal structure of low mass stars from the core He burning phase to the tip of the AGB Nucleosynthesis and dredge up on the AGB Basic understanding of variability as observed on the AGB. Pagel, 1997. RGB phase. Pagel, 1997.
Learning outcomes • Evolution and internal structure of low mass stars from the core He burning phase to the tip of the AGB • Nucleosynthesis and dredge up on the AGB • Basic understanding of variability as observed on the AGB
Early AGB • Lower part of Asymptotic Giant Branch • He shell provides most of the energy • L increases, Teff decreases • M>4.5 Msun: 2nd dredge up phaseincrease of 14N, decrease of 16O • Re-ignition of H shell begin of thermal pulses (TP)
Thermal Pulses • Quiet phase, H shell provides luminosity, T increase in He shell • He shell ignition (shell flash), expansion, H shell off • Cooling of He shell, reduction of energy production • Convective envelope reaches burning layers, third dredge up • Recovery of H-burning shell, quiet phase
Thermal Pulses continuous line...surface luminosity dashed line...H-burning luminosity dotted line...He-burning luminosity Wood & Zarro 1981
Probability for observing an AGB star at a given luminosity during a thermal pulse. Boothroyd & Sackmann 1988
Nucleosynthesis on the AGB • H, He burning: He, C, O, N, F(?) • Slow neutron capture (s-process): various nuclei from Sr to Bi • Hot bottom burning (HBB): N, Li, Al(?)only for M≥4 Msun
Neutron capture Sneden & Cowen 2003
weak component (A<90) main component (A<208) strong component (Pb, Bi) Busso et al. 1999
13C pocket 13C (α,n) 16O Production of 13C from 12C (p capture) The solid and dashed lines are from theoretical models calculated for a 1.5 solar mass star with varying mass of the 13C pocket. The solid line corresponds to ⅔ of the standard mass (which is 4×10−6 solar masses). The upper and lower dashed curve represent the envelope of a set of calculations where the 13C pocket mass varied from 1/24 to twice the standard mass (figure taken from Busso et al. 2001)
Hot Bottom Burning (HBB) • Motivation: Carbon Star Mystery – Missing of very luminous C-stars • Solution:Bottom of the convective envelope is hot enough for running the CNO-cycle: 12C13C 14N(only in stars with M≥4 Msun)
HBB Li production • Normaly Li destroyed through p capture • Cameron/Fowler mechanism (1971):3He (a,g) 7Be mixed to cooler layers 7Be(e-,n)7Li • Explains existence of super Li-rich stars
Indicators for 3rd dredge up • existence & frequency of C-stars • C/O, 12C/13C • Isotopic ratios of O • Abundances of s-process elements in the photosphere (e.g. ZrO-bands, Tc, S-type stars) • Dependent on core mass, envelope mass, metallicity
Typical AGB star characteristics • Radius: 200 - 600 Rsun • Teff: 2000 - 3500 K • L: up to Mbol = -7.5 • Mass loss rates: 10-8 to 10-4 Msun/yr • Variability period: 30 - 2800 days
Summary of 1 Msun evolution Approximate timescales Phase (yrs) Main-sequence 9 x109 Subgiant 3 x109 Redgiant Branch 1 x109 Red clump 1 x 108 AGB evolution ~5x106 PNe ~1x105 WD cooling >8x109
Contributions to the ISM Sedlmayr 1994
Motivation • Most AGB stars (see later) and obviously also a large fraction of the RGB stars are variable • Variations in brightness, colour, velocity and extension observed • Possibility to „look“ into the stellar interior
Reasons for variability(single star) • Pulsation • Star spots, convective cells, asymmetries • Variable dust extinction
Pulsation (background) • Radial oscillations of a pulsating star are result of sound waves resonating in the star‘s interior • Estimating the typical period from crossing time of a sound wave through the star
adiabatic sound speed hydrostatic equilibrium integration with P=0 at the surface
Pulsation constant Typical periods for AGB stars: a few 100 days
Pulsation modes Radial modes = standing waves R R R 0 0 0 fundamental first overtone second overtone mode
Driving pulsations • To support a standing wave the driving layer must absorb heat (opacity has to increase) during maximum compression • Normally opacity decreases with increasing T (i.e. increasing P) • Solution: partially ionized zones compression produces further ionization
mechanism(opacity mechanism) Expansion:Energy released by recombination in part. ionization zone Compression:Energy stored by increasing ionization in part. ionization zone In AGB stars: hydrogen ionization zone as driving layer
Spots, convective cells & asymmetries • Expect only a few large convective cells on the surface of a red giant • Convective cell: hot matter moving upwards brighter than cold matter moving downwards No averaging for cell size ≈ surface size small amplitude light variations
Asymmetries Kiss et al. 2000