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Understanding Nucleosynthesis and Nuclear Fusion Processes

Explore nuclear physics concepts, nucleosynthesis, and energy release mechanisms in stars like the Asymptotic Giant Branch. Learn about binding energy, nuclear reactions, and stellar evolution.

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Understanding Nucleosynthesis and Nuclear Fusion Processes

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  1. AGB - Asymptotic Giant Branchwykład II RyszardSzczerba Centrum Astronomiczne im. M. Kopernika, Toruń szczerba@ncac.torun.pl (56) 62 19 249 ext. 27 http://www.ncac.torun.pl/~szczerba/

  2. „Asymptotic Giant Branch” Harm Habing, Hans Olofsson (Eds.) A&A Library, 2004 Springer-Verlag

  3. The total mass of a nucleus is known to be less than the mass of the constituent nucleons. • Hence there is a decrease in mass if a companion nucleus is formed from nucleons, and from the Einstein mass-energy relation E=mc2the mass deficitis released as energy. • This difference is known as the binding energy of the compound nucleus. Thus if a nucleus is composed of Z protons and N neutrons, it’s binding energy is: Nucleosynthesis • A more significant quantity is the total binding energy per nucleon:

  4. General trend is an increase of Q with atomic mass up to A= 56 (Fe). Then slow monotonic decline • There is steep rise from H through 2H, 3He, to 4He  fusion of H to He should release larger amount of energy per unit mass than say fusion of He to C Nucleosynthesis: the binding energy per nucleon

  5. Nucleosynthesis: solar abundance distribution

  6. nucleosynthesis: stability of nuclei

  7. Basic Nuclear Physics Rate of capture of a by X per unit volume: With the averaged cross-section Here:f(E) is Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, and

  8. The general problem: where X(a,b)Y represents the reaction X+a → Y+b andZ(c,d)Yrepresents the reactionZ+c → X+d Statistical equilibriumif

  9. Elemental abundance curve Nucleosynthesis Primordial: 1H 4He 2D 3He 7Li Stellar: H burning He burning α process e process s process r process p process Cosmic Ray: x process

  10. →H burning He burning α process e process s process r process p process x process Proton-Proton Chain Core burning in Main Sequence stars Shell burning in red giants T ~ 1.5 x107 K q ~ 8 x1018erg/g Rpp ~ ρ T 3.95 near 1.5 x107 K PPI: p p → 2D e+ν 2D (p,γ) →3He 3He3He→4Hep p

  11. proton-proton chain proton-proton chain at T~1.5 107 K p + p  2H + e+ + n p + 2H 3He + g 86% 14% 3He + 3He 4He + 2p 3He + 4He 7Be + g 99.7% 0.3% PP-I(T<1.3 107 K) Qeff= 26.20 MeV 7Be + e- 7Li +n 7Be + p  8B + g 7Li + p  24He 8B 8Be + e+ +n PP-II(T>1.3 107 K) Qeff= 25.66 MeV 24He PP-III(T<3 107 K) Qeff= 19.17 MeV net result: 4p  4He + 2e+ + 2n + Qeff

  12. →H burning He burning α process e process s process r process p process x process CNO cycle Shell burning in red giants Core burning in massive MS stars T ~ 1.8 x107 K q ~ 8 x1018erg/g RCNO ~ ρ T 19.9 near 1.5 x107 K 12C (p,γ) 13N (e+ν)13C(p,γ)14N(p,γ) 15O (e+ν)15N (p,α) 12C

  13. CNO cycle cold CNO T8< 0.8 15 O 12C(p,g)13N(e+)13C(p,g)14N(p,g)15O(e+)15N(p,a)12C 13 14 15 N cycle limited by  decay of 13N (t ~ 10 min) and 15O (t ~ 2 min) C 12 13 6 7 8 T8~ 0.8 – 1 hot CNO O 14 12C(p,g)13N(p,g)14O(e+,n)14N(p,g)15O(e+)15N(p,a)12C 15 cycle limited by  decay of 14O (t ~ 70.6 s) and 15O (t ~ 2 min) 13 14 15 N C 12 13 6 7 8 CNO isotopes act as catalysts net result: 4p  4He + 2e+ + 2n + Qeff Qeff= 26.73 MeV

  14. H burning →He burning α process e process s process r process p process x process Triple Alpha Process He flash in degenerate cores, M < 2 Msolar Core burning in HB red giants Shell burning on the AGB T ~ 1 – 2 x108 K q ~ 8 x1017erg/g R3α ~ ρ2 T 41.0 near 108 K 4He (2α,γ)12C further helium burning in red giants: 12C (α,γ)16O

  15. H burning He burning →α process → e process → s process → r process → p process x process Successive Nuclear Fuel in massive red giants, M > 9 Msolar T ~ 0.6 – 5 x109K 12C burning: 12C (12C,α)20Ne 20Ne burning: 20Ne (γ,α) 16O 16O burning: 16O (16O,α)28Si 28Si burning: 28Si(α,γ) → → →56Fe

  16. H burning He burning →α process → e process → s process → r process → p process x process Successive Nuclear Fuel core burning timescales: H ~ 107 – 1010yrs He ~ 106 – 108yrs C ~ 300 yrs Ne ~ 1 yr O ~ 8 mo. Si ~ 4 days

  17. H burning He burning →α process e process s process r process p process x process Alpha Nuclei (16 < A < 40, even-Z even-N) α source: 20Ne (γ,α) 16O AX (α,γ) A+4Y 16O 20Ne 24Mg 28Si 32S 24Ar 40Ca

  18. H burning He burning α process →e process s process r process p process x process Iron Peak(50 < A < 60) T ~ 3 x109K thermal photodissociation of heavy nuclei →statistical equilibrium i.e. responsible for supernovae light curves: 28Si→→→56Ni(e-,νγ) 56Co(e-,νγ) 56Fe

  19. H burning He burning α process e process →s process r process p process x process Slow Neutron Capture (60 < A < 209) beta decay rate >> neutron capture rate T ~ 1 – 2 x108K n sources: 13C (α,n) 16O 14N (α,γ) →→ 22Ne (α,n) 25Mg

  20. H burning He burning α process e process s process →r process p process x process Rapid Neutron Capture (70 < A < 209) neutron capture rate >> beta decay rate T ~ 0.8 – 5 x109K explosive shell burning in supernovae also produces trans-bismuth elements:Th, U

  21. H burning He burning α process e process s process r process →p process x process Proton Capture (p,γ) or (γ,n) proton-rich isotopes of heavy elements T ~ 2 – 3 x109K supernovae envelopes? explosive 16O shell burning?

  22. H burning He burning α process e process s process r process p process →x process Spallation 6Li 9Be 10B 11B fragmentation of CNOcosmic rays by collision with ISM

  23. Elemental abundance curve Nucleosynthesis Round-up Primordial H 4He2D3He7Li Stellar H burning He burning α process e process s process r process p process Cosmic Ray x process

  24. Open Questions ejection of nuclear material (mass loss problem) binary evolution and nuclear burning by accretion convective mixing-induced burning processes

  25. Mass loss is crucial to study of AGB evolution => leads to the termination of evolution on the AGB. • Mloss is still unknon from the first principles! • Semi-empirical formulae adopt very strong dependence of Mloss on L. • P~RaM-b; a~1.5-2.5, b~0.5-1.0 • The fundamental mode period grows rapidly during „superwind” phase. AGB Stars: evolution

  26. A schematic view of a 1Mo star. The structure is similar regardless of the stellar mass: CO degenerate core + He- and H-burning shells. Pulsations take place in the convective env. AGB stars: structure

  27. Comparison between structure of 1 and 5 Mo stars. AGB Stars: structure

  28. AGB Stars: nucleosynthesis - T

  29. AGB Stars: nucleosynthesis

  30. The nucleosynthesis in AGB stars is mostly associated with H- and He-burnig (and proton and neutron captures). • The repeated 3rd dredge-up mixes the products to the stellar surface. • 4He, 12C, 14N, 16O, 19F, 22Ne, 23Na, 25,26Mg, 26,27Al and s-process elements are produced by AGB stars. • The main reaction during shell flash is production of 12C form 4He via triple-alpha reaction (and 12C(a,g)16O). • By development of intershel convective zone (ISCZ)12C is mixed up but at the same time 4He is mixed down. • In most calculations the composition between H- and He- shells (after dissipation of ISCZ) is mostly: 20-25% 12C; 70-75% 4He and a few percent of 16O (overshooting downwards CO core) + some minor fraction of other elements 14N, 22Ne,... • ISCZ homogenizes region from the bottom of the He-shell almost to the H-shell! AGB Stars: nucleosynthesis

  31. Iben (1975) and Sugimoto & Nomoto (1975) discovered how C-stars are produced during AGB evolution. • Iben identified four phases of a TP cycle: • The „off” phase • The „on” phase (inside intershell convective zone: 75% - 4He, 22% - 12C) • The „power down” phase • The „dredge-up” phase (energy released during shell flash escapes from the core => the convection extentds inward in mass). • Dredge-up par: l=DMdredge/DMc AGB: the 3rd dredge-up and making C-stars

  32. AGB Stars: nucleosynthesis

  33. The slow neutron capture is the most important nucleosynthesis after 12C production (see Meyer 1994 and Busso et al. 1999 for review). • Two reaction could be the neutron source: • 22Ne(a,n)25Mg = 22Ne +a=>25Mg+n • 13C(a,n)16O .... • Ad 1.The intershell region is rich in14Nand during shell flash the reactions:14N(a,n)18F(b+,n)18O(a,g)22Ne occur. However, reaction 1. needs T~300 milion K and such temperature is too high for lower mass stars. • Ad 2.This reaction requires T~100 milion K. But, how to get sufficient amount of 13C in the intershell region? AGB Stars: production of the s-process elements

  34. The number of protons should be „moderate” to avoid reaction in the CNO cycle: 13C(p,g)14N (Kaeppeler et al. 1990, Straniero 1995). Mp~10-4 Mo, MISCZ~10-2 Mo • At the peak of the pulse, T is high enough (for a brief burst of neutrons from 22Ne source). AGB Stars: the 13C pocket.

  35. AGB stars: nucleosynthesis • The simple extremes can be defined depending on the number of free neutrons available: • neutron capturs dominate the b-decays (nn > 1020 cm-3; rapid: r-process) • b--decays dominate the neutron capture (nn < 108 cm-3; slow: s-process) • NA – abundance of the isobar of mass A; • <sv>A - the thermally averaged neutron-capture cross section for the isobar, • <sv>A = <s>A<v>T: <v>T- is the thermal velocity of neutrons. • t – the neutron exposure: a time-integrated neutron flux [mbarn] (1 barn = 10-24 cm2)

  36. AGB Stars: nucleosynthesis

  37. AGB Stars: nucleosynthesis

  38. 14N(a,g) 18F(b+,g) 18O(p,a)15N(a,g) 19F (Jorrisen et al. 1992) AGB Stars: F production

  39. AGB Stars: F production

  40. AGB Stars: nucleosynthesis

  41. If the mass of the star is sufficiently high (about 4 or 5 Mo at solar composition, but decreasing as the metallicity decreases) the bottom of the deep convective envelope actually penetrates the top of the H-shell. Hence nucleosynthesis occurs at the bottom of the convective envelope itself. This is known as "Hot Bottom Burning". Massive AGB Stars: Hot Bottom Burning Destruction of 12C!!!

  42. Full stellar calculations are time-consuming (especially during the AGB phase). • Stellar models depend critically on the free parameters: • mass loss; • mixing length; • dredge-up efficiency. • Therefore, the synthetic evolutionary models, which use the „recipies” and description based on the result of full evolutionary models, can be used to „approximate” a wide grid of evolutionary models. • In addition, the influence of free parameters can be tested (callibrated) by comparison with observations. Synthetic AGB evolution:

  43. overview of published synthetic models; • necessary ingredients for developing a synthetic model for evolution of single AGB star; • basic information needed to construct population synthesis of AGB stars; • comparison with observations: Synthetic AGB evolution:

  44. The first attempt to develop AGB synthetic model wit aim to investigate s-process nucleosynthesis: Iben & Truran (1978). • The main ideas of fully developed synthetic models were presented by Renzini & Violi (1981): • comparison between theoretical LF of C-stars with the observed one in the LMC; • comparison between predicted abundances in ejecta from AGB stars and those observed in PNe; • computation of amount and chemical composition of matter returned to the ISM (galactic chemical evolution). • Weaknes of the older models: • Extrapolation of the full calculations for M<3Mo; • Neglecting the metallicity dependence in the adopted analytical formulae; • Neglecting dependence of the parameteres on the TP phase. Synthetic AGB evolution:

  45. Neglecting the breakdown of Mc-L relation due to HBB in the most massive AGB stars (Bloecker & Schoenberner 1991). Synthetic AGB evolution: • The first synthetic model which took into account all the missing aspects was that by Groenewegen & de Jong (1993). • Using the LF of C stars in the LMC they determined dredge-up parameters and estimated mass loss during AGB in the LMC. • In a series of papers Groenewegen (with others) (1993-1998) extended the model to: • Compare abundances of AGB and PNe in the LMC; • Compare Period of Miras in the LMC; • Chek the influence of different Mloss prescriptions; • Calculate stellar yields that are necessary in galactic chemical evolution models.

  46. Marigo et al. (1996) included a more detailed description of the nucleosynthesis (she solved nuclear network to estimate the HBB effects). • Marigo et al. (1998) developed a method based on envelope integration useful in case of HBB when Mc-L luminosity is broken. • Wagenhuber & Groenewegen (1998) derived detailed recipies as a function of M and Z, based on the full stellar evolutionary models. • Marigo et al. (1999) improved the treatment of 3rd dredge-up (a criterion was introduced to determine whether and when the 3rd dredge up occurs in star of given M and Z). Synthetic AGB evolution:

  47. At the 1st TP the model should reproduce: • Mc; Menv; L; Teff; chemical composition. • For Mi~1.7-2.5 Mo (depending on Z) there is a significant mass loss on RGB. • 1st (and 2nd for massive AGB stars) dredge-up change chemical composition – details can be interpolated from the full stellar evolutionary models: • Schuler et al. (1992); Pols et al. 1998) Mc; Dominiquez et al. (1999), Girardi et al. (2000). • There is also Mloss during E-AGB (see Wagenhuber & Groenewegen 1998). • Mc,1(Mi,Z) – interpolation from the models, • L1- from the Paczyński’s like relation, • T1 - theoretically or observationally constrained Synthetic AGB evolution:

  48. L during TP Synthetic AGB evolution:

  49. The Core Mass – L relation (CMLR). Synthetic AGB evolution:

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