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SEL Implementation Monitoring

This session focuses on reflecting and updating the School Site SEL Action Plan, monitoring progress, and discussing next steps towards goals.*

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SEL Implementation Monitoring

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SEL Implementation Monitoring PSELI School Site Leadership Professional Learning Community May 22, 2019

  2. Name • School • Role • One word to describe how you’re feeling Opening Ritual

  3. Goals for this Session • Reflect on progress towards School Site SEL Action Plan 2018-2019 • Update Artifacts to show end-of-year (EOY) progress toward goals (Due June 14th)

  4. Session Agenda

  5. Implementation Monitoring In order to support our work towards the goals in our School Site SEL Action Plans, we need to reflect on our progress towards them and revise our strategy at multiple points in the year. This is the implementation monitoring process.

  6. Implementation Monitoring

  7. Implementation Monitoring as part of Year Two How today’s implementation monitoring fits into our ongoing work: • School-wide SEL Inventory Tool: Assets & Areas of Growth • Create a School Site SEL Action Plan • Monitor progress toward your goals, update artifacts to show progress, and reflect on that progress to determine next steps • Monitor EOY progress towards goals, update artifacts to show progress and reflect on that progress • Submit your EOY School Site SEL Action Plan to your SEL Instructional Coach by 6/14/19(re-share by email)

  8. SEL Action Plan: Implementation Monitoring Guiding questions for discussing progress towards each goal on your plan: • What actions have been taken towards this goal since the PSELI Boston community met in January? • What progress have we made towards accomplishing each action? • What impact have these actions had on adults? Students? What artifacts could demonstrate that impact? • What factors have led to the results we’re getting?

  9. School-site Work Group: Implementation Monitoring In school-site groups, for the next 35 minutes, we will: Divide roles: time keeper, note taker, and facilitator (~2m) Read School Site SEL Action Plan including monitoring notes (~5m) Discuss: (~28m) • Facilitator uses guiding questions to lead group in a discussion of progress towards each goal and next steps based on that progress • Note taker records / embeds hyperlinks for relevant evidence of progress in “Implementation Monitoring” column in SEL Action Plan • Time keeper keeps group aware of time remaining

  10. SEL Action Plan: Implementation Monitoring Guiding questions for discussing progress towards each goal on your plan: • What actions have been taken towards this goal since the PSELI Boston community met in January? • What progress have we made towards accomplishing each action? • What impact have these actions had on adults? Students? What artifacts could demonstrate that impact? • What factors have led to the results we’re getting?

  11. PSELI Data • Introduction • PSELI data one-pager • Summer Sessions

  12. Optimistic Closure Circle up Think of a person or group, at your school, whose efforts contributed to the outcomes you achieved together this year. Share: one person at a time, around the circle Celebrate!

  13. Please take a moment to complete Survey! http://bit.ly/BPS_SEL_PD

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