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G0642 – BAHASA INGGRIS III. Unit 7 E-COMMERCE Page 54. Quote of the Week. “ For many business, the internet is still a technology in search of a strategy ” Mary J Cronin, US author. Learning Objectives.

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  1. G0642 – BAHASA INGGRIS III Unit 7 E-COMMERCE Page 54 nafan-market-leader, 2005

  2. Quote of the Week “For many business, the internet is still a technology in search of a strategy ” Mary J Cronin, US author nafan-market-leader, 2005

  3. Learning Objectives Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan manfaat E-COMMERCE dalam business nafan-market-leader, 2005

  4. Vocabulary • Internet terms Answer the questions Exercises : A -C nafan-market-leader, 2005

  5. Reading • Reading : Using the Net Discus the questions Exercises : A - E nafan-market-leader, 2005

  6. Additional Resources (reading assignment) • http://members.lycos.co.uk/pcbg/home.html • http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EKF/is_46_48/ai_94327660 nafan-market-leader, 2005

  7. Discussion • Job satisfaction is all in a name Discus the questions, Work in pair Exercises : A-D nafan-market-leader, 2005

  8. Language Review • Conditionals Exercises: A –C Additional Exercises : • http://englishgrammar101.com/ • http://better-english.com/grammar/condit22c.htm nafan-market-leader, 2005

  9. SKILLS - PRESENTATION • USEFUL LANGUAGE Discuss and practice these sentences: 1. Commenting I think that’s interesting because ….. 2. Emphasizing. I’d just like to highlight ….. 3. Changingsubject Ok, I‘ll now move on to ….. 4. Referring to visuals. Let’s look at the chart …. 5. Involving the audience Ok, What is smarterwork? nafan-market-leader, 2005

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