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Engage all ages in intentional ministry practices to deepen faith at home and in church. Explore faith practices, respectful relationships, guided learning, and faith-filled service in a cross-generational setting.
Faith Formation In Congregations Practicing Lifelong Faith
Faith Formation • Growing and deepening your faith in God through development of intentional, lifelong faith practices.
Faith Formation • ALL ages (we never stop learning!) • Varied degrees of involvement • Lifelong or new Christians • Inside AND outside the church building
More than just church programming… • As effective as church programming can be, it cannot replace home lives filled with faith conversations, rituals, and service to others.
More than just church programming… • Whether we are “young” or not, daily connections to faith with the support of others exponentially strengthens us in our faith journeys. • From: ELCA Recommended Practices for Lifelong Faith Formation
Faith Practices What’s a Faith Practice?
Faith Practices • Any activity that connects you intentionally and regularly to God • You don’t have to be PERFECT at it! (That’s why they’re called “practices!”)
Faith Practices What are examples of faith practices?
Faith Practices • Prayer • Reading the Bible • Dwelling in the Word • Nature Walk • Worship • Labyrinths • Faith 5: Share, Read, Talk, Pray, Bless • Service Learning • Group Study • Sunday School • Confirmation Class • Mission Trips • Daily Devotions • Mealtime Prayers • Simple Blessings • Music • Mentoring
ELCA Recommended Practices • Spiritual Practices • Respectful Relationships • Guided Learning • Faith-filled Service
Spiritual Practices • Activities undertaken with intentional awareness of the presence of the Holy.
Respectful Relationships These relationships can be formed with family, friends, church staff, lay mentors, spiritual directors and coaches. Healthy relationships always include trust, listening, challenge, compassion, and commitment to one another.
Guided Learning Guided learning happens when we visit and revisit Biblical stories, or hear and share each other’s faith stories, with a sense of wonder and discovery.
Faith-filled Service • Faith-filled service recognizes the need to act on behalf of one’s beliefs.
Cross-Generational Ministry A Gift of Wisdom and Wonder
What Is Cross-Generational Ministry? • Intentional ministry that engages all ages. • Ministry that offers opportunities for all ages to gather around the cross and journey together.
Why is Cross-Gen Ministry Important? Deuteronomy 6:4-9 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Why is Cross-Gen Ministry Important? “Ministry with this identity allows communities of faith, people of all ages, to share in the planning, life, and witness of the congregation and in the community.” (~2013 ELCA GLOCAL Mission Gathering + Cross-Gen Engagement, pg. 2)
Why is Cross-Gen Ministry Important? • “The goal of intentional cross-gen ministry is to establish an authentic community representing the gifts, experiences, faith stories, and cultures of diverse ages and multiple generations for the purpose of reconciliation in our households, congregations, community and world.” • (~2013 ELCA GLOCAL Mission Gathering + Cross-Gen Engagement, pg. 2)
Why is Cross-Gen Ministry Important? • The Christian church needs ALL people at the table. • Jesus CALLS ALL generations into ministry together, sharing gifts and stories, and using their unique gifts to share the gospel!
What can you experiment with? • Total Program Changes • Parent/Grandparent led Sunday School/Ed. • Parent-Student led Confirmation program • Cross-gen model with any small group faith formation ministry
What can you experiment with? • Minor Changes • 1/month Cross-Gen Activity (call us!!) • Advent/Lent Cross-Gen worship/ed. Midweek? • Twice/year service project/event • Cross-Gen VBS • Cross-Gen Mission or Service Learning Trip
What can you experiment with? • Cross-Gen Worship • Invite/equip youth to help lead worship • Congregational movement/gestures • Sermon conversations • Multi-gen worship planning committee • “Pray Ground” in the sanctuary
Ministry Sharing • What ministry is happening in your churches already that is cross-generational?
Ministry Sharing • What ideas are brewing right now that you’d like to experiment with?
Online Resources • Vibrant Faith • Faith Inkubators • Homegrown Faith • Milestones Ministry • ministrylinks.online • Lifelong Faith • Spirit & Truth Publishing • ELCA (Global Mission/Education/Glocal)
NWSWI Resources • Laura Ramlow & Erin Nelson • Cross-Gen Workshops: Generosity, Care of Creation, Faith Statements, Faith Practices, Hunger & Homelessness • Website
Developing Young Leaders Ideas…
WHY? • Youth and young adults are actively seeking opportunities to serve, often in leadership roles. It’s important for congregations to encourage and support these young leaders as they continue to deepen their faith and discover their gifts as a part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12).
How can we help develop young leaders? • Invite them into council, committees, or other decision-making groups • Offer space and opportunities to make decisions and share opinions • Give them permission to lead • Train them for specific roles • Give them meaningful responsibilities • Provide them with a mentor or “coach”
How can we help develop young leaders? • Delegate tasks • Provide clear explanations for these tasks • Trust their capabilities • Lead by example (faith practices, etc.) • Offer consistent and genuine accompaniment • Be inspiring!
What are some ideas for leadership? • Plan service opportunities for other youth • Youth representative on council or youth board. • Serve as a bridge - connect with other youth • Assist with worship • Write a blog or journal article for the newsletter • Encourage them to become a part of the NW Synod Youth Organization • Other ideas?
Contact Information • Laura Ramlow • 715-559-3474 • lramlow@nwswi.org • Erin Nelson • enelson@nwswi.org