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Chartered Institute of Housing South East Conference Gill Duncan Director of Adult Services Hampshire County Council. Hampshire Adult Services our core offer. Personalised Targeted at those in need and prescribed by legislation Strong focus on choice and control
Chartered Institute of Housing South East Conference Gill Duncan Director of Adult Services Hampshire County Council
Hampshire Adult Services our core offer Personalised Targeted at those in need and prescribed by legislation • Strong focus on choice and control • Takes account of issues of diversity and equality • Develops a culture of participation both from and with communities • Integrated across health and social care
Funding Care and Support - model Community safety Safeguarding Empowerment Early Intervention and Prevention Services via grant funding and commissioned e.g. CIT OPAL Community Development Crisis Care and Re-ablement via Commissioned menu of services (including In House provision) e.g. Time to Think Welcome Home CRT Long Term Support Individual personal budgets – spot purchasing Personalised support plans Maximising Independence Targeted Resources Universal Offer
Hampshire Supporting People • Supporting People sits within the Wellbeing & Partnerships Team, the preventative and early intervention pillar of Adult Services provision. • Is a key element of counties Prevention & Early Intervention strategy. • Ideally placed to deliver on the outcomes of the preventative agenda across the three Supporting People client clusters: older people, adults with disabilities and people who are socially excluded. • The Supporting People budget for 2011/12 is £27,814,000. • The likely settlement for 2012/13 is £25,562,000, an 8.1% reduction on the current budget , this in line with all areas of county council expenditure.
Personalisation, choice and control • Personalisation remains at the heart of SP with its focus on individual support plans tailored to meeting individual need • Individual Budgets have proved a challenge for us and providers, as contracts are between Supporting People and service providers and therefore no direct contractual relationship with service users. • Individual Service funds have been created through "top-sliced" funding from SP and used as an where a need to purchase something specific has been identified. • These include - purchases have mainly been deposits on rental properties in the private sector. - 8 service users with disabilities onto direct payments giving them control over purchasing the support they need as part of their care package • Services in the "socially excluded cluster" currently being reviewed and further opportunities for service users to access individual service funds managed by the providers, to be used more imaginatively; e.g. to help get people onto training courses; to access work e.g. by paying for transport/bus/train passes etc.
Personalisation, choice and control • Hampshire is part of the DCLG pilot on SP and personalisation and specifically part of the working group focussing on co-production. • Early days, but looking to develop outputs around - what co-production is; how risks can be managed; how services can be commissioned. • The "products" will be in a variety of formats: e.g. a presentation, an illustrated card or coaster; a step-by-step guide.
Housing, Care and Support Extra Care • Extra care housing a major focus for the future - 4 new builds to date - £45m of HCC money going forward. • Aim to both develop affordable EC and stimulate wider market - a variety of tenures. • Key development in increasing independence and reducing institutionalisation. • SP support in sheltered housing moving to a tenure neutral floating support model.
What are the benefits of Extra-Care? • For individuals: • Provides vulnerable older people with a safe environment in which they can remain independent for as long as they are able • It enables couples to remain together, when one of them develops greater care needs • Increases financial autonomy and flexibility • Promotes greater user independence, wellbeing and choice • Provides security of tenure through tenancy agreement or ownership
Improved outcomes Research published September 2011* has shown that: • Compared to those living in the community receiving domiciliary care, those in Extra-Care housing are less likely to enter institutional accommodation • Those living in Extra-Care experience better health outcomes (reduction in care package) • Those living in Extra-Care are less likely to be hospitalised • Those living in Extra-Care experience a lower number of falls *Kneale, D., Establishing the Extra in Extra Care: perspectives from three Extra-Care housing providers (International Longevity Centre-UK, 2011). Available from: http://www.ilcuk.org.uk/files/pdf_pdf_193.pdf
National changes • SP currently funds two Family Intervention Programmes in Hampshire and will continue to fund services for troubled families beyond 2013, when the current contracts end. • Additional funding from central government, Children's Services, partners in local district/borough councils and housing associations used to jointly commission services for troubled families across the whole of Hampshire using the existing FIP model of service delivery. • New contracts will be based on payment by results principles.
Housing Support • Encouraging migration from hard wired alarms to flexible telecare solutions. • Re-focusing Home Improvement Agencies away from Disabled Facilities Grant activity to assisting in all property related solutions for OP. • Working closely with SP funded Handypersons & gardening services. • Integrating SP services for Older People into wider OP Wellbeing Strategy and early intervention teams.
Welfare Benefit Changes • Concerned at shared room age raised from 25 to 35 for Housing Benefit. • Potential loss of access to private rented sector as Housing Benefit levels reduced. • Overall changes likely to put more pressure on SP services - need to ensure that focussed on greatest need - through close working with districts.
Opportunities • Develop closer working with districts and other partners around a clear vulnerable persons housing strategy. • Develop strategic relationship with 'sympathetic' private landlords. • Looking to align work of SP services and new Social Fund responsibility post 2013.