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Created, Researched, and Presented by: Pamela Mould Christie Harding SPED 6104; SSII 2010 July 13, 2010. Nash-Rocky Mount Schools – 2010-2013 AIG Plan. A Few Terms to know. . . there are many, many more.
Created, Researched, and Presented by: Pamela Mould Christie Harding SPED 6104; SSII 2010 July 13, 2010 Nash-Rocky Mount Schools – 2010-2013 AIG Plan
A Few Terms to know. . .there are many, many more Gifted - persons between the ages of five and twenty-one whose abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their educational programming needs. Gifted students include gifted students with disabilities (i.e., twice-exceptional) and students with exceptional abilities or potential from all socio-economic and ethnic, cultural populations. Twice-exceptional - Students who are identified as gifted and talented in one or more areas of exceptionality and also identified with a disability defined by Federal/State eligibility criteria. Accelerated – A strategy of progressing through education at rates faster or ages younger than the norm. Differentiated –Modifying curriculum and instruction according to content, pacing, and/or product to meet unique student needs in the classroom. Intelligence - The ability to learn, reason, and problem solve. Debate revolves around the nature of intelligence as to whether it is an innate quality or something that is developed as a result of interacting with the environment. Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) - a test of reasoning skills. It is a norm-referenced test and the national average is 50th percentile. To identify students for AIG programs, Nash-Rocky Mount Public School District administers advanced versions of the CogAT to all students in grade 2 and to selected students in grades 3-5.There are three parts to the CogAT: Verbal Battery, Quantitative Battery, and Non-Verbal Battery. NAGC Glossary of “Gifted” terms
A Few Acronyms to know. . .there are many, many more AIG (Academically Intellectually Gifted): category for students who consistently demonstrate evidence of mastery of the curriculum that is well above grade level in reading/language arts and/or mathematics. LEA (Local Education Agency): a school district or county office of education DPI (Department of Public Instruction): The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is the agency charged with implementing the State’s public school laws and the State Board of Education’s policies and procedures governing pre-kindergarten through 12th grade public education. The elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction heads the Department and functions under the policy direction of the State Board of Education. AP (Advanced Placement): – Advanced Placement - A program developed by the College Board where high schools offer courses that meet criteria established by institutions of higher education. In many instances, college credit may be earned with the successful completion of an AP exam in specific content areas. IQ (Intelligence Quotient): – Intelligence Quotient - A numerical representation of intelligence. IQ is derived from dividing mental age (result from an intelligence test) by the chronological age times 100. Traditionally, an average IQ is considered to be 100. DEP (Differentiated Education Plan): outlines the instructional setting where delivery of DEP services will occur, the way curriculum content will be modified, and the specific differentiated instructional strategies that will be used. IEP (Individualized Education Plan): A written plan and legal document that states a child’s present level of functioning; specific areas that need special services; annual goals; short term objectives; services to be provided; and the method of evaluation to be implemented for children 3 to 21 years of age who have been determined eligible for special education. NRMPS (Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools): school district located in North Carolina NCSCOS (North Carolina Standard Course of Study): identifies the minimum competencies for each grade level for the state of North Carolina NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children): an association that provides support to gifted children and their supporters. NAGC Glossary of “Gifted” terms
Legal Guidelines and Provisions Nash-Rocky Mount Schools adheres to the Legal Guidelines and Provisions of the State of North Carolina. Article 9B, Academically or Intellectually Gifted Students [N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5-.8 (Article 9B)]provides a state definition for Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) students and requires local education agencies (LEA) to develop three year AIG local plans with specific components, to be approved by local school boards and subsequently sent to the State Board of Education and Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for review and comment. Article 9B is the current legislation mandating identification and services for gifted education K-12. Each LEA determines how to identify and serve its own AIG student population. This honors local context and supports each LEA to do what is best for its own AIG student population. LEAs must adhere to state legislation, which guides LEAs and defines academically or intellectually gifted students (see below), and will also use the NC AIG Program. NRMPS submitted its new AIG Plan to the state for 2010-2013 on June 22. This plan must be aligned with the NC AIG Program Standards. 2010-2013 Plan
AIG Program Standards Standard 1: Student Identification: LEA’s student identification procedures for AIG are clear, equitable, and comprehensive and lead towards appropriate educational services. Standard 2: Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction: LEA employs challenging, rigorous, and relevant curriculum and instruction K-12 to accommodate a range of academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted learners. Standard 3: Personnel and Professional Development: LEA recruits and retains highly qualified professionals and provides relevant effective professional development concerning the needs of gifted learners that is ongoing and comprehensive. Standard 4: Comprehensive Programming within Total School Community: The LEA provides an array of K-12 programs and services by the total school community to meet the diverse academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted learners. Standard 5: Partnerships: The LEA ensures on-going and meaningful participation of stakeholders in the planning and implementation of the local AIG program to develop strong partnerships. Standard 6:Program Accountability: The LEA implements, monitors, and evaluates local AIG program and plan to ensure that all programs and services are effective in meeting the academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted learners. AIG Program Standards (as approved by the State Board of Education on July 9, 2009)
Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Overview of Plans to meet requirements of Standard 1: Student Identification Nash-Rocky Mount Public School website: Screening procedures and referral procedures for the AIG program, including transfer students, and identification procedures at the school and district level are on the website. Each school's AIG Site Team has an intentional process of disseminating information to their school personnel, students, and parents/guardians. Actions may include, but are not limited to, linking information from the school website to the AIG Department on the district website, presenting information at Open House about the AIG program and its components, providing an AIG information brochure to all parents, and having a handbook available.
Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Overview of Plans to meet requirements of Standard 2: Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction: The North Carolina Standard Course of Study is enriched and extended by classroom teachers and AIG Facilitators in a variety of ways, such as: Elementary: use data from pre and on-going assessments compacting independent study choice boards learning stations and centers task cards flexible Middle and secondary ability grouped classes dual-enrollment with local community college access to North Carolina Virtual Public School grade or course acceleration on-line college-based courses
Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Overview of Plans to meet requirements of Standard 3: Personnel and Professional Development: The AIG Department will provide professional learning that align with each of the four broad areas of the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards: Standard 1: Teachers Demonstrate Leadership. Professional Learning Opportunities will include, but are not limited, to the following: AIG Facilitators will participate in implementing professional growth opportunities at assigned schools that improve educational programming Standard 2: Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of Students. Professional Learning Opportunities will include, but are not limited, to the following: Differentiation using Thinking Maps" with a focus on incorporating different points of view to provide greater attention to diversity Standard 3: Teachers Know the Content They Teach. Professional Learning Opportunities will include, but are not limited, to: "Professional Learning Communities" and "Smaller Learning Communities" for AIG Facilitators will provide time to broaden curriculum content and develop ways to interconnect areas/disciplines with 21st Century Skills Standard 4: Teachers Facilitate Learning for the Students. Professional Learning Opportunities will include, but are not limited, to the following: "Project Based Learning" with a strong emphasis on employing a wide range of techniques (technology, learning styles, differentiated instruction Standard 5: Teachers Reflect on their Practice. Professional Learning Opportunities will include, but are not limited, to the following: Training on how to analyze student performance data to improve classroom effectiveness
Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Overview of Plans to meet requirements of Standard 4: Comprehensive programming within total school community: Through the use of Differentiated Education Plans (DEPs) and/or Individual Differentiated Education Plans (IEPs), communication among and between teachers and schools has been successful. To ensure continuation of services, NRMPS uses a consistent form for all 5th graders transitioning into middle school that includes quantitative and qualitative data about each student. Students with an AIG identification are clearly marked on the form, along with the statement that the child has a Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) and/or Individual Differentiated Education Plans (IEP). This form of communication, as well as the Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) and/or Individual Differentiated Education Plan (IEP), has been key in successful transitioning and continuation of services. Students transitioning from 8th grade to high school work with their parents, teachers, and a guidance counselor to complete a plan for their four-year course of study with consideration given to Pre-IB and/or Honor Courses. Differentiated Education Plans (DEPs) and/or Individual Differentiated Education Plans (IEPs)for secondary students allow for self-selected courses based on student's strengths. Parent input and a signature is required for each.
Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Overview of Plans to meet requirements of Standard 5: Partnerships NRMPS's AIG department ensures that parents/guardians are involved in all stages, from nomination to identification, as applicable. Information regarding the local AIG plan, program, and policies will continue to be shared through the departmental website, AIG Parent Handbook, and AIG Brochures. An Advisory Committee involving stakeholders from all aspects of AIG programming meet to discuss, review, and refine the local AIG program and plan. Members of the committee share the common goal of advocating for the needs of gifted students from all populations at all grade levels.
Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Overview of Plan to meet requirements of Standard 6: Program Accountability The Academically or Intellectually Gifted Coordinator and AIG Department members will conduct ongoing program evaluation in many ways, including but not limited to: • Monitoring of student referrals and identification to ensure equity • Opportunities for professional development in the area of differentiated curriculum and instruction for AIG Facilitators and classroom teachers of AIG students • Monitoring of service delivery options at each school to ensure that the academic and instructional needs of AIG learners are being met • Placement of students in classrooms of AIG licensed teachers or teachers who have met the LEA's local requirements for teaching AIG students • Data reflecting growth of AIG students on End of Grade Tests
Nomination Process Kindergarten through Second Grade: • May be formally identified for AIG services if student clearly demonstrates an extreme need for differentiated service that is two or more grade levels above current grade level. Third through Twelfth Grades • Students are formally identified in these grades • Consistently demonstrates mastery of curriculum well above grade level in language arts and/or math • Formal and informal data is used Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Criteria – Process: Nomination and Identification Flow Chart With parent permission, additional testing may be conducted if necessary Teacher & AIG facilitator collect qualitative & quantitative documentation showing outstanding academic and/or intellectual potential. Teacher Recommendation School-based AIG team reviews all documentation and makes a recommendation to the District Level Compliance Review Team for: AIG Identification services in Language Arts and/or Math Nurturing Services No Services District Level Compliance Review Team and AIG Coordinator review all documents and make the final decision.
Assessment Process for Identification for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools The AIG department of the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools System administers both non-traditional and traditional standardized measures that are based on current theory and research when screening for identification in the AIG program. Assessment instruments that are sensitive to the traditionally under-represented AIG populations such as culturally/ethnically diverse, economically disadvantaged, English Language Learners, highly gifted, and twice exceptional are provided to ensure equal opportunity for consideration for all students.
Assessment Process for Identification for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools AIG Facilitators will support teachers in the early recognition of outstanding potential in children from all populations and share opportunities for nurturing these students. Through this program, a systematic approach for collecting data (qualitative and quantitative) will be utilized to track students for formal identification. At the third-grade level, all students are assessed using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and a district wide effort is made to review available scores to identify students who show clear evidence of needing AIG services or who show the potential for needing AIG services. As a deeper awareness of the characteristics of gifted children beyond standardized test scores is developed within all school personnel, there should be an increase in referrals from the traditionally under- represented populations.
Assessment Process for Identification for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools Students are assessed by the LEA or a licensed psychologist using a combination of the following quantitative assessments: • Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) • Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) • Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) • Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) • North Carolina End of Grade Tests • North Carolina End of Course Tests • Woodcock-Johnson III, Tests of Achievements • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children — Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) • Other nationally norm-standardized tests as approved by the Testing and Accountability Office
Assessment Process for Identification for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools Nontraditional assessments may include, but not limited to the following: • Checklists • Portfolios • Anecdotal/Case Studies • Observations • Gifted Behavior Scale Checklists • Literacy Assessments • Awards/Achievements • Performance-based assessments • Individual work products with evaluation rubrics
Identification Criteria for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools • 90th percentile or higher on norm referenced aptitude or ability test(s), including verbal and/or nonverbal assessment(s). • 90th percentile or higher on norm referenced achievement tests in reading/language arts and/or mathematics. • teacher rating scales identifying gifted characteristics in learning, creativity, leadership, and adaptability • portfolios containing multiple grade level work products, rubrics, and reflections within one or more specific academic areas at the student’s highest level of performance. • documented evidence of identification for gifted services from another school district (transfer students). • Scores at or above 90th percentile (nationally) are preferred in both aptitude and achievement. • If only one is at or above 90th percentile (nationally), strong evidence must be provided for need of AIG services.
Services Offered Elementary: Within the elementary schools throughout the NRMPS district, accommodations for gifted learners in math and language arts are met through cluster groups, tiered assignments, curriculum compacting, flexible grouping, AIG resource rooms, and individual conferencing. All elementary schools are partnered with an AIG Facilitator to assist classroom teachers in enriching, extending, and accelerating the curriculum. Middle: Curriculum differentiation and acceleration at the middle schools include subject grouping based on ability, flexible classroom grouping, tiered assignments, curriculum compacting, independent studies, and mentorships. For 7th and 8th grade students, accelerated math curriculum is offered leading to Algebra 1 in 8th grade that is equivalent to high school Algebra. Extra curricular activities are provided for gifted students to excel in, such as: art competitions, band (district, regional, state) competitions, Odyssey of the Mind, Community in Service programs, and varied athletics. High school: Programs devised to meet students’ intellectual as well as social needs are provided and documented in DEPs, structures such as Advanced Placement (AP), honors courses, early entrance to college, dual enrollment with local community college, internet-based college courses, parallel enrollment at college and high school may qualify as formal gifted program options. Extra curricular activities continue to opportune gifted students with choices that enrich, strengthen, and further develop their individual gifts. The high school Needs Determination Team, composed of counselors, administrators and gifted/special/general education teachers, should meet annually (and on-going when appropriate) to continue to screen/identify and recommend/place gifted students in appropriately rigorous and challenging classes.
Gifted Students’ Rights • Equitable screening • Traditional and Non-traditional standardized measures • Accommodations and Modifications are provided per IEPs and 504 plans • Uses multiple criteria to determine eligibility • DEP • Annual review to make sure student is receiving proper services • Adapts the NCSCOS to the needs of student • Receive a challenging, rigorous curriculum • Teacher will use pre and on-going assessments to differentiate instruction • Support social and emotional needs of students • Teachers will have appropriate professional development • School partners with parents/guardians to ensure appropriate services are provided that meet the diverse needs of gifted students NRMPS Procedures to Resolve Disagreement
Rights of Parents/Guardians of Gifted Students • Parents have the right to disagree with student nomination, placement, or service options. They must follow the procedures as outlined: • Informed about AIG referral, screening, identification, and services via letters, brochures, or handbook (Parent guide to AIG program) • Informed about the procedures for disagreement • Give consent at each stage of the process • Option to review documentation as it is available • Option to be part of the team that creates DEP NRMPS Procedures to Resolve Disagreement
Resources for those who want to know more Colorado Department of Education. Twice Exceptional Handbook. www.cde.state.co.us/gt/download/pdf/TwiceExceptionalResourceHandbook.pdf. Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools. 2010-2013 Local Academically and Intellectually Gifted Plan. www.nrms.k12.nc.us/departments/aig/ National Association for Gifted Children. www.nagc.org. Public Schools of North Carolina State Board of Education Department of Public Instruction. www.dpi.state.nc.us/academicservices/gifted/.