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Pertemuan 15. Materi : Understanding Knowledge Management Concept and Application Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi : Turban, Efraim, R. Kelly Rainer and Richard E. Potter (2003). Introduction to Information Technology . Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Bab 11. Pengantar. Data? Informasi?
Pertemuan 15 Materi : • Understanding Knowledge Management Concept and Application Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi : • Turban, Efraim, R. Kelly Rainer and Richard E. Potter (2003). Introduction to Information Technology. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Bab 11
Pengantar Data? Informasi? Pengetahuan?
Pengetahuan Informasi yang bersifat konstektual, relevan, dan dapat ditindak lanjuti Pengetahuan ada 2: eksplisit dan implisit Eksplisit: jenis pengetahuan yang lebih objektif, rasional, dan teknis (kebijakan, prosedur, laporan, strategi, tujuan, kompetensi inti perusahaan, dll) Implisit (tacit): terbentuk dari pembelajaran subjektif atau eksperimental. Sangat pribadi dan sulit diformalkan
Manajemen Pengetahuan Proses yang membantu organisasi untuk mengidentifikasi, memilih, mengatur, menyebarkan, mentransfer, dan menerapkan informasi dan keahlian yang penting yang merupakan bagian dari memori perusahaan yang biasanya berada didalam organisasi dengan cara yang tidak terstruktur
Sistem Manajemen Pengetahuan Penggunaan teknologi informasi modern (internet, intranet, ekstranet, filter perangkat lunak, agen perangkat lunak, gudang data) untuk membuat manajemen pengetahuan intra dan antar perusahaan lebih sistematis, kuat, dan cepat.
Perlunya Sistem Manajemen Pengetahuan • Agar organisasi menyadari keberadaan pengetahuan individu dan kolektif sehingga dapat menggunakan pengetahuannya secara efektif. • Saat ini organisasi perlu memadukan pengetahuan eksplisit dengan implisit dalam sistem informasi formal.
Siklus Sistem Manajemen Pengetahuan • Menciptakan pengetahuan • Menangkap pengetahuan • Menyempurnakan pengetahuan. Pengetahuan ditempatkan dalam konteks agar dapat ditindak lanjuti. Pandangan manusia (implisit) harus ditangkap bersama fakta eksplisit. • Menyimpan pengetahuan. Agar pihak lain organisasi dapat mengaksesnya • Mengelola pengetahuan. Pengetahuan harus dijaga kekiniannya agar tetap relevan dan akurat • Menyebarkan pengetahuan. Disediakan dalam format yang bermanfaat bagi siapa saja, kapan saja, dan dimana saja.
What do Managers do? Make decisions in the process of achieving goals • Interpersonal roles: figurehead, leader, liaison/penghubung • Informational roles: monitor/pengamat, disseminator/penyebar, spokesperson/jurubicara • Decisional roles: entrepreneur/pengusaha, disturbance handler/menangani gangguan, resource allocator, negotiator
Why Do Managers Need IT Support? Volume of available information is staggering Manually processing information quickly is increasingly difficult Computerized modeling helps manage complexity • examine numerous alternatives very quickly • provide a systematic risk analysis
Where do we get the data we need? Data Sources • Internal Data • Personal Data • External Data Data Collection Methods • Manually • By instruments and sensors • Scanning or electronic transfer
What is ‘good’ data? Data Quality • quality determines the data’s usefulness as well as the quality of the decisions based on these data • an extremely important issue • characteristics of high quality data: accurate, secure, relevant, timely, complete, and consistent
Data Storage and Management Data Storage • Databases or in data warehouse and data marts Data Management difficulties • Data volume exponentially increases with time • Many methods and devices used to collect data • Raw data stored many places and ways • only small portions of data are relevant for specific situations • More and more external data • Different legal requirements relating to data • Difficulty selecting data management tools • Data security, quality, and integrity are essential
Document Management Systems Much data is contained in documents DMS manage electronic documents Provide control over and access to documents within organization Imaging systems, workflow software, and databases are utilized to efficiently capture and control documents
Business Intelligence Ultimate goal of collecting data is to provide a foundation for business intelligence • All data needed for sound decisions • Data is drawn from data warehouses or data marts • Data analysis tools are applied • Decision makers’ judgment is augmented with facts, analysis, and forecasts
Examination REALITY Intelligence Phase Validation of the Model Design Phase Verification, Testing of Proposed Solution Choice Phase SUCCESS Implementation of Solution FAILURE Decision Making Process
Decision Making Process (continued) Decision Support Systems supply computerized support for the decision making process End-users actively work with the data warehouse End-users apply models to represent, understand, and simplify the decision situation
Thinkingabout decisions… A Framework for Computerized Decision Support • Problem Structure • decision making processes fall along a continuum that ranges from highly structured to highly unstructured decisions • Nature of Decisions • strategic planning - the long-range goals and policies for resource allocation • management control - the acquisition and efficient utilization of resources in the accomplishment of organizational goals • operational control - the efficient and effective execution of specific tasks
Thinking about decisions… Structured decisions have long been supported by computers Classes of structured decisions have been addressed mathematically with Management Science models • Define the problem • Classify the problem into a standard category • Construct a standard mathematical model • Find potential solutions • Choose and recommend a specific solution
Decision Support Systems Needed when decision is not structured Characteristics and Capabilities • Support decision makers at all managerial levels • Support several interdependent and/or sequential decisions • Support all phases of decision making and a variety of decision-making processes and styles • Can be adapted over time to deal with changing conditions • Easy to construct • Utilizes models and links to data- and knowledge bases • Execute sensitivity analysis