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Protocols Line of Inquiry Questions to Ask

Student Level Planning. Protocols Line of Inquiry Questions to Ask. Lines of Inquiry. Elementary. Individual Proficiency Meetings (IPM) Initial Meeting of the Year Format A Slide 1 of 4. Individual Proficiency Meetings (IPM) Initial Meeting of the Year Format A Slide 2 of 4.

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Protocols Line of Inquiry Questions to Ask

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  1. Student Level Planning ProtocolsLine of InquiryQuestions to Ask

  2. Lines of Inquiry Elementary

  3. Individual Proficiency Meetings (IPM)Initial Meeting of the YearFormat ASlide 1 of 4

  4. Individual Proficiency Meetings (IPM)Initial Meeting of the YearFormat ASlide 2 of 4

  5. Individual Proficiency Meetings (IPM)Initial Meeting of the YearFormat ASlide 3 of 4 --Continuation of table on previous slide--

  6. Individual Proficiency Meetings (IPM)Initial Meeting of the YearFormat ASlide 4 of 4

  7. \Progress Monitoring Meetings for previous students Round 2 and 3Format B Slide 1 of 4

  8. Progress Monitoring Meetings for previous students Round 2 and 3Format B Slide 2 of 4

  9. Progress Monitoring Meetings for previous students Round 2 and 3Format B Slide 3 of 4 Continuation of table from previous page

  10. Progress Monitoring Meetings for previous students Round 2 and 3Format B Slide 4 of 4

  11. Individual Proficiency Initial and Progress Monitoring MeetingsDiagnostic Questions for DIBELS subtests 1 of 3

  12. Individual Proficiency Initial and Progress Monitoring MeetingsDiagnostic Questions for DIBELS subtests 2 of 3

  13. Derry Township Individual Proficiency Initial and Progress Monitoring MeetingsDiagnostic Questions for DIBELS subtests3 of 3

  14. Individual Proficiency Initial and Progress Monitoring MeetingsDiagnostic Questions for DIBELS subtests (Set 2) Slide 1 of 3

  15. Individual Proficiency Initial and Progress Monitoring MeetingsDiagnostic Questions for DIBELS subtests (Set 2) Slide 2 of 3

  16. Individual Proficiency Initial and Progress Monitoring MeetingsDiagnostic Questions for DIBELS subtests (Set 2) Slide 3 of 3

  17. Lines of Inquiry Middle School

  18. Middle/High School Student Meetings • Current Achievement Levels? • Scores/Data • Tier One Status? • Interventions Tier 2/3 Response to Intervention? • Actions Needed?

  19. Tier 1: In preparation for the upcoming IPMs, we will want to have discussion about individual students’ challenges with reading that you observe as you work with them in the regular classroom. Please be prepared to discuss any of the following aspects of the reading process as you observe the student’s performance in your class.

  20. Fluency • What have you observed in this student with regards to the student’s: • Appropriate phrasing, expression, and pace in reading? Does the student’s reading sound smooth? Is it easy to listen to? • Accuracy in reading (i.e. does the student skip or insert words/phrases; misread words)– therefore causing interference in meaning?

  21. Vocabulary • What have you observed in the student with regard to his/her: • Understanding of the meaning/context of specific vocabulary? (could be vocabulary in directions or in the actual content area) • Accurate use of words in speaking/writing or accurate understanding of words? • Ability to connect meanings of related words? (ex. understand that “Commutative” is related to the word “commute” & how it is related) • Background knowledge – does the lack of understanding interfere with ability to understand things read?

  22. Comprehension • What have you observed in the student with regard to his/her: • Ability to get “the gist” of what he/she reads independently? (i.e. can he/she summarize, restate, find the main idea, take notes on critical information) or from class discussions and lectures? • Ability to make connections to other information/understandings and make inferences?

  23. Follow-up • After the IPMs, we will follow-up by team discussing and identify strategies that will allow those students who are struggling to be more successful in your class AND to make progress in reading.

  24. Tier 1: IPMs Student Reporting Sheet Student: • No concerns – Let’s monitor • Things specifically being done in class that are helpful to this struggling learner: • Small group instruction one to one instruction paired assistance • Hands on work read directions aloud read tests/quizzes aloud • Oral assessments opportunity for test retakes graphic organizers/study guides • Anticipatory guides opportunities for review modified assignments/tests

  25. Lines of Inquiry HIGH School

  26. High SchoolUniversal Screening Process & Entrance Criteria

  27. DRAFT from PA High SchoolIndividual Student Level Data Team Meetings2011-2012IPM's (Intervention Planning Meetings)

  28. Protocol: • Each student is discussed individually by the team three times during the school year at regularly scheduled student data review meetings, called Intervention Planning Meetings. Data is entered the district’s data warehouse prior to meeting to the degree possible. • Each student receiving Tiers 2 and/or Tier 3 support has a proficiency plan documented in the district’s data warehouse. During the meeting, the student's proficiency plan is displayed visually. One team member records any new assessment data during the meeting and also documents changes in intervention and new goals for next benchmarking period.

  29. Protocol: The overall question is: Is this student responding to the instruction and intervention being provided and what is the evidence of that? If yes, goals are set to continue with the intervention. If no, a change in the intervention is warranted. Further diagnostic work may be warranted to diagnose specific needs and move forward.

  30. Line of Inquiry - Reading: • STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: What does this student's current and historical data tell us? (refer to Student’s Proficiency Plan and Performance Tracker) • PVAAS Projection to proficiency on 11th grade PSSA? • Most recent PSSA score? • Most recent 4Sight? Pattern of 4Sight? • Most recent reading assessment scores (AIMSweb, MAZE, TOWRE, TOSCRF) • Specific areas of skill deficiencies? (CDT, PSSA reporting categories (EMetric), etc.); • Specific areas of strength? (CDT, PSSA reporting categories EMetric), etc.; • Keystone Exams: Composition? Literature? • Other?

  31. Line of Inquiry - Reading: • IEP: Does the student have an IEP? If so, are the IEP goals/objectives aligned to Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Standards and matched to intervention? How does the student's transition plan align? • ATTENDANCE: Are there significant attendance issues? If so, what has been done to address this to date?

  32. Line of Inquiry - Reading: • BEHAVIOR: Are there any significant behavior/discipline issues? If so, what has been done to address this to date? • CLASSROOM PERFORMANCE: Is the student failing any classes? If so, which? Why? • CLASSROOM PERFORMANCE: Is there evidence that the student's skills in his/her general education English/Social Studies/Science classes are improving as a result of the intervention support? If so, specify.

  33. Line of Inquiry - Reading: • INTERVENTION: What is the current intervention focus? Is the student responding to the intervention? What is the evidence of that? Is the student receiving Tier 2 or Tier 3 support? • INTERVENTION: How is the student progressing as a result of the intervention support? (evidence: Literacy Navigator assessments; other literacy assessments In which English class/level is the student enrolled? What is the student’s current grade in English class?

  34. Line of Inquiry - Reading: • INTERVENTION: Should the current intervention be continued, modified or changed? • ACTION NEEDED: What action steps need to be taken to move this student to proficiency? • ACTION NEEDED: What needs to be communicated to this student's teachers, parents, and student himself/herself? • ACTION NEEDED: Other?

  35. Line of Inquiry - Math: • STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: What does this student's current and historical data tell us? (refer to Ss Proficiency Plan and Performance Tracker) • PVAAS Projection to proficiency on 11th grade PSSA? • Most recent PSSA score? • Most recent 4Sight? Pattern of 4Sight? • Specific areas of skill deficiencies? (CDT, PSSA reporting categories (EMetric), etc.); • Specific areas of strength? (CDT, PSSA reporting categories EMetric), etc.; • Keystone? • Other?

  36. Line of Inquiry - Math: • IEP: Does the student have an IEP? If so, are the IEP goals/objectives aligned to Math Standards and matched to intervention? How does the student's transition plan align? • ATTENDANCE: Are there significant attendance issues? If so, what has been done to address this to date? • BEHAVIOR: Are there any significant behavior/discipline issues? If so, what has been done to address this to date?

  37. Line of Inquiry - Math: • CLASSROOM PERFORMANCE: Is the student failing any classes? If so, which? Why? • CLASSROOM PERFORMANCE: In which Math class/level is the student enrolled? What is the student’s current grade in Math class? • INTERVENTION: What is the current intervention focus? Is the student responding to the intervention? What is the evidence of that?

  38. Line of Inquiry - Math: • INTERVENTION: How is the student progressing as a result of the intervention support?? (evidence: Math Navigator assessments; other intervention class assessments) • INTERVENTION: Is there evidence that the student's skills in his/her general education Math class are improving as a result of the intervention support? If so, specify. • INTERVENTION: Should the current intervention be continued, modified or changed?

  39. Line of Inquiry - Math: • ACTION NEEDED: What action steps need to be taken to move this student to proficiency? • ACTION NEEDED: What needs to be communicated to this student's teachers, parents and student himself/herself? • ACTION NEEDED: Other?

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