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Cluster research in Norwegian regions

Cluster research in Norwegian regions. Dr. Anne Katrine Normann Research Council of Norway akno@rcn.no TCI Conference Delhi 29.11.-3.12.2010. Department for Regional R&D. NORWAY. 4.8 million people 385,199 km2 GDP: $ 450 billions -----------------------------------

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Cluster research in Norwegian regions

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  1. Cluster research in Norwegian regions Dr. Anne Katrine Normann Research Council of Norway akno@rcn.no TCI Conference Delhi 29.11.-3.12.2010

  2. Department for Regional R&D

  3. NORWAY • 4.8 million people • 385,199 km2 • GDP: $ 450 billions • ----------------------------------- • Constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system • 19 administrative regions (counties) • 430 municipalities • Relatively equal living conditions • Decentralised settlement pattern

  4. Programme for Regional R&D and Innovation 15 regional projects VRI Finnmark VRI Troms VRI Nordland Prioritised areas Food Maritime Marine Culture Tourism Energy VRI Trøndelag VRI Møre og Romsdal VRI Hedmark/Oppland VRI Sogn og Fjordane VRI Oslo/Akershus VRI Hordaland VRI Buskerud VRI Vestfold VRI Rogaland VRI Østfold VRI Telemark More info: www.forskningsradet.no/vri VRI Agder

  5. R&D Business Regional partners Each region • Interaction  instruments • Innovation research

  6. Programme for Regional R&D and Innovation VRI Finnmark VRI Troms VRI Nordland VRI Trøndelag VRI Møre og Romsdal VRI Hedmark/Oppland VRI Sogn og Fjordane VRI Oslo/Akershus VRI Hordaland VRI Buskerud VRI Vestfold VRI Rogaland VRI Østfold VRI Telemark VRI Agder

  7. Case: The Norwegian Water Clusterwww.vannklyngen.no • 20 firms in Vestfold county, 100 km SW of Oslo • Largest concentration of water treatment technology industry in Norway • Many new firms established during the last 10 years • Small- and medium sized, non-hierarchical • 500 workplaces • Highly educated staff – technical engineering dominated culture • Knowledge intensive • Total turnover 200 million USD • Customers: cruise ships, sewer plants, construction firms, relief organisations • Network formally established in 2007

  8. The Norwegian Water Cluster • Significant growth potential of clean water industry • Main challenge of cluster companies: To improve the innovative capacity and to win larger and more challenging customer projects • Companies saw the benefits of becoming an innovative cluster • Started out with a «clusterish» name – long before it actually was a cluster • Then began the process towards becoming a cluster • Creating relationships and trust is essential for clustering

  9. Norwegian Water Cluster • Academic interest: Can networks be developed through planned intervention from the outside? • Can researchers contribute? • Social scientists engaged as process leaders • From slow start to being much in demand – now function as gate openers

  10. Choosing method • The industrial context must be considered • Small, busy, non-hierarchical, dominated by highly educated engineers • Strong collaborative processes between managers and employees already exist • Most participants are strangers to each other • They are also short of time to spend on such processes! • The process should • Contribute to building relationships and trust • Be strictly structured • Be swift and efficient – ½ day at the most!

  11. Network IGP methodIndividual, Group and Plenary reflections • Combination of individual and collective reflection • Cross-organisation groups 3-6 members • Initiate collaboration by low-risk activities • Sharing safe information • Value of face-to-face contact • Given problem • Individual reflection • Facilitate group reflection – talking rounds • Short presentations in plenary

  12. Cluster / Group activities • Cluster meetings • Team meetings • ManTek – recruitment and competence development • Internationalisation – marketing and R&D • Product innovation • Board meetings • Study trips • Preparation R&D projects • Active web-site

  13. Phases in developing the network • 2007-I: Mapping and mobilising stakeholders • 2007-II: Plenary dialogues and inter-organisation relationship building • 2008-I: Team establishment, team-based dialogues, learning and joint action • Two teams established • 2008-II: Interaction between team level and inter-organisation level

  14. Results after one year • Frequency of contact increased by 30 per cent • Perception of closeness up 29 per cent • Increased know-who competence • 18 firms wanted to share personnel and knowledge with other cluster firms • Joint campaign for recruiting personnel • Joint exhibition stand • Customer cooperation • Several joint technology development projects, also among competitors

  15. More recent results • Innovation in terms of new products and work methods • 8 preliminary collaborative projects, of which two have been initiated by researchers (micro-technology) • Several companies collaborate on R&D projects • Recruitment efforts • May 2010: Merged with another network of companies - Clean Water Norway – now 30 companies • High level of activities initiated by the companies • After 3,5 years the participants are dedicated to the development – high spirits! • Role of social scientists – persistent in use of process method – develop it further

  16. References • Gausdal, A.H. and J.M. Hildrum, 2008. Developing learning networks through dialogue processes – the case of the Norwegian Water Cluster. NEON conference in Tromsø, Norway, November • Gausdal, A.H. 2010. VRI Vestfold. Presentasjon til Programstyret 25.5.10 • Gausdal, A.H. 2008. Hvordan skape innovative nettverk? (How to create innovative networks?). Magma, oktober 2008 • www.vannklyngen.no • www.forskningsradet.no/vri

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