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This project focused on modeling turbulent particulate channel flows with inter-particle collisions. The research aimed to validate various numerical simulation approaches using 3D Reynolds stress turbulence modeling and Eulerian-PDF formalism, as well as Lagrange tracking methods. The results demonstrated the robustness of the mathematical model developed for handling complex flow phenomena. The project also carried out experimental validations to ensure the accuracy of the model. The collaboration between Estonian and Norwegian partners led to new insights into collision efficiency models and applications in various industrial contexts such as pneumatic conveying and fluidized bed units. The outcomes were presented at the final conference in Laulasmaa, Estonia in September 2017.
Norwegian-EstonianResearch CooperationProgramme Project EMP 230DNS and 3D Reynolds Stress Turbulence Modeling in Particulate Channel Flows with Inter-Particle Collisions and Applications Presenter name:Dr. Alexander Kartushinsky, D Sci, PhD aleksander.kartusins@ttu.ee https://sites.google.com/site/ttuemp230/home Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation, Final Conf., 21-22 September, 2017, Laulasmaa
Duration of the project: 01.01.2014 – 31.12.2016 Total cost of the project: 193478 EUREstonian partner: 100478 EURNorwegian partner: 93000 EUR Principal investigator: Alexander KartushinskyResearch Laboratory of Multiphase Media Physics,Tallinn University of Technology Norwegian partner: Pawel KosinskiDepartment of Physics and Technology,The University of Bergen Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation, Final Conf., 21-22 September, 2017, Laulasmaa
Objectives 1. Numerical simulation of 3D turbulent particulate channel flows by two approaches:Eulerian joint 3D RSTM and PDF formalism (Approach I) Joint DNS and Lagrange tracking method with considering of cohesion/adhesion phenomena (Approach II) 2.Validation of results obtained by Approach I and by Approach II 3.Elaboration of the robust mathematical model for turbulent particulate channel flows with taking into account of inter-particle collisions 4. Elaboration and implementation ofnumerical codesfor specific samples of flow domain:pneumatic conveying, CFB units, etc. Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation, Final Conf., 21-22 September, 2017, Laulasmaa
Present Results Estonian research group 1. 3D numerical closure model has been elaborated for the combined equations for disperse phase of turbulent particulate channel flows. The model is based on closure momentum equations:- RSTM approach for the carrier gas phase- PDF formalism for the disperse phaseDistinctive features of the model – solution of the transport equations of Reynolds stresses of dispersed phase for each components (all 6 stresses) 2. Model validation by 3D RANS numerical simulation of turbulent particulate flows:- dispersion of solid particles in very diluted horizontal rectangular channel linear shear flow- grid-generated turbulent horizontal rectangular channel flow- fully developed upward & downward square channel particulate flows at a moderate particle mass concentration with 1-, 2- and 4-way coupling effects incl. particles collision. Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation, Final Conf., 21-22 September, 2017, Laulasmaa
Present Results Estonian research group 3. Experimental validation of the model - turbulent dispersion of solid particles in uniform shear flow Numerical data on turbulent dispersion of particles show satisfactory agreement with experimental results with found higher dispersion of particles when directions of shear rate and gravitation are the same. Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation, Final Conf., 21-22 September, 2017, Laulasmaa
Present Results Norwegian research group 1. A new mathematical model for collision efficiency with liquid bridging with utilization of capillary forces. The model was found theoretically and validated against numerical and real experiments. A new kind of hard-sphere collision model for dry particles. 2. A new model basing on Population Balance Modeling principal was developed for analysis of hydrate flows for petroleum industries. 3. Observations of particle flow in so-called Hartmann tube used forinvestigation dust explosions. The research revealed flow structures, which are necessary for scientist and engineers working on this field. 4. Investigation of multiphase flow in a Venturi - type flow meter. The research led to observation of non-uniform flow structures. Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation, Final Conf., 21-22 September, 2017, Laulasmaa
Present Results Publications 2014 1. Balakin, B.V., Shamsutdinova, G. , Kosinski, P. Agglomeration of solid particles by liquid bridge flocculants: Pragmatic modelling. Chemical Engineering Science, 122, 173-181, 2014. 2. Balakin, B.V., Shamsutdinova, G. , Kosinski, P. Hard-sphere modelling of liquid bridge agglomeration. Proc. 10-th Int. Conf. on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil and Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, 2014. Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation, Final Conf., 21-22 September, 2017, Laulasmaa
Present Results Publications -2015 3. Balakin,B.V.,Kutsenko,K.V.,Lavrukhin,A.A.,Kosinski,P. The collision efficiency of liquid bridge agglomeration. J. Chemical Engineering Science, 137, 590-600, 2015. 4. Balakin,B.V.,Kosinski,P. Lagrangian modelling of liquid bridge agglomeration with focus on collision efficiency. 8-th National Conf. on Comput. Mech. (MekIt-15), May 18-19, Trondheim, Norway, 2015. 5. Rebassa, J.H., Kartushinsky, A., Krupensky, I., Siirde, A. Non-isothermal turbulent jet flow through static particulate media. 7-th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference, August 24-26, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia. 6. Rebassa, J.H., Kartushinsky, A., Krupensky, I., Siirde, A. Non-isothermal turbulent jet flow through static particulate media. 7-th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference, August 24-26, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia. 7. Kartushinsky, A. RANS modelling of particulate flows. 7-th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference, August 24-26, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia. 8. Shablinsky, A. PhD thesis “RANS numerical modelling of turbulent polydisppersed flows in CFB Freeboard. January 16, 2015, co-supervisor Kartushinsky. 9. Kaur, K. Msc. thesis “Numerical simulation of turbulent shear flow by OpenFoam software. June 12, 2015, supervisor Hussainov. Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation, Final Conf., 21-22 September, 2017, Laulasmaa
Present Results Publications - 2016 10. Kartushinsky,A.,Tisler,S., Olivieira,J.L.G., van der Geld,C.W.M. Eulerian-Eulerian modelling of particle-laden two-phase flow. Powder Technology,301,999-1007,2016. 11. Lauk,P., Rebassa,J.H., Kartushinsky,A., Krupensky,I., Tisler,S., Tähemaa,T.,Polonsky,A. Assemblage of turbulent jet-flows though static particulate media. Proc. Estonia Acad. Sciences, 65 (3), 284-296, 2016. 12. Kartushinsky, A., Hussainov, M., Shcheglov, I., Tisler, S., Kosinski, P., Balakin, B.V. 3D RSTM modeling for particulate grid-generated turbulent and shear flows. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 22-27, 2016, Firenze, Italy 13. Balakin,B.V., Kartushinsky,A., Hoffman,A.C., Kosinski, P. CFD-PMB modeling of agglomeration and deposition in petrolium industry. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 22-27, 2016, Firenze, Italy 14. Lauk, P., Kartushinsky, A., Hussainov, M., Polonsky, A., Rudi, Ü., Shcheglov, I., Tisler, S., Zeegel, K.-E.Two-fluid RANS-RSTM-PDF model for turbulent particulate flows. Numerical Simulation. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech (341-363), 2016. Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation Workshop, 19 November, 2015, Tartu
Present Results Publications - 2017 15. Kartushinsky,A., Balakin,B.V., Kutsenko, K., Kosinski, P. A numerical study of gas-liquid flow morphology in a vertical flowmeter nozzle. AIP Proceeding of ICNAMM Conference, 1863, 030003, 2017. Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation Workshop, 19 November, 2015, Tartu
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!! Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation Workshop, 19 November, 2015, Tartu