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Golf Complex

Golf Complex. Justin Prokopick, Marijana Vidackovic, Zaid Kharouba, and Boris Gusev. Goal.

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Golf Complex

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  1. Golf Complex Justin Prokopick, Marijana Vidackovic, Zaid Kharouba, and Boris Gusev

  2. Goal • To find a suitable location for a new Golf Complex using various GIS tools, in order to meet all the constraints provided. Located in an area where it can be accessible and compete with current surrounding golf complexes. • GIS Tools used: 1- Buffer 2- Erase/Overlay 3- Final site selection • Data used: • Consulting Lineage • We only used DMTI data when available, ensuring proper quality of our analysis.

  3. Important Criteria to Consider Physical Factors Economic Factors By using several different methods on ArcMap (buffer, erase, overlay, union, clip) determining a suitable locational physically becomes easier as all the physical aspects are understood. Economically, to determine a great location for a new golf complex, outside sources must be used. One might find neighbouring/nearby golf complexes, income of the census tracts, population counts, etc. to distinguish which site is better.

  4. Social Factors Distance Dependent Using buffers to determine proximity of schools, hospitals, residential and recreational areas to golf complexes. Use of measurement tool as well as buffer tool to evaluate the distance of highways, roads, wetlands, railway lines, and airports to help find a suitable location. *Note: Kleinburg Golf Club is located near residential land, schools, and major roads, but is successful because the social factors are all hidden by forestry.

  5. Constraints Golf complexes should be built on open land - away from the CBD. To ensure suitable land for use we must locate these complexes 120 metres or more away from wetlands. Forested land is considered desirable and should be located near a golf complex. Slopes within a golf complex should be rolling- large differences in elevations are an avoidance, due to construction costs and difficulty. Though noise and traffic should be avoided, a golf complex needs to be located near a highway for ease of accessibility but the surrounding roads should be generally quiet. • Other avoidances include: • Hospitals • Dust • Airports • Industrial land uses • Schools

  6. Step 1: Buffer Airports – 1km, 2km,3km • The noise and traffic associated with Airports is a major constraint for Golf Complexes. By buffering a 2 kilometer distance from each airport we can find a suitable location with minimal noise, traffic and distractions. • A buffer of 1km still generates a substantial amount of noise; we want to avoid noisy and distracting locations because it will not appeal to golfers and may sway their opinion on the golf course. • A 2km buffer allows for less noise and will not limit the amount of land available to a planner to pick a suitable location • 3km buffer is not necessary, the sound is just as quiet as to that of an area 2km away, the more land that is used to buffer the less amount of land we have to choose from.

  7. …Buffer Con’t Wetlands • Golf complexes should be situated 120m or more from Wetlands to ensure suitable building land. • Prohibited to build less than 120m from wetlands, the appropriate buffer would be that of 120m as ruled by the Canadian Government. Schools – 500m, 1km, 2km • The noise from recess, bells, schools bus are noises that are considered distractions to golfers, they should be avoided when selecting a Golf Complex • We created a 1 km buffer zone around elementary, secondary and post secondary institutions. Though a 2km buffer would be suitable as well

  8. …Buffer Con’t Hospitals – 1km, 2km, 3km • A 1 km buffer was created around hospitals to also avoid traffic and noise, but also accessibility to these services in case of an emergency are quite important. We choose the smallest buffer in terms of safety.

  9. …Buffer Con’t Railways – 500m, 1km, 2km • A 500m buffer would be too close and loud for a golf complex. Though many golf complexes in York region are located quite near to railway lines, we choose to use a 1km buffer to eliminate distractions and create a more subtle and peaceful environment for golfers.

  10. Step 3: Site Location • Land Use • Open spaces are preferred to allow for long greens and more difficult holes • Golf Complexes occupy a large amount of space, therefore it must be far from the CBD • Other areas of avoidance: Hospitals, airports, industrial sectors and schools • To find ideal locations, we buffered these features

  11. Primary Site • Current Status • Solution for Promoting • Justification Kirby & Weston Road

  12. Alternative Site • Current Status • Current Status • Solution for Promoting • Justification Vivian & Woodbine Ave

  13. Conclusion • The variety of GIS tools permits the analyst to perform many tasks but only the combination of the right ones allows for a comprehensive analysis to be done. The data quality of the project allowed us to be confident when using these tools and carry out a feasible analysis.

  14. Wetlands Railroads Schools Airports Hospitals Land Use Roads Slope Buffer Attribute Query Intersect with Open Space 120m Buffer 500m, 1km, 2km 500m, 1km, 2km 1km, 2km, 3km 1km, 2km, 3km Open Space Slope 5.5% to 22% Slopes + Open Space Union (All Buffered Layers) Final Map Suitable Site

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