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Food Summer Term 2. This half term we will; Use Mathematical terms to describe shapes . Use the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects. Order two or three items by length or height. Estimate how many objects they can see and check by counting them.
This half term we will; • Use Mathematical terms to describe shapes. • Use the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects. • Order two or three items by length or height. • Estimate how many objects they can see and check by counting them. • In practical activities and discussion, begin to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting. • Solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing. • Begin to learn the value of coins. • Begin to use everyday language related to money. • Use the language ‘o’clock’ and ‘half past’ to tell the time. Maths
Read Write Inc will continue as usual this half term. Your child will either bring home their sounds and words or a book to read to you. Please encourage your child to read these every night. Read Write Inc
This half term we will; • Mix corn flour with different amounts of water. Describe the different textures. Make patterns through the corn flour with our finger. • Thread different coloured pasta or macaroni to make jewellery. • Paint different types of fruit and vegetables. • Print using vegetables – make a repeated pattern or a pattern with symmetry. • Use the biscuit cutters to make biscuits out of salt dough or plasticine. Expressive Arts and Design
This half term we will; • Retell the story of Handa’s Surprise changing the animals or fruit. • Read The Hungry Caterpillar – Make a class book showing what the children would have eaten if they were the hungry caterpillar. • Describe the difference between cooked and uncooked pasta. • Collect vocabulary connected to food and cooking, eg stirring, simmering, boiling, mixing. • Write a class recipe book that contains dishes for different occasions. Communication, Literacy and Language
Our stories: • Week Two: The Very Hungry Caterpillar • Week Three: Handa’s Surprise • Week Four: The Tiger who came for Tea • Week Five: Pass the Jam Jim • Week Six: Alice and Wonderland Communication, Literacy and Language
This half term we will; • Sort snacks into healthy and unhealthy foods. • Discuss why we need food and drink to keep us healthy. • Play the Bean game – children walk around the room- Teacher calls out a type of bean and the children do the appropriate action (broad bean – stretch arms and legs wide, string bean – stretch up tall, jumping bean – jump, runner bean – run, baked bean – lay on the floor sunbathing.) Physical Development In PE we will be continuing with gymnastics and start developing our skills for Sports Day.
This half term we will; • Discuss how we behave at the dinner table. • Learn how to share our sweets with others. • Discuss helping each other. Personal, Social and Emotional Development • We are going to; • Recap on the class and school rules.
This half term we will; • Connect the dish to the country of origin - display on a world map. • Sort food into those we cook and those we can eat raw. • Read Handa’s Surprise –taste the fruits mentioned in the story. • Make real lemonade out of lemons sugar and water. Compare with fizzy lemonade. Record the children’s thoughts about the two. Make a chart showing who preferred which one. • Record what happens when you make jelly on a flow chart. Introduce the word dissolve – Ask the children to describe how the jelly changes. Place the words around the diagram. • Undertake a blind tasting of different flavoured crisps Understanding the World
Our PHSE topic this half term is ‘Changes.’ We will be talking about moving up to Year One and what changes will take place. PSHE and RRSA RRSA – Article 29. Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.
This half term we are going to be more confident with; • Using the mouse. • Finding letters on the keyboard. • Writing words using the keyboard. • Using Paint to draw pictures. • Using Education City. • Watching video’s on espresso. ICT
Reminders • PE is on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has their PE kits in all week. As we are in the summer term, most PE lessons will take place outside, so please make sure your child has shorts and PE shoes. • Maths homework is set on a Monday and due in on a Friday. • News homework is set on a Friday and due in on a Monday. • Sharing books are sent home on a Thursday and due in the follow Wednesday.