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Class 2 – Parent Information Sheet Summer Term 2014.
Class 2 – Parent Information Sheet Summer Term 2014 Hook – we will begin our theme this term by watching a cartoon version and reading a revised children’s edition of the story “Around The World In 80 Days”. Children will dress up as the different characters from the story and re-enact different scenes from it. Maths – This term children will continue to consolidate and practise many of the mathematical skills they have learned over the last two terms. In particular Y3’s will start to use more formal written methods to add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers. Y2s will begin to learn to add and subtract 2 2-digit numbers and add 3 one digit numbers using concrete objects, pictures and mental methods. They will learn to recognise the < and > signs and continue to work with money combining amounts. We will be continuing our work on fractions and learning how to find fractions of numbers and Y3’s will learn to add fractions with the same denominator. Children will continue to be set homework, when appropriate, on their Mymaths account and will be told when this happens. Also a notice will be posted on our website Class 2 blog. Literacy – children will continue to be given opportunity to practise and develop their joined handwriting style. We will be focusing on comprehension skills to help improve children’s understanding of text. Spelling lists will continue to be based around a spelling pattern or rule which we practise in school. Lists will be sent home on a Monday each week and tested on a Friday. Our indoor role play area will be turned into a travel agents and our outdoor playhouse will be an “Around The World In 80 Days ” role play area, where children will have opportunity to dress up as characters from the story and act out their favourite scenes. Our creative writing this term will be based on an adventure in a hot air balloon with lots of drama opportunities. We will study the story “Around The World In 80 Days“ and look at how to structure an adventure story. We will also read lots of stories from other countries/cultures. Children will also try writing persuasively to advertise a holiday home in the Mediterranean. Mrs Jackson and Mrs Drinkall will be sending the class postcards from their holidays over the Easter break and children will have opportunity to write their own postcards, letters and diaries about imaginary visits to locations around the World. Science – Our Science this term will be based around Forces/Magnets. Through investigation children will learn how magnets repel and attract each other and how different materials are attracted to magnets. They will investigate the strength of different magnets and springs. Later on in the term, when hopefully the sun will be shine, they will investigate shadows and try to explain why their shadow changes during the day. Music - Mrs Bird will continue to teach the children Music on Friday afternoons. PE - Athletics and Rounders Skills (both outside, weather permitting) will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.Children can bring trainers to wear for PE on these days, if they wish. Geography – Much of our work this term will be based around our Geography theme. We will learn how to use maps and atlases appropriately by using contents and indexes. We will learn to: recognise the eight points of the compass, name the continents and oceans of the World, name the main cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland and locate well known European Countries. We will also study 4 different parts of the World: the Mediterranean, two European countries and The Caribbean. We will learn to explain what different places are like; learn about their human and physical features; find out what makes them good holiday destinations; compare their weather and explain how the lives of people who live there would be different from our own. French Year 2’s will continue to enjoy an introduction to basic phrases and vocabulary whilst Year 3 will build on their knowledge further. RE -This term we will continue our focus on Founders and Leaders, concentrating on the life of Jesus. We will consider why Christians believe Jesus was a good leader, listen to and watch bible stories about Jesus and compare his qualities to those of the Sikh Guru leaders. Mrs Drinkall & Mrs Kemp