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Sail Vessel Rigging Inspection. Marc Cruder – Traveling Senior Marine Inspector – USCG Headquarters. Traveling Inspection Staff (CG-5P–TI). Unique, Specialized, Highly Experienced Staff Mission Management & Inspection Specialists Recommendations to CG-5P and its Directorates
Sail Vessel Rigging Inspection Marc Cruder – Traveling Senior Marine Inspector – USCG Headquarters Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Traveling Inspection Staff (CG-5P–TI) • Unique, Specialized, Highly Experienced Staff • Mission Management & Inspection Specialists • Recommendations to CG-5P and its Directorates • Targeted Vessels and Oversight/Issues of Concern • On-Call Technical Resource for Sectors/Districts/Areas • Oversight/Audits/Special Studies • Support to CG-INV for Safety Recommendations and Marine Safety Alerts as a result of Casualties • Primary technical advisors to the NCOEs • Industry Advocate/Operator POC to Broker Concerns “Provide professional Marine Safety expertise and leadership to improve proficiency and performance to meet mission requirements.” Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Sail Vessel Population • 5% of the inspected fleet nationally (350+) • Concentrations:- Hawaii = 15%; almost all catamarans- D7 = 30%; three quarters catamarans- D1 = 35%; mostly traditional rigs- D11/D13 combined = 20%; mixed rigs Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Sail Vessel Casualty History Over the last 8 years: • 37 casualties specific to Sail Vessels • 18 involved masts, spars and rigging • (15) were dismastings; (1) failed topping lift; (1) failed bowsprit; (1) failed gaff • 10 of 15 were sailing catamarans - 3 in Hawaii (2 w/fatalities); 1 in San Francisco; 2 in Key West, 1 in St. Croix, USVI and 3 in San Juan, PR • 3 of 15 were traditional schooners Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Na Hoku II – Dismasted Dec 2006 - Mamala Bay, HI - 1 fatalityO.N. 996153 – MISLE Case No. 329465 Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Na Hoku II • Causal Factors • Altered/Non-standard mainsail installation not submitted for CG review • Holes drilled in unsupported span • Other factors • Master was an unspecified distance outside the boundaries of his inland license as defined by the OCMI, but within sight of land • Master tested positive for THC Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Kiele V – Dismasted March 2007 - Maui, HI - 1 fatalityO.N. 628114 – MISLE Case No. 2895732 Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Kiele V • Causal factors - undetermined (at least by the CG) since much of rig unrecoverable • Other factors - Mast step collar found sheered off * typical catamaran specific installation; * opened dialog for regular unstepping of the rig - History of prior dismastings in 1991 and 1996 Sail Rigging for MIC - July 2014
Catamaran Mast Step Failure Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Ho O Nanea - Dismasted July 2008 - Oahu, HI O.N. 939251 – MISLE Case No. 3277942 Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Rig Failures Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
GET AWAY - Dismasted 16 August 2013 – Fajardo, PR O.N. 1072889 – MISLE Case/Activity = 4687110/4687063 Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Rig Failures Outer Bobstay “Cranse Iron”Failure (with evidence of previous fracture) Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Pride of Baltimore II • Component loading underestimated in original installation – cranse iron redesigned for re-rig • Failed iron showed indication of previous cracking before catastrophic failure • Inspection may not have revealed the flaw • No evidence of poor or improper maintenance • Nonetheless raises USCG awareness of the traditionally rigged fleet Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
USCG Response • Inspected Sailing Vessel Compliance Exam “surge” locally • Drafting and Implementation of Sector Honolulu Inspection Note 13 • Safety Recommendations responded to by published Commandant’s Actions Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
SPV Examination Surge - Hawaii 59 Vessels Examined: • 18 Vessels received CG-835’s. • 5: deficiency correction in 30 days • 11: deficiency correction prior to sailing • 2: permanently removed their sailing rigs Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Sector Honolulu Inspection Note 13 • Consensus of local/national Industry & CG • Available in the public domain on-line • Requires “regular rig examination regime” • Prescribes Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) where “questions remain” • Provides 3rd party survey “minimum content” Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Third Party Rigging Surveys • Minimum content to include:- Purpose of survey- Method of survey- Vessel and Rigging Design Description- Key Component Examination (Standing Rigging)- Running Rigging and Deck Hardware Inventory- Summary and Conclusions- Recommendations Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Post Accident Recommendations and Response - Na Hoku II Safety Recommendation 6461: • Develop national minimum standard for masting & rigging of sailing vessels, including a standard time interval for unstepping masts for inspection & third party surveys Commandant’s Response: • Do not concur. Existing industry standards are adequate if properly applied. Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Post Accident Recommendations and Response - Na Hoku II Safety Recommendation 6463: • Design/construction stds for masts/rigging • Engineer’s/Architect’s certification to MSC for all sail plan/rigging configurations Commandant’s Response: • Partially concur. No justification for design and construction stds • Consider changing MSC submittal from OCMI discretion to mandatory (regulatory). Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Post Accident Recommendations and Response - Na Hoku II Safety Recommendation 6536: • Publish uniform minimum standards for third party rig surveys Commandant’s Response: • Partially concur. Apply Honolulu Inspection Note 13 nationally, then evaluate whether a national standard is appropriate. Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Post Accident Recommendations and Response - Na Hoku II Safety Recommendation 6537: • Create a curriculum of training addressing rig design/maintenance/inspection including case studies of failures/mishaps Commandant’s Response: • Concur. Establish curriculum as part of Basic Marine Inspector’s Course; Pursue policy guidance and third party training Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Sail Vessels - The Regulatory Box • 46 CFR 176.402(c)(1): Requires inspection of masts, spars, standing & running rigging, blocks, fittings, and sails at initial inspection. • 46 CFR 176.802(a)(3): Inspection of masts, spars, standing & running rigging, blocks, fittings and sails at subsequent inspections • 46 CFR 176.840: OCMI may require any additional test & inspections deemed reasonable and necessary to determine vessel and its equipment are suitable for its service. • 46 CFR 177.330: Design, materials and construction of vessel and rig suitable for intended service. OCMI may require detailed calculations. Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Post - Inspection Note Implementation Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Post - Inspection Note Implementation Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Post - Inspection Note Implementation Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
St. Croix and Key West – 2009/10 • 3 dismastings in 9 months - CG District 7 • 2 involved catamarans with failed stays and Sta-Lok mechanical end fittings Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Other – Booms and Topping Lifts https://cgportal.uscg.mil/lotus/mypoc/?uri=wcm%3a3d0fff0043cfb080876fcfb8646fe1b6 http://www.roverschooners.com/ Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Other – Booms and Topping Lifts https://cgportal.uscg.mil/lotus/myquickr/domestic-vessel-inspections/announcements Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Other – Booms and Topping Lifts Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Schooner ZODIAC – Seattle, WASeptember 2010 Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Schooner ZODIAC – Main Mast Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Documented Vessel Examples • DENIS SULLIVAN - Incident to unstepping the rig for winter maintenance (Sturgeon Bay - 2009/10 ) • SPIKE AFRICA - Incident to rebuild/recertification (Seattle - 2009/10) • ZODIAC - Incident to dismasting and to establish rig maintenance protocol moving forward (Seattle - 2010/11) • ADVENTURESS - Proactively to establish rig maintenance program in response to USCG outreach post-ZODIAC dismasting(Seattle - 2010/11) Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
2011 – The Practice of Prevention • Rigging Awareness and pro-active stance by MIs:- dialoging with Masters and crew to establish state of rigging inspection regime onboard;- rigging maintenance records crossed to actual conditions onboard by visual inspection;- ordering third party rigging surveys for cause;- engaging internal /external resources when things don’t look right - using operational controls prior to carrying passengers Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V HERITAGE – Newport, RI Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V ROBERT C. SEAMANS - Hawaii Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V LADY WASHINGTON Aberdeen, WA Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V DAEDALUS – Mobile, AL3rd Party Survey: “…NOT fit for use as a chartered S/V” Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V TOLE MOUR – Long Beach, CA Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V SPIRIT OF DANA PT – DANA PT, CA Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V LIBERTY CLIPPER - Boston, MA Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V ROSEWAY – St. Croix, USVI Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Head Rig Failure: Schooner Halie & Matthew Broken wood spar – bowsprit Fractured galvanized chain - bobstay link Galvanized bobstay clevis pulled out of fiberglass hull @ stem Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Fore Gaff Failure: Schooner RED WITCH Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
S/V ALMA – San Francisco, CA Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Top 10 Common Rigging Deficiencies • Improperly sized wires and attachments • Elongation /wear of toggles/shackles • Lack of isolation of dissimilar metals • Unapproved modifications • Corrosion • Lead to load misalignment • Fractures/delamination – in high stress areas • Lack of maintenance – no program/no training • Running Rigging frayed/shackles worn/not moused • Cotter Pins missing/undersized Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
Sails and Rigging PQS Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
TSA/ USCG Collaboration with GL Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014
USCG - DRAFT National Note on Rigging Sail Rigging for MIC July 2014