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MTAC October 27 - 28, 2004

MTAC WorkGroup # 89 CASS Refinements & Awareness. MTAC October 27 - 28, 2004. MTAC Workgroup #89. CASS Refinements & Awareness. Topics: The degree of consistency needed among CASS software programs, The standards for grading software and measuring accuracy in results,

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MTAC October 27 - 28, 2004

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  1. MTAC WorkGroup # 89 CASS Refinements & Awareness MTAC October 27 - 28, 2004

  2. MTAC Workgroup #89 CASS Refinements & Awareness Topics: • The degree of consistency needed among CASS software programs, • The standards for grading software and measuring accuracy in results, • The role of industry creativity in parsing and matching, • The stages of the overall process of developing and using the software, and • The development of industry awareness of what CASS is and what it is not.

  3. MTAC Workgroup #89 CASS Refinements & Awareness WorkGroup Status: • Kickoff meeting held in Memphis, in conjunction with the annual Partership In Tomorrow meeting- August 26, 2004. • 45 Baselined issues were submitted either from WG#88 or new issues. • Discussed each issue and determined 24 were related to WG #89 goals. (Have since added 2 more).

  4. MTAC Workgroup #89 CASS Refinements & Awareness WorkGroup Status (con’t): • The team categorized each of the issues into 5 areas: • Educational, • Response, • CASS, • Developer, and • Vendor. • Two sub-teams were formed: • Educational and Response Team with Wanda Senne leading, and • CASS, Developer, and Vendor Team with Joel Thomas leading.

  5. MTAC Workgroup #89 CASS Refinements & Awareness 2nd WorkGroup Meeting: • Held September 30th in Alpharetta, Georgia, • Joel and Wanda each went over their issues with the team, some issues related to both subgroups, • 77% of the issues require some type of education (20 of the 26 issues).

  6. MTAC Workgroup #89 CASS Refinements & Awareness 2nd WorkGroup Meeting (con’t): • The Team Identified a Multitude of Possible Means for the Educational Rollout: • Power Point Presentations, • Training Video, • User’s Guide, • AMEE White Paper, • Web-based Overviews, and • Communication(s): • Area Road Shows (PCC), • Stand-up Talks, and the • Postal Forum.

  7. MTAC Workgroup #89 CASS Refinements & Awareness Follow-up Vendor/CASS Teleconference • October 15th • Continued to cover each of the issues in depth with all members providing input from their perspectives.

  8. MTAC Workgroup #89 CASS Refinements & Awareness Next Steps: • Two follow-up meetings have been scheduled to discuss further detailed plans: • November 4th, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST, Developer, Vendor/CASS Teleconference Meeting. • November 5th, All Day Meeting - Educational SubTeam Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia at Ace World Marketing and

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