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Simulation-Base Decision Support System for Water Infrastructural Security (DSS-WISE - Phase 3) New Generation Flood Modeling & Simulation Tools. Project Title. Task Order No. 6400010634. PI: Dr.Mustafa Altinakar , Ph.D., Research Professor and Director
Simulation-Base Decision Support System for Water Infrastructural Security (DSS-WISE - Phase 3) New Generation Flood Modeling & Simulation Tools Project Title Task Order No. 6400010634 PI:Dr.MustafaAltinakar, Ph.D., Research Professor and Director National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering (NCCHE) The University of Mississippi, 327 Brevard Hall, University, MS 38677-1848 Contact: Email: altinakar@ncche.olemiss.edu Phone: 662-915-3783 June 24, 2011
Project Team and External Partners • The NCCHE Team: • Dr. Mustafa Altinakar-- Administration and Supervision • Dr. Yan Ding -- Senior Researcher • Dr. Jaswant Singh—Senior Researcher • Dr. YavuzOzeren-- Senior Researcher • Mr. Vijay Ramalingam-- Software Developer • Mr. Matt Inman-- GPU Programmer • Mr. Paul Smith -- IT Systems Programmer • Mr. Hongqiang Li -- System Analyst and GIS Programmer • Mr. M. McGrath -- Graduate Student • Ms. LeiliGordji -- Graduate Student • External Partners • Dr. Andre Brodtkorb --Visiting Senior Scientist, SINTEF-Norway • Dr. Edie Miglio -- Visiting Senior Scientist, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Contact Information Dr. Mustafa Altinakar altinakar@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-3783 Dr. Yan Ding ding@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-8969 Dr. Jaswant Singh singh@nccheolemiss.edu (662) 915-6561 Dr. YavuzOzeren yozeren@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-7788 Mr. Vijay Ramalingamvirjay@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-8975 Mr. Matt Inman mjinman@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-8976 Mr. Paul Smith cvpsmith@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-7281 Mr. Hongqiang Li hli@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-8974 Mr. M. McGrath mzmcgrat@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-8976 Ms. LeiliGordjilgordji@ncche.olemiss.edu (662) 915-8976 Mail: NCCHE, 327 Brevard Hall, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 (all of above) Dr. Andre BrodtkorbAndre.Brodtkorb@sintef.no Dr. Edie Miglio edie.miglio@polimi.it
Motivation The DSS-WISE Project was motivated by the scientific and technological gaps identified in the current practice of flood simulation and damage analysis. The current practice relies mostly on one-dimensional flood simulations that cannot provide an accurate, time-dependent spatial evolution of the highly transient catastrophic floods resulting from failure of critical water infrastructures (dam/levee break/breaching), and may even yield erroneous results over flat terrains. The WGFEM Project was motivated by the lack of an extremely fast two-dimensional model that can be used for operational modeling purposes during flood emergencies.
Objectives • To develop a state-of-the-art, two-dimensional numerical model to simulate the spatiotemporal evolution (water depths, velocity vectors, flood arrival and receding times) of catastrophic floods due to failure of water infrastructures (dams, levees, etc.); • To develop a comprehensive set of GIS-based scenario-evaluation and decision-making tools that will be integrated as a decision support system (DSS). This integrated system will be developed for use by homeland security personnel, and engineers of state and federal agencies, to assess the risk and vulnerability of high risk water infrastructures, in relation with threats due to natural causes or terrorist attacks, by taking into account considerations of uncertainty, to prepare Emergency Action Plans (EAPs), to track cascading and escalating failures, and to plan for emergency response planning.
Achievements of the DSS-WISE and WGFEM Projects During the first two phases of the project, the DSS-WISE software package was developed from merely a concept into a powerful a GIS-based integrated flood modeling and simulation and consequence analysis tool, which provides numerous capabilities that are not offered by any other software packages. The DSS-WISE has three principal modules: • A GIS-based preprocessor and Graphical User Interface (GUI) for problem setup and input data preparation. This powerful module allows the user to prepare and launch simulations in an extremely user-friendly environment, while allowing the user to tap into all the capabilities offered by ArcGIS. Additional modules help the user to estimate bottom topography of a reservoir or a lake, and to remove unwanted obstacles from DEM’s. • A two-dimensional numerical model, called CCHE2D-FLOOD, that solves a conservative form of shallow water equations using a robust, shock capturing first order finite-volume scheme that can handle mixed flow regimes and wetting and drying, • A GIS-based post processor with modules for flood mapping, flood danger mapping for humans, vehicles and buildings, potential loss-of-life (modified USBR method), urban and agricultural damage (USDA-NRCS methodology) by interfacing simulation results with various GIS shape layers and socioeconomic data. The post processor has also a Spatial Compromise Programming unit that allows ranking of flood protection variants using a multi-criteria decision making method that takes into account the spatial variability of advantages and disadvantages.
Simulation Engine for DSS-WISE CCHE2D-Flood: a GIS-Based flood flow simulator, has several unique features that set it apart from other similar models and make it particularly suited for engineering studies: • Mixed flow regimes (sub-, trans-, and supercritical) • Oscillation-free sharp discontinuities • Superior source term treatment • Rigorous mass conservation • Disconnected flow domains are handled • Robust algorithm even with complex topography • Decreased computational burden • Improved computational speed even on desktops • Extremely easy problem set-up and running • Fully verified and validated • GIS platform compatible results files • Digital Elevation Maps (DEM) Hypothetical Breaching at Sardis Dam, MS
DSS-WISE Has Been Used by federal state agencies • DHS Dams Sector Branch, SSA Executive Management Office, Office of Infrastructure Protection • USACE-ERDC (Engineering Research and Development Center) • USACE Vicksburg District • USACE Nashville District • USACE Headquarters • Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Fact Sheet To help Pakistani authorities cope, a new computer model, developed under funding provided by the Department of Ho-meland Security’s (DHS’s) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), is being used by hydraulic engineers at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)—Engineering Research and De-velopment Center (ERDC) Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) and forwarded to their counterparts in Pakistan. The new computer model simulates the flooding, estimates the total drawdown of the floodwaters, and predicts how long it will take the waters to recede. DSS-WISE (Decision Support System—Water Infrastructure Security) incorporates and integrates thousands of data points—from historical, geographical, economical, and satellite information—and paints a current picture and prediction scenario to help with Pakistan’s disaster relief efforts. “Pakistan’s flood disaster has given a demanding workout to DSS-WISE,” says SERRI program manager Mike Matthews, “but the software has proven it can provide accurate and timely predictions, even under very challenging modeling requirements.”
WGFEM: Faster-than-Real-Time Operational Flood Simulation using GPGPU Programming
Fast Simulations Dam Breaching
Scope of DSS-WISE Phase 3 Project The focus in Phase 3 shall be placed on bringing these flood simulation and modeling tools (FSMT) to a sufficient level of maturity for accreditation and possible commercialization. • This will be achieved by improving and refining the numerical simulation models with the implementation of additional capabilities, as well as by custom tailoring them to suit the needs and working habits of the end users. • As TRL 6 or higher require demonstration of the research results and the capabilities of the tools in a realistic environment close to operational conditions, special emphasis is being given to test the model using real-life flood analysis problems with complete data sets. • In addition, an experimental study will be carried out to produce data that can be used to verify, validate and improve both DSS-WISE and WGFEM numerical codes.
Tasks of DSS-WISE Phase 3 Project Task 1: Align FSMT with Well-Understood Customer Requirements Task 2: Build and Enhance DSS-WISE and WGFEM to Meet Customer Requirements and Capability Gaps Task 3: Confirm/Validate Enhancements to DSS-WISE Task 4: Document DSS-WISE and WGFEM Capabilities
Task 1: Align FSMT with Well-Understood Customer Requirements (1)Task 1.1: Customer Requirements for DSS-WISE • Capability to Perform Simulations on Irregular Shaped DEMs • Capability to Simulate Storm Surge and Coastal Flooding • Implementing the Option for Working with English Units • Implement Determination of Arrival Time Based on a User Specified Depth • Importing Levee Profiles directly from National Levee Database • Dam Breaching Based on Water Surface Elevation in the Reservoir • Capability to Simulate Gated Structures and their Operation • A New Module to Model Bridge Hydraulics • A new Module to Model Pumps and Pump Operation • Representing a Reservoir Using its Storage Curve • Capability to Import Observation Points, Lines, and Profiles as a Shape layer • Implement the Capability to Visualize Breach Profiles in the Preprocessor • Providing the Possibility of Defining a Work Directory • Implementing the Capability to Display Time in Various Formats • A standalone animation and visualization tool must be developed for DSS-WISE.
r A Hurricane Model (Holland 1980) Hurricane Pressure Field VH Surface Wind Velocity Resultant Wind Speed VW Wind Stress Pc=central pressure; P∞=ambient pressure; ρa=air density R=Radius of maximum wind;Cd = drag coefficient
Demonstration of Storm Surge Modeling Study Area: Grays Harbor, WA
Hypothetical Boundary Condition for Tsunami Waves at Offshore
Task 1: Align FSMT with Well-Understood Customer Requirements (2)Task 1.2: Customer Requirements for WGFEM • Improvement of the user interface controls for manipulating the visualization screen e.g. enable interface to specify spatially-distributed parameters • Implementation of the Ability to Project Multiple High-Resolution GIS Raster and Shape File Layers onto the Terrain e.g. be able to add shape files to visualize roads, railroads, populations, etc • Improvement of the Interactive Controls to Modify the Terrain to Represent Flood Mitigation Measures e.g. to represent dikes, sand bags, evacuation channels
Task 2: Build and Enhance DSS-WISE and WGFEM to Meet Customer Requirements and Capability Gaps Task 2.1: Enhance the Technical Simulations and Numerical Models Task 2.2: Enhance the GUI and Decision Support Tools
Enhance GUI and Decision Support Tools • The urban and infrastructure damage estimation modules of the DSS-WISE postprocessor will be modified to use directly the HAZUS data rather than the simplified data based on classified remote sensing images. • The agricultural damage module of the DSS-WISE postprocessor will be tested and improved in collaboration with USDA-NRCS to custom tailor to the needs of the USDA-NRCS economists. • The preprocessor shared commonly between the DSS-WISE and WGFEM will be modified by implementing additional menu items to define the input data for the source and sink option that will be implemented in WGFEM (see Task 2.1). • Other improvements, corrections and additions will be implemented in the graphical user interface, the preprocessor and post-processor for DSS-WISE and WGFEM based on collaborative projects with agencies and the feedback provided by the existing users of the DSS-WISE software.
Task 3: Confirm/Validate Enhancements to DSS-WISE Task 3.1: Experimental Dam Break Study Task 3.2: Collaborations with User-Base (Federal and State Agencies)
Plan view Side view General layout Front view
Experimental configurations Channelized dam-break flow experiment Typical configuration for 1D-2D coupled flow experiments Non-channelized dam-break flows with linear terrain features
Simulation of a simple dam break Simulated water surface profiles and velocity profiles along the centerline of the experimental facility
Collaborations with User-Base (Federal and State Agencies) • Collaboration with existing user community. • Collaboration with the DHS Dams Sector Branch and the Argonne national Laboratory (ANL) for establishing a link with DSAT (Dams Sector Analysis Tool). • Collaboration with the FEMA, National Dam Safety Program, to test WGFEM and DSS-WISE during an Emergency Management Exercise • Collaboration with the FEMA, National Planning Branch • Collaboration with the USACE Risk Management Center, in Davis, CA