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PLANT BIOLOGY: INTRO. Unit 5 – Plant Anatomy, Growth & Function. PLANTS IN OUR SOCIETY. In small groups, brainstorm uses for plants in OUR society. USES FOR PLANTS IN OUR SOCIETY. Fuel (ethanol from corn) Medicine (aloe vera, med. marijuana)

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  1. PLANT BIOLOGY: INTRO Unit 5 – Plant Anatomy, Growth & Function

  2. PLANTS IN OUR SOCIETY • In small groups, brainstorm uses for plants in OUR society.

  3. USES FOR PLANTS IN OUR SOCIETY Fuel (ethanol from corn) Medicine (aloe vera, med. marijuana) Tools (wood, toxins in wood to kill fish, weapons) Food Construction Alcohol (potato  vodka; grapes  wine) To breathe! Shade Fragrances Composting Narcotics Clothing (ex. Hemp, cotton) Dyes, tattoos, henna Paper Soaps Flour, mint, herbs, tea, spices Make-up, cosmetics, beauty and skin care, jewellery

  4. Important Crops in Canada (thousands of tonnes) • Wheat 28, 611 • Canola 12, 642 • Barley 11, 781 • Grain corn 10, 592

  5. Food Security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiYDG11zIUs

  6. Monoculture • One type of plant is grown in place of the natural ecosystem • What are some pros and cons of this approach?

  7. Learning Check • Pg 539, Q 1-6

  8. Medicinal Uses • 25% of prescription medicines contain plant extracts • Rosy periwinkle (vincristine andvinblastine) – childhood leukemia and Hodgkin’s. Survival rates have gone from 20% to 90% with these 2 compounds • Goldenseal – colds and sore gums • Ginseng – immune system function

  9. Biofuels • Most biofuels come from corn (ethanol). What are some pros and cons of this method? • Research is being done to get fuel from cellulose and oil from algae • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI4Qm2AMiEY • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9_-ZguuhBw • Read Quirks and Quarks on page 542

  10. Erosion Control • The paradox of farming: farmers need good soil to farm, yet farming destroys good soil. • 2.5 million acres each year are lost to urbanization and soil erosion. • About 1/3 of the country's topsoil has been lost due to urbanization and soil erosion.

  11. Medicinal Plants Assignment • Pg 573

  12. KINGDOM PLANTAE Plants evolved about 500 million years ago from simple green algae that lived in the ocean. All plants are autotrophic and some, like the famous Venus fly-trap, can also be heterotrophic. All plants are eukaryotic and multicellular.

  13. PLANT CELLS Animal cells have lysosomes that release the cellular equivalent of digestive enzymes. Why don’t plants need these? • Like animal cells, plant cells contain a nucleus and organelles, but they have two distinguishing features: • Cell wall (made of cellulose, a complex carbohydrate, provides rigid structural support; difficult to digest) • Chloroplast (organelle that conducts photosynthesis)

  14. PLEASE... CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: How can plants stand up straight without a skeleton?

  15. PLANT DIVERSITY • Currently over 350 000 species of plants, including: • Mosses • Ferns • Conifers • Flowering plants • Most plants live on land and can withstand a wide variety of climates. Cacti live in arid, dry areas whereas mosses need to be in moist environments to survive.

  16. CLASSIFYING PLANTS • Plants are classified based on the presence or absence of vascular tissue • Vascular tissue can be compared to arteries and veins: a network of specialized cells that allows plants to transport water, minerals and sugar throughout the plant • What would you expect a non-vascular plant, without vessels to transport nutrients and water, to look like?


  18. FUNCTION OF STEMS Looking at the picture below: What years had the most rain? What years experienced the worst drought? • Support system for plant body • Transport system carries water & nutrients (through vascular tissue!) • Holds leaves & branches upright

  19. FUNCTION OF LEAVES • Main photosynthetic organ • Broad, flat surface increases surface area for light absorption • Have systems to prevent water loss • Stomata open in day but close at night or when hot to conserve water • Waxy cuticle on surface • System of gas exchange • Allow CO2 in and O2 out of leaf Elephant Ear Plant

  20. LEAF STRUCTURES Leaf Cross-Section Cuticle Veins Mesophyll Stoma (Opening) 2 GuardCells Surround each Stoma • Cuticle: waxy layer; covers upper surface • Protects leaf against water loss • Veins: transports water, nutrients and food • Made of xylem and phloem vascular tissue • Mesophyll: contains cells that perform photosynthesis b/c they contain chloroplasts.

  21. LEAF STRUCTURES Guard Cells Stoma • Guard cells: • Cells that open and close the stoma • Conserve water by preventing excess water transpiration • Stomata: openings in leaf’s surface; when open: • GAS EXCHANGE: Allows CO2 in & O2 out of leaf • TRANSPIRATION: Allows excess H2O out of leaf

  22. FUNCTION OF ROOTS • Anchor & support plant in the ground • Absorb water & minerals • Hold soil in place Fibrous Roots Root Hairs

  23. STRUCTURE OF ROOTS Root Hairs Meristem Root Cap • Root Hairs: increase surface area for water & mineral absorption • Meristem: region where new cells are produced • Root Cap: protects tip of growing root


  25. Contain a vascular system allowing for transportation of nutrients / water throughout the plant http://dendro.cnre.vt.edu/forsite/idtype.htm


  27. KEY WORDS: PLANT BIOLOGY Cell wall Chloroplast Vascular tissue Non-vascular tissue Stomata Cuticle Veins Mesophyll Chlorplast Guard cell Stomata Transpiration Root hair Meristem Root cap Gymnosperm Angiosperm

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