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ELECTIONS AND CAMPAIGNS. CHAPTER 8. The Rules of the Game. We have in the U.S. _________ _________ __________ that are scheduled for predetermined times (unlike many other countries) We have ______ , ________ , and sometimes ______________ -
The Rules of the Game • We have in the U.S. _________ _________ __________ that are scheduled for predetermined times (unlike many other countries) • We have______, ________, and sometimes ______________- - the length of service is fixed for all offices - Senator terms are staggered (1/3 up every two years) - some positions can be run for only a certain # of times (like the Pres.)
Term Limits - the _____Amendment limits the President to two terms (or max ____years). - a politician that is currently serving but can’t run again is called a ‘____________’ because his ability to bestow favors/influence is ending. - states can impose term limits on their legislators but not on their federal legislators that go to Washington.
Why a two-party system? ->THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM… • ____________________- an election system in which the candidate with the most votes wins (there is NO second place) • usually just a plurality necessary to win, not a majority (majority = ______ _____50%) • ______________________- a district in which voters chose only 1 representative • When winner-take-alland single member districts are combined it becomes very difficult for minor parties to win (unlike proportional representation)
Running for Congress • Most congressional races are NOT even close • House incumbents (officeholders) win ______of the time!!! • Senate races are a little more ___________________ • Presidential popularity can affect races as the___________ effectmay help members of the same party “ride on the coattails of the President”
House of Representatives -> all seats are up for grabs every ____ years -> seldom are incumbents challenged in primaries of their own party -> seldom do challengers face opposition in primaries of their own party -> often candidates go unopposed…reelection rate around ____% Mounting a Primary Campaign • Start raising hundreds of thousands of dollars or more (_____ _________ than Senate race) • Parties shy away from giving in primaries • Money needed to hire campaign managers and technicians, buy t.v. ads, conduct polls as well as other activities • Build a ________ ___________to get help and most importantly try to gain visibility (news spots, door-to-door, handshaking and courting segments of voters) Campaigning for General Election • candidate _______- elections tend to focus on personal attributes • National __________- the inclination to focus on national issues instead of local. • Name ________________- incumbents names are familiar and recognizable which gives them a major advantage
The Senate -> ______seats are up for grabs every ___ years -> seats much more competitive than House since more power and higher profile -> Senate races are more expensive -> reelection rate OVER ______ Mounting a Primary Campaign • Start raising hundreds of thousands of dollars or more (_________ expensive than House race) • Parties sometimes discourage multiple competitors in primaries to “_________ _______ _________” for a preferred candidate • Money is needed to hire campaign managers and technicians, buy t.v. ads, conduct polls as well as other activities • Build a personal organization to get help and most importantly try to gain visibility (news spots, door-to-door, handshaking and courting segments of voters) Campaigning for General Election • candidate appeal- elections tend to focus on personal attributes • National tide- the inclination to focus on national issues instead of local. • Name recognition- incumbents have less advantage (than in House) because competitors are often also widely known and covered.
Incumbency Advantage • Why do the officeholders keep getting reelected at such high rates? This is often referred to as a “permanent Congress?” • ________ recognition “my name is Arnold Schwartzenegger” • More _______coverage “look who is on T.V., it’s Senator Joe Shmoe” • Already have _______to do things for constituents “bring home the pork” • __________ privilege “free junk mail, paid for by taxpayers!” • Already have $ ______________“you scratch my back…” • ________________“lets redraw district lines to favor me!” • If no scandal, he/she is doing a ________ _______ job “if it ain’t broke…” • Perceived as having more ______________ “he knows the system”
Running for President Stage 1- The _____________ • Presidential Primaries in each state • Caucases in some • Conventions for the two parties Stage 2- The _________ _________Convention • The Party Platform • The Vice Presidential Nominee • The value of conventions • Nomination by petition
Running for President cont…. Stage 3- The ____________Election • Presidential debates • Television and Radio Advertising • The outcome
Road to the Presidency • 2 year process, millions of dollars • Step 1 - Deciding to _______________ -ensure political & financial support, usually Congressman or governor, press conference announcement • Step 2 - Presidential _________________ -traditionally Feb. in *New Hampshire 1st, other states hold primaries through June -voters/delegates pledge support -similar to electoral college, convention delegates instead of electors, many states have proportional representation -_________________– early primaries are more important than later ones; early wins in primaries mean more support (more media attention, more donors) • Step 3 – ___________ ________________ _____________ -Jackson & Dems had 1stnat’l convention; “grass roots” -Today primaries pick candidates, nat’lconv formally nominates -Nat’l conv: platform, unity, speeches, VP pick…pep rally for T.V.
Road to the Presidency • Step 4 - ______________for the _______________ Election -2 candidates face off -most $ spent here; election experts -tone changes to appeal to middle of road voters -free T.V. time for debates (since 1960) Issue: Candidates direct their campaigns at those who vote in large numbers…minorities? Young people?
Campaigning • Increased use of ______________ • Television – short, paid advertisement “spots” packed with ______________, increases visibility and awareness of what candidate stand for (more effective, information packed) vs. news broadcast “visuals” (newsworthy actions, less effective) • Campaign _____________– publicize candidate’s views but risky • 1996-major networks agreed to make some free TV time to major party candidates, denying 3rd parties • ____________– sophisticated direct mailing campaigns
Important aspects of running a campaign • Becoming _________-__________(getting mentioned) • Announce to media, travel making speeches, already have a famous name, former governor, major law • Raising ___ and building an ________________of personal followers (limitations) • Organization – staff of fundraisers, position advisers, lawyers, accountants, volunteers • Strategy • Incumbent defends record, challenger attacks the incumbent • Two challengers = own programs, but White House party blamed • Tone – positive build me up or negative attack • Theme – repeated soundbites (compassionate conservatism)
Primaries - Primaries resulted from Progressive Movement reforms - more citizen control over political system (early 1900s) - they are used to select a party’s candidates for elective office - now people vote instead of the party organization choosing - only about ____% vote in primaries as opposed to _____% in general election - frontloading….early primaries have more influence and get more attention - participants more partisan than general population (ex. Clinton, Edwards, and Obama for Democrats trying to be the Democratic nominee for president) • 1. Closed primary-voters declare party ___________election day then vote for that party’s candidates…most states (deterrent for Independent voters; must be Republican or Democrat) • 2. Open primary-voter decides which primary to choose as __________ ____________…few states use this method (handed either Republican or Democratic ballot) • 3. Blanket (free-love) primary- voters may pick _______candidate for _____ office without regard to party lines; for instance, a voter might select a Democratic candidate for governor and a Republican candidate for senator. The supreme Court has eliminated most of these declaring them unconstitutional.
Iowa Caucus- first and impt. • What you'll do is get up out of your seat and you'll go walk to the corner or space by the wall designated for the candidate of your choice. • After this first step, party officials will determine if a candidate meets the ___percent "threshold" requirement. • Supporters of candidates making up less than 15 percent can _________with a candidate that met the requirement. • Votes tallied and county delegates chosen to elect district and state delegates -> it is like an old ________ _________ ->Maine, Nevada, Wyoming, Alaska, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Washington, Guam, Virgin Islands (mostly less populated states/territories) use the caucus instead of a primary.