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    1. Seamus Breen. Assistant Director, Strategic Commissioning and Partnership North Yorkshire County Council

    3. North Yorkshire approach to Telecare. In 2005/6 42 people were focussed on to test setting up in an urban and a rural area. Key issues from that early work was the need to ensure telecare was part of mainstream referral, assessment and care management systems; the need to have good procurement skills, and the requirement to have in place systems to address installation, monitoring, maintenance, decommissioning, a response system when people need assistance, and excellent partnership working with providers, and in North Yorkshire’s case local District Councils.

    4. Investment The initial investments were LPSA funding 05/06 – Ł70,000 for two pilots above and the PT Grant - Ł871,000. The latter was used to employ four Telecare Coordinators, countywide SLA’s worth approx Ł10,000 per annum with 7 Housing Providers for Monitoring centres and the purchase of equipment. In addition North Yorkshire invested a further Ł942,000 including Ł230,000 investment in Telecare overlays in its elderly person homes; and a further Ł70,000 to Housing Providers for lifelines to increase prevention opportunities in the community; and in additional equipment. The full programme was overseen by a Change and Project Manager

    5. Staff Roles The role of the Telecare Coordinators is to: take a county-wide approach to training and development of staff both in Adult and Community Services and partner agencies; raise Telecare awareness and skills; support or conduct joint assessments; public relations and installation training available to multi-agencies and public. They are required to keep up to date with evolving technology; play a key role in performance monitoring; and ensure consistency in county wide processes. A key measure is the embedding of telecare in mainstream community assessment and service delivery.

    6. Outcomes and achievements Between April 09 – Now some 5000 multi-agency attendees at awareness, PR and installation training sessions. Staff have gained significant experience in a range of technologies. The service is seen as supporting peoples chosen outcomes that meet peoples changing needs and delivering lifestyle choices for people using services. The approach is assisting staff to manage risks when providing customised services. People speak of how the service has helped them to carry on living at home give more confidence/peace of mind, feel safer. All staff in social care have received awareness training, with new staff targeted soon after arrival. Training on telecare in elderly person homes has prepared staff for work in extra care settings. The County has created a training pack and guidelines for fitting equipment and developed Long Term Conditions pathways for a range of conditions with PCT. LD providers now beginning to embed personalised technology as part of support. Short stay residents to EPH’s offered Telecare to use in EPH and take home

    7. The Finance Case All new Telecare new users during Sept 2008 were subject to an evaluation. There were 138 of which 7 were disregarded as outliers. Their care managers identified what their traditional care package would have been if Telecare had not available, and what the actual Telecare enhanced packages of care were. 60 out of 131 (46%), traditional packages would have been residential, EMI or nursing. 71 out of 131, (54%), traditional packages would have been care at home. If existing homecare is >10 hrs, the trends indicated homecare reduced, but still an element of care. If the traditional package was <7 hours, the trend was home care hrs reduced or not have to be provided at all. Analysis indicated a net average efficiency/person on annual basis at Ł3,654 – a 38% reduction in care package costs. That gave us a net efficiency for that year of Ł1,108,609.

    8. Case Studies Numerous! Tell the story How people are in control Personalisation. This is both a finance story and a heart and mind story.

    9. Shaping the Market Dialogue with the sector: www.northyorks.gov.uk/independentcaresector You want to be a care partner: then consider how you use telecare as part of the solution!

    10. Thank You http://www.northyorks.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=3198 Seamus.breen@northyorks.gov.uk

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