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Christmas in July Christmas Fund

The Christmas Fund offers emergency assistance and pension supplements to active and retired clergy and lay employees. This candlelight ceremony celebrates the shepherds who have brought hope, peace, joy, and love to our lives.

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Christmas in July Christmas Fund

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  1. Christmas in July Christmas Fund

  2. The Gospel of Luke tells us – “In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.” This is the Candle of Hope. The shepherds watched over their flocks, year in and year out, sustained by the hope of the Messiah. Some of the shepherds in our lives have been the pastors, educators, musicians, sextons, and administrators of our churches, who keep watch over us at busy holiday seasons and in the long quiet days of summer.

  3. The Candle of Hope TheChristmasFund offers hope to active and retired clergy and active and retired lay employees because they can receive emergency assistance in time of need.

  4. The angels sang – “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace, good will among all people.” This is the Candle of Peace. The angels sang, not to monarchs and to Caesars, but to simple shepherds. We in our churches hear the echo even now. “Blessed are the peacemakers,” Jesus said. We light this candle and honor the reconciliation ministries of local congregations.

  5. The Candle of Peace TheChristmasFund health premium supplements bring peace of mind and spirit to many retired pastors, musicians, sextons and administrators.

  6. Mary sang, “…my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,” and then praised God for caring about the lowly, the poor, the hungry, the empty. We listen to her song and recognize that some of those with needs are or have been pastors and lay employees in our local churches. This is the Candle of Joy. The gifts are simple which bring great joy.

  7. The Candle of Joy The Christmas Fund sends Christmas gift checks which bring joy to retired clergy and lay workers - this year more than 20 of whom are 100 years old or older.

  8. The story which reminds us of busy shopping and decorated trees is really a simple one and we can hear it any time: “…this will be sign to you: you will find the child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” This is the Candle of Love. A star shone above a stable while God’s face shone within it. We celebrate our love for all those who have been shepherds of hope, peace, joy and love to us, and pray that our faces may shine with God’s love to others.

  9. The Candle of Love The Christmas fund shares our love for those who have been shepherds bringing the good news of Christ’s birth to many churches in the United Church of Christ, by providing pension supplements.

  10. Collection of the Christmas Fund Gifts

  11. (Let us pray) Gracious God, let your face shine on us in this summer season, when we pause in wonder at your presence as a Shepherd in our lives – saving and restoring us. As we celebrate Christmas in July, we give thanks for the shepherds of our church who have, indeed, offered us hope, taught us about peace, encouraged our joy, and demonstrated your love. Bless these gifts for the Christmas Fund that they may be good tidings of great joy in times of need. Amen.

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