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The Commercial Revolution and Social Transformation in the 16th Century

Explore the impact of the Commercial Revolution, banking practices, Mercantilism, social structures, and educational developments during the 16th century. Discover the rise of the middle class, changes in the economy, and religious conflicts that shaped this transformative era.

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The Commercial Revolution and Social Transformation in the 16th Century

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  1. Chapter 4: The Age of Religious Wars

  2. Commercial Revolution

  3. 16th century population increases by 20 million – up to 90 million Cities get larger, but greatest change is increased density in rural areas London /Paris 200,000 Antwerp/Lisbon 100,000

  4. Price Revolution Growth of population led demand for more food More land is cultivated which means more work and cost Both force prices up

  5. Towns and surrounding areas form an economic unit Agricultural products brought to town to sell Profits used to buy goods and services from craftsmen

  6. As trading areas got larger, and as trade become long distance it requires a change in business Can’t produce to order Must have inventory on hand

  7. This requires a capital outlay Most businesses do not have the money to do this Banking Houses are established

  8. Medici – Florence Fugger – lend to the Habsburgs and Portugal Rothschild – Frankfort London Paris Naples Jakob Fugger Meyer Rothchild

  9. Banks make loans to businesses, nobles, governments and Churches Banks want to profit from these transactions – interest Church calls this usury and says it is a sin

  10. Opens up an area for Jews Others see the profits and ignore the Church

  11. Domestic System/Putting Out Household or cottage industry Used widely until 18th century and IR

  12. Make product in homes Avoids restrictions of guilds Split between capital and labor

  13. Labor - those working in homes get a wage Capital - brought needed raw materials and moved to next step in production

  14. Some industries not town or cottage centered

  15. New and growing industries: Mining Printing-requires capital outlay for press Books have national and international market Ship Building

  16. Army supplies: Weapons, uniforms barracks All needed with growth of National armies


  18. Goal: build a strong and self-sufficient economy Gain an abundant gold and silver reserve

  19. Steps for a strong economy: • increase production-set poor, unemployed to work Poor Law 1601 • Give favors to merchants who provide work to the poor & sold goods abroad

  20. Favorable balance of trade -reduce imports to needed raw materials • Force other countries to make up the trade difference in bullion

  21. What government could do: • Allow monopolies • Reduce power of guilds • Poor Law • Navigation Acts • Introduce new industries • Treaties of Trade • Government sponsored companies-East India Co.


  23. Former feudal lords become the Aristocracy Some continue to have large income from lands Others find little income-go to army or government service

  24. Middle class or BOURGEOISIE Grows during 16th century Merchants, bankers, ship owners, lawyers, craftsmen Lower middle: shop keepers, inn keepers, less skilled workers

  25. Clergy drawn from all classes but large number from middle class

  26. Working Poor Majority of population Often illiterate Worked fields, tended livestock, fishermen, laborers Domestic service largest employer for women

  27. Differences between West & East Euro West East Commercial rev led Lords gain from rising to Middle Class prices-more power Commercial rev led feudal serfdom stays to some peasants strong-trapped on having burden of land manorial system lightened Peasants free to move

  28. EDUCATION Reformation forces serious effort to place effective priests and ministers in parishes Growth of business means a need for literate clerks

  29. Protestant theology with emphasis on personal salvation requires people to be able to read

  30. Major effort in England and France from 1580-1640 to set up secondary education Number of and participation in colleges also increases

  31. France: 92 colleges established between 1560 and 1650 England : Oxford-100 freshmen 1550 500 1630 Highest for next 200 years

  32. Charles V tries to hold Germany together in face of religious change

  33. Charles V abdicates in 1556 Leaves Austria, Bohemia and Hungary to brother Ferdinand, who become HRE

  34. Spain and its possessions are left to his son Philip

  35. Philip II of Spain

  36. Philip sees Spain as the leader of European Catholicism What’s good for Spain is good for the Church

  37. His wars are to advance Spain and the Habsburgs which Philip feels would also be good for the Church

  38. Rule of Philip is the height of Spanish culture Cervantes – Don Quixote

  39. El Greco Velazquez A View of Toledo Surrender of Breda

  40. First year of Philip’s reign also: *start of Elizabeth’s reign *Calvinist agitation in the Netherlands *boy kings in France

  41. Philip leads a Catholic offensive: • Send firm governor to Netherlands to put down political and religious dissidents • Puts down revolt in Spain of converted Muslims • Catholics in Northern England rise against Elizabeth

  42. Pope excommunicates Elizabeth, Catholic subjects can now revolt • 1571 attacks Turks for control of Mediterranean Sea • 1572 convinces leaders of France to eliminate the Huguenots-over 3000 killed during St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

  43. Revolt of the Netherlands 17 provinces under Habsburg rule Some Protestant, some Catholic Philip as Spanish king is seen as a foreigner

  44. Nobles ask Philip not to send Inquisition When request is refused a revolt breaks out Philip sends troops Arrests & executes 1000 Confiscates estates of nobles

  45. Unites all classes and religions Led by William of Orange William the Silent

  46. How can the Netherlands hope to hold out against Spain? Elizabeth sends secret aid to Netherland

  47. New governor-Prince of Parma- breaks up solid front of provinces Gets Catholic south on his side

  48. Northern provinces led by Holland and Zeeland form Union of Utrecht and declare independence

  49. Spain captures Antwerp Why is this a threat to England?

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