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Learn about types of piles, common problems in pile construction, types of pile testing methods, and detailed procedures for compression and tension pile load testing. Gain insights through case studies and understand the importance of ensuring pile performance.
BU3102Construction Technology Discuss testing of piles with case studies
Introduction There are mainly 2 types of piles • Displacement Piles • Replacement Piles
Problems in Pile Construction A specialist activity Problem reduces the performance of the piles Pile load tests to ensure the completed piles are adequately constructed to carry the designed load. If the load tests failed, expensive remedial works have to be done. Hence it is impt for the contractor to be aware of such problems and minimised them.
Problems in Pile Construction Driven Piles Design Concrete (cracks, handling, joints) Steel (driving conditions, stresses) Timber (brooming during driving) Installation pile driving (spalling, boulders, deviations) Associated Ground Movements Heave reduce bearing capacity
Problems in Pile Construction Bored Piles Excavation of Boreholes (Formation of cavities/overbreak, Base of Boreholes,Water in Boreholes) Concreting the piles (quality, placing, extracting casing, design of reinforcement)
Problems in Pile Construction Separation of pile shaft caused by extraction of casing The effect of a large water- filled cavity after extraction of casing
Types of Test Ultimate Load Test Test piles are tested to confirm design assumptions, and therefore tested to ultimate load. It provides an indication of settlement of a contract pile in isolation and under specified load conditions.
Types of Test Working Load Test This is a test load applied to a selected working pile to confirm that is suitable for the load specified and that it is in conformity with the contract requirements. The test load is normally stipulated to be some multiple of the design load, usually 150%.
Methods of pile testing • Compression Pile Load Test • Uplift Test • Lateral Pile load Test • Integrity Test
Compression Load Test Compression load test is carried out to assess the load carrying capacity of the pile. - It is carried out by simulating the loads - Method selected depends to some extent - on soil conditions - the size of the site - Number of piles to be tested - haulage costs for the kentledge
Uplift test Uplift or pull out test on piles is used to determine the negative skin friction of the soil. - critical where basement or underground construction is involved - can be made at a continuous rate of uplift (CRU), or an incremental loading basis (ML)
Lateral pile load test Lateral pile load test is to determine the behavior of piles under lateral loading which come from a variety of sources including wind, earthquakes, waves, and ship impacts.
Lateral pile load test A field test carried out to determine the lateral resistance of pile caps.
Integrity test Integrity testing is a tool in appraising quality of piling carried on site and would ideally reveal the nature and extent of all defects
Load test procedures Maintained Load Test This test is convenient for testing end-bearing piles and for determining the load/settlement characteristics in clay soils Constant Rate of Penetration Test The prime objective of the test is usually to determine the ultimate load capacity the loading is strain-controlled and a set rate of penetration of the pile load is specified Method of Equilibrium This procedure is primarily designed to determine the ultimate load capacity, although it also appears to provide reasonable settlement data
Compression load test Kentledge- usually comprises either concrete blocks or pig iron blocks Procedure: • The test load is applied by means of a hydraulic jack reacting against dead weights known as kentledge • incremental load method is employed for the testing of the piles • The load at each stage is maintained for a period of one to two hours until the settlement of the pile has substantially ceased or its rate has become negligible • The worker then proceeds to start jacking so as to increase load on pile • After the addition of the final increment (working load is reached), the test load is left on the pile for about two to three days before the load is released
Compression load test Tension Pile Reaction Systems- are almost invariably specially installed to provide reaction Procedure: • a sufficient number of reaction piles are inserted in the ground with the test pile at the centre • connect the piles using test beam(s) with the jack at the centre • Jack up the whole arrangement • Measure settlement of the test pile • Plot time-settlement curve and find out rate of decrease of movement
Tension Pile Reaction Systems One effect of too close spacing between test pile and reaction piles
Compression load test Ground Anchor Tension System- Use ground or rock anchors to provide uplift resistance Procedure: • install a sufficient number of anchor piles or suitable anchoring devices so as to provide adequate reactive capacity • test beam of sufficient size and strength is used to avoid excessive deflection under load • Anchor pile test is seldom applied in Singapore due to the popularity of Kentledge pile test
Ground Anchor Tension System Testing rig for compressive test on pile using cable anchors for reaction
Ground Anchor Tension System Example of a multiple ground anchor reaction for raking piles Pile load test set up with steel traps over test beam bolted to anchor piles
Ground Anchor Tension System Two test beams "doubled" with only two anchor piles Two test beams "crisscrossed" using four anchor piles
Methods of Settlement Measurement • Optical methods • Dial gauge extensometers • Stretched wire over a scale • Electrical methods
Load measurement Load Measurement is preferably carried out using a load cell, and several types are readily available. Commonly adopted load measuring devices are:
Load measurement Hydraulic load capsule Load columns
Load measurement Proving rings Load Cell
Integrity Testing There are basically 9 types of tests that are generally recognized as “integrity tests” and they are as follows: - Acoustic tests - Radiometric tests - Seismic (sonic echo) tests - Stress-wave tests - Dynamic response tests - Electrical tests - Excavation - Exploratory boring and drilling - Closed circuit television methods
Integrity Testing Acoustic tests
Integrity Testing Acoustic tests A display of results for acoustic test (Photograph courtesy of Testconsult Ltd., Lymm)
Integrity Testing Acoustic tests General arrangement of equipment for twin tube acoustic test (Diagram courtesy of Testconsult Ltd.)
Integrity Testing Seismic (Sonic echo) tests A synthetic pile and the reflectogram
Integrity Testing Seismic (Sonic echo) tests In the Sonic test, the top of the pile is hit with a plastic hammer and the reflected wave is recorded by suitable computerized equipment. From the resulting signal, or reflectogram, one can determine both length and continuity of the pile
Integrity Testing Seismic (Sonic echo) tests Schematic diagram for seismic (sonic echo) tests
Integrity Testing Seismic (sonic echo) tests .
Case Study: Kentledge Load Test • Location: Toa Payoh RC30 project Toa Payoh Lorong 2 • Working load test was conducted on 1 number of 1400mm diameter bored pile (Pile Ref: SLT 2 Blk 147 – G20/3)
Toa Payoh HDB RC30
Purpose : • To proof load the bored pile to 2 times the designed working load, • i.e. 1600 tons to verify the working load of bored piles • Working load = 800 tons
Pile head is prepared… • Cut and leveled • Receive a 50mm thick mild steel plate
Loading Blocks are delivered and stored on site prior to setting up
Kentledge blocks would be supported on a crib work comprising of I-beams
The whole crib is position such that its center of gravity is on the axis of the pile
Bearing pressure under the supporting cribs shall be such as to ensure stability of the kentledge stack Kentledge shall not be carried directly on the pile head