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Robins Term 4 Spring 2011

Physical Development We will be focusing our learning in these areas: Games: Choosing and using combinations of skills with confidence, accuracy and consistency; using tactics and following rules when planning for attack and defence; recognise weakness and suggest improvements.

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Robins Term 4 Spring 2011

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  1. Physical Development We will be focusing our learning in these areas: Games: Choosing and using combinations of skills with confidence, accuracy and consistency; using tactics and following rules when planning for attack and defence; recognise weakness and suggest improvements. Dance: Remembering, refining and repeating short dances with a sense of style and artistic intention; showing an awareness of musical structure, rhythm and mood; choosing and developing dance material; make suggestions for improvements in the work, using appropriate dance vocabulary. • Knowledge & Understanding of the World • In Science, we will be focusing on Changing Materials, including: • Mixtures and separation • Evaporation, dissolving and condensation • Material states and an investigation of particle size • A range of investigations testing how materials can be affected by different factors, developing particular skills e.g. fair testing, predictions, conclusions, making accurate observations, recording and reporting. • Reversible and non-reversible changes • In ICT we will be continuing to focus on exchanging and sharing information and E-Safety through Merlin and looking to develop our Merlin pages to support our learning in the classroom. • We will also be using ICT to support other areas of the curriculum e.g. our Myst topic creating leaflets and guides. • Communication, Literacy and Language • We will be continuing to develop our literacy skills across the curriculum. In preparation for SATs in May, we are revising the main text types through the world of Myst: • Discussion and arguments • Persuasion • Recounts and explanations • Instructions • Reports • Narratives • Diaries • MFL • We will be developing our conversational French, as well as our knowledge of numbers, colours, greetings, days and months • PSE Development • (Personal, Social and Emotional) • Our topic is ‘Good to be Me’. • We will be focusing on: • Accepting ourselves for who we are • Identifying and recognising feelings • What to do about worries • Standing up for what we think and making my own choices • How to be assertive • How to use calming down strategies • RE • We will be continuing to learn about Judaism, including: • Reflection on meaning of symbols, in particular the star of David • Asking important questions about religion and beliefs • Significance of Mezuzah and Purim • Identify impact of Jewish faith on a believer’s life Robins Term 4Spring 2011 • Mathematical development • We will be focusing on: • Shape and Space continued: rotating and reflecting shapes, 3D shapes and nets, drawing and measuring angles, recognising and explaining patterns • Measures: area and perimeter, metric units, conversions, time, length, reading scales, word problems Creative Development We will be continuing to develop creativity in all areas of the curriculum, including using ICT as a tool to use through everything we do. We will be starting mark-making based on Myst and using drama and dance to further explore this magical world

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