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Update on Mass Production Layering

Update on Mass Production Layering. Presented by Amy Bozek. A. Bozek, N. Alexander, G. Flint, D. Goodin, R. Petzoldt. at the HAPL Workshop at LLNL June 20-21, 2005. IFE Plant: target layering design concept. IFE Plant Design Basis : 6 Hz production 8 fluidized beds 65,000 targets/bed

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Update on Mass Production Layering

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  1. Update on Mass ProductionLayering Presented by Amy Bozek A. Bozek, N. Alexander, G. Flint, D. Goodin, R. Petzoldt at the HAPL Workshop at LLNL June 20-21, 2005

  2. IFE Plant: target layering design concept IFE Plant Design Basis: • 6 Hz production • 8 fluidized beds • 65,000 targets/bed • 8 hrs to fill/cool capsules • 13 hrs to layer • 3 hrs to unload Layering: • redistribution of DT uniformly inside shell • highly isothermal environment  cryogenic fluidized bed • T=450K for 1% wall, DT layer LLNL layered target Ref: R. Petzoldt calcs Alexander, 4/2003 100 ft operator 8 Fluidized beds Fill/Layer Station IFE Plant Preliminary Layout (Ref. Fusion Science & Tech. Vol. 43, 2003)

  3. IFE Plant: concept for target handoff to injector Mechanical handling • Reciprocating push rod every 0.2 sec (vertical injection) • Rotating disk through bed • Issues: • Target coating damage in rotary tray (gas jets…) • Allowable transfer times from layering to injection: Ø 320 mm Cryolayered targets in staging bed Reciprocating push rod Ron Petzoldt’s talk Rotary air bearing

  4. inject IR Demo: show feasibility of layering in fluidized bed with hydrogen isotopes • Surrogate testing done with neopentyl alcohol • On to hydrogen testing…. • Fill/Layer only • T-averaged isothermal environment (0.27 sec mean circulation time) After cold helium Ref: Alexander, Goodin, HAPL, 9/2003

  5. Beginning steps in the Demo Fill/Layer batch process 1. Load basket with 700 dry capsules  vacuum pump basket • Load basket into permeation cell  lock • Raise P to ~1,000 atm D2 @ room temp  fill • Cooldown to <20K  remove excess D2 • Open permeation cell permeation cell basket

  6. Final steps in the Demo Fill/Layer batch process arm extended 6. Transfer basket from permeation cell to fluidized bed using a manipulator basket manipulator arm retracted Target isolation • Seal bed, fluidize, and layer • Isolate target for characterization Fluidized bed basket

  7. Hardware progressing for H/D demonstration 3.05 m (10.0 ft) Mass Production Layering Experiment (MPLX) • Cryogenic circulator • Development work completed • 2 Sumitomo cryocoolers • MPLX vessels, piping, etc. • preparing for fabrication • Layering components • permeation cell • remote handling manipulator • fluidized bed • characterization Layering components 3.84 m (12.6 ft) Helium Circulator Heat Exchangers On Cryocoolers

  8. MPLX major components Helium Circulator In-house Permeation cell Cryocooler and its compressor (1 of 2) In-house LANL

  9. Demo proven hardware - plus new designs • Permeation cell • design complete and proven- used on D2TS, OMEGA • Manipulator • Fluidized bed • designed for fluidized or stationary bed operation • provisions for IR heat and alpha sources in helium loop • demonstrate time-averaged isothermal layering environment (target circulation time = 0.27 sec) • Characterization • shadowography as baseline • others possible…

  10. Demo: current status and near-term plans… • Major MPLX cryogenic components in-house • MPLX basic vacuum and process flow hardware starting fabrication - delivery February 2006 • Ongoing hardware development: • Fluidized bed seal (optimize seal mat’l/size/shape & drive) • Remote handled manipulator testing (actuation & gripper arm) • Additional characterization methods to be examined • Demo Objective: fill with hydrogen, layer, and characterize HAPL-sized capsules in a time-avg’d isothermal temperature environment

  11. Backup viewgraph • Backup slide - advanced handoff concept

  12. IFE Plant: advanced concept for target handoff Quadrupole Levitation • Ion beam to charge layered targets • Linear rail quadrupole levitator • Segmented rail electrodes w/ 3 transport field • Issues: • 1/2 atm to millitorr region • He-3 decay  charged targets • Test only with DT vertical quadrupole levitation and transport segmented rails ion beam gun optical tracker Ref: C.D. Hendricks, LLNL, 10/1981 C.D. Hendricks and W.L. Johnson, LLNL, 5/1979

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