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A reminder to consider others. Please turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only. Turn off sound to all electronic devices. Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy. Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early). The sermon focuses on Luke 17:20-37 and explores the present and future kingdom of God.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
A reminder to consider others Please: Turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only Turn off sound to all electronic devices Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early)
The Coming of the Kingdom of GodLuke 17:20-37 While on His way from Galilee to Jerusalem, Jesus continues His ministry of miracles and teaching
A Present Kingdom UnnoticedLuke 17:20-21 The question arose from the Pharisees’ theology and Jesus’ theme of preparing for the kingdom of heaven This was probably a challenge as to why Jesus had not yet brought about the visible kingdom of God
A Present Kingdom UnnoticedLuke 17:20-21 Eschatology is confusing and the disciples were also looking for the visible kingdom of God (Acts 1:6) Messiah will reign on David’s throne for a millennium - Isa. 9:6-7; 11:1-10, Amos 9:13-15; Rev. 20, etc.
A Present Kingdom UnnoticedLuke 17:20-21 Jesus’ answer refers to the prophecy of the suffering servant in Isaiah 53 Jesus had already demonstrated proof of being Messiah by His miracles and teaching - Luke 7:22 The physical kingdom was not near, but the spiritual kingdom was already present
A Future Kingdom Visible & DesiredLuke 17:22-25 Jesus turns His attention to teach His disciples what can be understood by the humble led by the Holy Spirit Jesus contrasts the present spiritual kingdom with the very noticeable physical kingdom to come
A Future Kingdom Visible & DesiredLuke 17:22-25 Verse 25 - this physical kingdom was future since Jesus had to first suffer and be rejected by that generation People will long for “the days of the Son of Man” because it will be a time of peace, abundance and justice
A Future Kingdom Visible & DesiredLuke 17:22-25 Jesus warned about being deceived by false claims for the future kingdom will not come unnoticed The arrival will come in a manner that will get your attention - like lightning that transverses the sky
A Future Kingdom Visible & DesiredLuke 17:22-25 This is passage is contrary to the allegorical interpretations of amillennialism If you are alive when Jesus returns, you will know it - though unbelieving man will try to explain it away
Conditions at His RevelationLuke 17:26-30 The days of Noah and Lot were extremely wicked - Genesis 6:5-6; 18:20; 19:1-26 Jesus points out the common activities of life and not the evil of those days
Conditions at His RevelationLuke 17:26-30 People lived with indifference to the preaching of Noah (2 Peter 2:5; Gen. 6:3) and actions of righteous Lot Judgment came upon them suddenly while they were living out normal lives and indifferent to God
Conditions at His RevelationLuke 17:26-30 The same conditions will be present when the Son of Man is revealed - those are conditions of our own time This passage affirms Jesus’ belief in the story of Noah & the flood and Lot & the destruction of Sodom
The Suddenness of His ComingLuke 17:31-36 Verse 31 may refer to Zechariah 14:5 - but the passage emphasizes single minded obedience to the Lord Whether on the housetop or field, do not return to the house to get possessions - just obey the Lord
The Suddenness of His ComingLuke 17:31-36 Verse 33 is the difference between Noah & the world and Lot & Sodom - obey God, not your own desires Pursuing materialism, hedonism or fame results in vanity (Ecclesiastes) and your soul being damned
The Suddenness of His ComingLuke 17:31-36 Living for Christ results in purpose in this life and eternity with God in heaven Verses 34-36 illustrate the sudden and unexpected return of Christ. Is the one taken one of God’s elect (Matt. 24:31) or the wicked (Matt. 13:41)?
The Suddenness of His ComingLuke 17:31-36 The flow and emphasis of the passage as sudden and unexpected best fits the rapture - 1 Thess. 4:13-18 The rapture is at the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel 9, and the second coming is at the end of it
The Suddenness of His ComingLuke 17:31-36 The New Testament epistles present Jesus’ return as imminent - it could happen at any time
The Place of His ComingLuke 17:37 Apparently a Jewish proverbial saying of universality (Job 39:30) The revelation of the Son of Man will be universal in scope and obvious followed by lots of corpses (Rev. 6)
Those who are not true Christians will be left to face the horrendous events or Revelation - a sobering reality The redeemed are saved from such wrath (1 Thess. 5:9) and will be with Jesus during the Tribulation period If your are not confident of salvation, get right with God today!
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ