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The main aim of energy efficiency provision in the NCC is to support the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) sustainability objective. If you are looking forward to constructing a building, you must know the updated NCC BCA Section J. <br>
What Changes NCC 2022 Introduced toSectionJ-EnergyEfficiencyin Class3to 9Buildings? TheNationalConstructionCode(NCC)2022updatedSectionJ-EnergyEfficiencyby introducingchangesinClass 3to 9buildingsandcommercialspaces.Thesecommercial buildingsinclude hotels, schools, offices, stores, parking, factories,etc. The main aim of energy efficiency provision in the NCC is to support the Australian Building CodesBoard(ABCB)sustainabilityobjective.Ifyouarelookingforwardtoconstructinga building,you must know the updated NCC BCASection J. Whilerecentchangesmainlyinvolvethe naming conventions of the sections, you need to understandthenewrequirementsthesesectionsbring.Inthisarticle,wehavediscussedtwo vital areas of NCC 2022 updates, i.e., electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the parking area andfeatures for generating and storing on-site renewable energy. ElectricVehicleChargingInfrastructureinCarParks Accordingtothecode,it’smandatory for the car parks associated with Class 2, 3, 5, 6, 7b, 8, or 9 buildingstohave dedicated electrical distribution boards for electric vehicle charging. Let’s learnabout the requirements in detail:
Distributionboardspecifications • TheupdatedNCC BCASectionJspecifies thateach carineach storeymustbe equippedwith dedicated electrical distributionboards. • It’smandatorytoclearlylabelthedistributionboardstoindicatetheirpurposeforEV chargingequipment. Chargingcontrolsystemandcircuitcapacities • Thecarparksmusthavedistributionboardswithachargingcontrolsystemtomanageand scheduleelectric vehicle charging according to the building’s total demand. • Futureexpansionandsub-circuitmetering • Thesize of distribution boards should be ideal enough to accommodate the electric vehiclechargers that will likely beinstalled in the coming years. • In addition, distribution boards must have sufficient space to accommodate individual sub-circuit electricity metering to monitor electricity usage from EV charging equipment accurately. FeaturesforGeneratingandStoringOn-SiteRenewable Energy • Another critical aspect that the updated NCC BCA Section J emphasised is the inclusion of features facilitating on-site renewable energy generation and storage installation. Let’s learn aboutthe requirements in detail: • Mainelectricalswitchboardspecifications • Thebuilding’s mainelectricalswitchboardmusthaveatleasttwoslots for an empty three-phasecircuit breakerand four DINrail spaceslabelled for particularpurposes. • Thelabelledspacesshouldbedesignatedforinstallingasolarphotovoltaic(PV)anda batterysystem. Roofareaallocationforsolarphotovoltaicpanels It’smandatorytoleaveaminimumof20%of the building’s roof areato install solar photovoltaic panelsto promote renewable energy generation.
However, the updated NCC BCA Section J report specifies exceptions for buildings with solar panelscovering at least 20% of the roof area. In addition, the buildings generating equivalent capacity of solar power generation elsewhere on-site, highly shaded roofs, roofs primarily used as car parks, roof gardens, terraces, or roof lights,or rooftops with an area notexceeding 55 m2, come under the exception. Tosumupitall The inclusion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and features for generating and storing on-site renewable energy will lead to a forward-thinking approach to sustainable construction practices. The updated NCC BCA Section J reportnot only helps promote a greener future but alsomeetstheincreasingdemandforenergy-efficientandenvironmentallyresponsible buildingsand commercial spaces. As a construction business owner or a professional architect, it’s your responsibility to help your clientsbuild a building according to Australia’s building code. Youcan do the same by updating yourself about the changes introduced by NCC 2022 in Section J-Energy Efficiency in Class 3 to 9 buildings and commercial spaces. Knowing about updatedNCC2022SectionJ-EnergyEfficiency requirementswillguideyoutoconstruct energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. ContactUs EcoCertificates Website :https://www.ecocertificates.com.au EmailID:info@ecocertificates.com.au Address: Suite G.03, 23 Ryde Road, Pymble NSW,Australia- 2073 PhoneNumber:+611300162436