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European Disability Statistics: Data Sources, Dissemination, and UN Convention Developments

This outline highlights the data sources, dissemination methods, and developments in European disability statistics, including the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It also presents recommendations for improving the collection and measurement of disability statistics in the EU.

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European Disability Statistics: Data Sources, Dissemination, and UN Convention Developments

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  1. European disability statisticsItem 4.2 of the agenda Lucian Agafitei Eurostat – F5 Working Group Public HealthStatistics

  2. Outline • Data sources: present and future • Dissemination of statistics on persons with disabilities • UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: last developments

  3. Current ESS sources on disability-related information • European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS) • European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) • Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) • Labour Force Survey ad hoc module on employment of disabled people (LFS AHM)

  4. European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS): a dedicated survey • Aim: measuring disability statistics as defined by the UNCRPD • Implementation in all EU MS (but IE and HR) + Iceland + Norway in 2012-2013 • Data dissemination: 2nd quarter of 2015 (around 40 datasets showing the prevalence, severity, need for assistance and life area where a barrier is encountered) • Concepts used: possibility to measure disability according to various definitions • Key output(s): detailed measure of disability

  5. EuropeanHealth Interview Survey (EHIS) • Aim: provide information on health status, health determinants and health care use • Periodicity: every 5 years • EHIS wave 2: 2014 • Data dissemination: 2016 • Concepts used: possibility to measure disability according to various definitions (some of them are limited to the population aged 65 and over) • Key output(s): functional limitations and link with detailed health variables (for some indicators data from both EHIS waves will be available)

  6. EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) • Aim:provide information on income, social inclusion and living conditions • Periodicity:annual • Data dissemination: 38 datasetsonline sinceOctober 2014 • Concepts used: limitation in usualactivitiesbecause of a healthproblem (GALI) • Key output(s): EU indicators of poverty and social exclusion, living conditions by activity limitation status, notably the Europe 2020 headline indicator

  7. Labour Force Survey, 2011 ad-hoc module • Aim: provide information on the participation of disabled people in the labour market and in education and training • Content: limited to 11 variables • Data dissemination: 34 datasets online since July 2014 • Concepts used: possibility to measure disability according to various definitions • Key output(s): EU indicators on employment and education & training by disability status, notably the Europe 2020 headline indicators

  8. ESS surveys and measures of disability

  9. Eurostat proposals for future and recent discussions • GALI as 'core' variable • Allow for breakdown of all key (EU2020) indicators • But drop LFS ad-hoc module • GALI in LFS every 2 years (DSS – September 2015) • SILC • Health module in SILC every 3 years: 4 functional limitations variables • 2017 ad-hoc module: GALI-like variable on children • Discontinue EHSIS but incorporate a disability module into EHIS(possible testing in EHIS wave 3)

  10. Dissemination of disability statistics

  11. Dissemination of disability statistics – data tree

  12. Online publication

  13. UN CRPD : last developments • Concluding observations made by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the initial report of the European Union (3rd September 2015): Concerns about the lack of consistent and comparable data on persons with disabilities in the European Union and the lack of human rights indicators

  14. UN CRPD: recommendations for the EU • To include disability-specific indicators in the Europe 2020 Strategy when pursuing the target on education • To take effective actions to measure the employment of persons with disabilities and to increase their employment rate in open labour market • To identify and put in place mechanisms to disaggregate data on disability to monitor the rights of persons with disabilities in European Union development programmes • To develop a human rights–based indicators system, as well as a comparable comprehensive data collection system, with data disaggregated by gender, age, rural/urban population and impairment type • To establish a monitoring and accountability framework for the implementation of European Union policies and programmes including the collection of disaggregated data on sex, disability and age

  15. UN CRPD: next EU report • 2nd and 3rd reports to be submitted no later than 23 January 2019, and to include therein information on the implementation of the concluding observations

  16. WG PHS is invited to: • Take note of the Eurostat activities for disseminating statistics on persons with disabilities • Take note of the recommendations made by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the initial report of the European Union as regards EU statistics

  17. Thank you

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